Monday, September 30, 2019
Peer review on leadership Essay
The journal article that was selected selected explored the possible influences of situational moderators on the effectiveness of Transformational Leadership. It is one of several articles found to be focused on this type of leadership and its relationship to employee motivation. By definition, transformation leadership involves the practice of altering the thoughts and attitudes of employees or subordinates to motivate them to perform beyond what is expected of them (Bass, 1985). The journal article â€Å"Follower Motive Patterns as Situational Moderators for Transformational Leadership Effectiveness†(Goodwin, Whittington, & Wofford, 2001) argued that the effects of transformational leadership outcomes could be determined by situational factors. Whereas other areas of leadership research had been explored on such situational aspects, the authors stated that there is a lack of research on situational determinants for Transformational leadership. To be specific, they identified subordinate motive factors such as growth need strength and need for autonomy as the independent factors for their study based on a brief but relevant literature review. They hypothesized that these two factors would have positive significant correlations with transformational leadership effectiveness. Their method consisted of having participants (managers and subordinates) from a U. S. government engineering services agency answer several scaled questionnaires. These included the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-5X (MLQ), a 5-point scale assessment of leader effectiveness, Job Description Index (JDI), growth need strength assessment scale developed by Hackman and Oldham (1974 in Goodwin, et al 2001) and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) by Edwards (1953 in Goodwin, et al 2001). The researches used multiple regression analyses and within-and-between analysis WABA) to generate the results of their study. The findings showed that when the growth need strength was high, groups of subordinates were assessed to be more effective by leaders who were rated as transformational. Similarly, leaders assessed as transformational appraised their groups as more effective when the need for autonomy was high. These results supported the authors’ hypothesis which led them to conclude that situational moderators such as individual motive patterns indeed have influence over the effectiveness of transformational leadership. The study was a significant contribution to the idea that transformational leadership could be integrated to other paradigms. While the study was limited to only two potential situational moderators, the researches gave strong indications that there could be other situational factors such as task, group, and organizational characteristics that could be examined in future research undertakings.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ann Fudge Mini Case Essay
1.Where would Ann Fudge be placed in each of the five factor model (FFM) categories? Ann Fudge was a very successful woman who was very enthusiastic about her job. She took pride in being original and was committed to her work. In the five-factor mode, Ann Fudge would be placed in three different categories such as openness to experience, agreeableness, and neuroticism. When talking about openness to experience, it is concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, assimilating new information, and open to new experiences. It describes a person’s personality. In the mini cases study Ann Fudge decided that after working 24 years in corporate America, she was going to take some time off to figure out her life and have some time to herself. During her time away from corporate America, Fudge traveled to different countries to visit and embark on some new experiences. People with this personality trait enjoy traveling to different countries, seeking new experiences through travel. Ann Fudge’s success was based on her ability to be strategic and being a big picture thinker; this denotes her high level of openness to experience. Ann Fudge had a great ability to get along well with others. From the case, it points out that Ann Fudge was equally comfortable with consumers at the ballpark, factory workers on a production line, and executives in the bored room. Ann fudge was approachable and easy to get a long with; she demonstrated this by being a charismatic leader who simply listened. These personality traits demonstrated agreeableness, which concerns how one gets a long with, as opposed to gets ahead of others. Fudge also demonstrated neuroticism, which deals with how people react to stress, change, failure, or personal criticism. People with these personality traits remain calm in pressure situations, and is able to handle personal criticism well. This was demonstrated when Fudge’s boss expressed how she was very comfortable with herself and she is not pretending to be some she’s not. Having this trait indicates that she can handle any constructive criticism and not take it personal. 2.Consider The Components of creative intelligence from Table Identify the key components that have affected Ann Fudge’s success. 3.Ann Fudge decided to take a sabbatical to focus on her personal life. Based on her experience, what are the benefits of such a break? What might be the drawbacks? When Ann Fudge took a sabbatical to focus on her life, she was able to accomplish many things. She wanted more out of life than to be defined only by her career. During her break one of the benefits that she was able to experience was traveling. Fudge enjoyed traveling to different countries such as Sardinia and Corsica. She was also able to enjoy different activities such as yoga. Another benefit that she experience while on her leave was becoming an author of a book she wrote called â€Å"The Artist’s Way at Work.†In my opinion, there were no drawbacks. She took the time to redefine herself as a person. When she came back she was more successful than ever. Fudge took the job at Y&R and worked hard to put the company back on top, and her hard work paid off at the end.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Good Readers Good Writers V Essay
â€Å"Good Readers and Good Writers†(from Lectures on Literature) Vladimir Nabokov (originally delivered in 1948) My course, among other things, is a kind of detective investigation of the mystery of literary structures. â€Å"How to be a Good Reader†or â€Å"Kindness to Authors†â€â€something of that sort might serve to provide a subtitle for these various discussions of various authors, for my plan is to deal lovingly, in loving and lingering detail, with several European Masterpieces. A hundred years ago, Flaubert in a letter to his mistress made the following remark: Commel’on serait savant si l’on connaissait bien seulement cinq a six livres: â€Å"What a scholar one might be if one knew well only some half a dozen books. †In reading, one should notice and fondle details. There is nothing wrong about the moonshine of generalization when it comes after the sunny trifles of the book have been lovingly collected. If one begins with a readymade generalization, one begins at the wrong end and travels away from the book before one has started to understand it. Nothing is more boring or more unfair to the author than starting to read, say, Madame Bovary, with the preconceived notion that it is a denunciation of the bourgeoisie. We should always remember that the work of art is invariably the creation of a new world, so that the first thing we should do is to study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new, having no obvious connection with the worlds we already know. When this new world has been closely studied, then and only then let us examine its links with other worlds, other branches of knowledge. Another question: Can we expect to glean information about places and times from a novel? Can anybody be so naive as to think he or she can learn anything about the past from those buxom best-sellers that are hawked around by book clubs under the heading of historical novels? But what about the masterpieces? Can we rely on Jane Austen’s picture of landowning England with baronets and landscaped grounds when all she knew was a clergyman’s parlor? And Bleak House, that fantastic romance within a fantastic London, can we call it a study of London a hundred years ago? Certainly not. And the same holds for other such novels in this series. The truth is that great novels are great fairy talesâ€â€and the novels in this series are supreme fairy tales. Time and space, the colors of the seasons, the movements of muscles and minds, all these are for writers of genius (as far as we can guess and I trust we guess right) not traditional notions which may be borrowed from the circulating library of public truths but a series of unique surprises which master artists have learned to express in their own unique way. To minor authors is left the ornamentation of the commonplace: these do not bother about any reinventing of the world; they merely try to squeeze the best they can out of a given order of things, out of traditional patterns of fiction. The various combinations these minor authors are able to produce within these set limits may be quite amusing in a mild ephemeral way because minor readers like to recognize their own ideas in a pleasing disguise. But the real writer, the fellow who sends planets spinning and models a man asleep and eagerly tampers with the sleeper’s rib, that kind of author has no given values at his disposal: he must create them himself. The art of writing is a very futile business if it does not imply first of all the art of seeing the world as the potentiality of fiction. The material of this world may be real enough (as far as reality goes) but does not exist at all as an accepted entirety: it is chaos, and to this chaos the author says â€Å"go! †allowing the world to flicker and to fuse. It is now recombined in its very atoms, not merely in its visible and superficial parts. The writer is the first man to mop it and to form the natural objects it contains. Those berries there are edible. That speckled creature that bolted across my path might be tamed. That lake between those trees will be called Lake Opal or, more artistically, Dishwater Lake. That mist is a mountainâ€â€and that mountain must be conquered. Up a trackless slope climbs the master artist, and at the top, on a windy ridge, whom do you think he meets? The panting and happy reader, and there they spontaneously embrace and are linked forever if the book lasts forever. One evening at a remote provincial college through which I happened to be jogging on a protracted lecture tour, I suggested a little quizâ€â€ten definitions of a reader, and from these ten the students had to choose four definitions that would combine to make a good reader. I have mislaid the list, but as far as I remember the definitions went something like this. Select four answers to the question what should a reader be to be a good reader: 1. The reader should belong to a book club. 2. The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine. 3. The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle. 4. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none. 5. The reader should have seen the book in a movie. 6. The reader should be a budding author. 7. The reader should have imagination. 8. The reader should have memory. 9. The reader should have a dictionary. 10. The reader should have some artistic sense. The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social-economic or historical angle. Of course, as you have guessed, the good reader is one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sense–which sense I propose to develop in myself and in others whenever I have the chance. Incidentally, I use the word reader very loosely. Curiously enough, one cannot read a book: one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader. And I shall tell you why. When we read a book for the first time the very process of laboriously moving our eyes from left to right, line after line, page after page, this complicated physical work upon the book, the very process of learning in terms of space and time what the book is about, this stands between us and artistic appreciation. When we look at a painting we do not have to move our eyes in a special way even if, as in a book, the picture contains elements of depth and development. The element of time does not really enter in a first contact with a painting. In reading a book, we must have time to acquaint ourselves with it. We have no physical organ (as we have the eye in regard to a painting) that takes in the whole picture and then can enjoy its details. But at a second, or third, or fourth reading we do, in a sense, behave towards a book as we do towards a painting. However, let us not confuse the physical eye, that monstrous masterpiece of evolution, with the mind, an even more monstrous achievement. A book, no matter what it isâ€â€a work of fiction or a work of science (the boundary line between the two is not as clear as is generally believed)â€â€a book of fiction appeals first of all to the mind. The mind, the brain, the top of the tingling spine, is, or should be, the only instrument used upon a book. Now, this being so, we should ponder the question how does the mind work when the sullen reader is confronted by the sunny book. First, the sullen mood melts away, and for better or worse the reader enters into the spirit of the game. The effort to begin a book, especially if it is praised by people whom the young reader secretly deems to be too old-fashioned or too serious, this effort is often difficult to make; but once it is made, rewards are various and abundant. Since the master artist used his imagination in creating his book, it is natural and fair that the consumer of a book should use his imagination too. There are, however, at least two varieties of imagination in the reader’s case. So let us see which one of the two is the right one to use in reading a book. First, there is the comparatively lowly kind which turns for support to the simple emotions and is of a definitely personal nature. (There are various subvarieties here, in this first section of emotional reading. ) A situation in a book is intensely felt because it reminds us of something that happened to us or to someone we know or knew. Or, again, a reader treasures a book mainly because it evokes a country, a landscape, a mode of living which he nostalgically recalls as part of his own past. Or, and this is the worst thing a reader can do, he identifies himself with a character in the book. This lowly variety is not the kind of imagination I would like readers to use. So what is the authentic instrument to be used by the reader? It is impersonal imagination and artistic delight. What should be established, I think, is an artistic harmonious balance between the reader’s mind and the author’s mind. We ought to remain a little aloof and take pleasure in this aloofness while at the same time we keenly enjoyâ€â€passionately enjoy, enjoy with tears and shiversâ€â€the inner weave of a given masterpiece. To be quite objective in these matters is of course impossible. Everything that is worthwhile is to some extent subjective. For instance, you sitting there may be merely my dream, and I may be your nightmare. But what I mean is that the reader must know when and where to curb his imagination and this he does by trying to get clear the specific world the author places at his disposal. We must see things and hear things, we must visualize the rooms, the clothes, the manners of an author’s people. The color of Fanny Price’s eyes in Mansfield Park and the furnishing of her cold little room are important. We all have different temperaments, and I can tell you right now that the best temperament for a reader to have, or to develop, is a combination of the artistic and the scientific one. The enthusiastic artist alone is apt to be too subjective in his attitude towards a book, and so a scientific coolness of judgment will temper the intuitive heat. If, however, a would-be reader is utterly devoid of passion and patienceâ€â€of an artist’s passion and a scientist’s patienceâ€â€he will hardly enjoy great literature. Literature was born not the day when a boy crying wolf, wolf came running out of the Neanderthal valley with a big gray wolf at his heels: literature was born on the day when a boy came crying wolf, wolf and there was no wolf behind him. That the poor little fellow because he lied too often was finally eaten up by a real beast is quite incidental. But here is what is important. Between the wolf in the tall grass and the wolf in the tall story there is a shimmering go-between. That go-between, that prism, is the art of literature. Literature is invention. Fiction is fiction. To call a story a true story is an insult to both art and truth. Every great writer is a great deceiver, but so is that arch-cheat Nature. Nature always deceives. From the simple deception of propagation to the prodigiously sophisticated illusion of protective colors in butterflies or birds, there is in Nature a marvelous system of spells and wiles. The writer of fiction only follows Nature’s lead. Going back for a moment to our wolf-crying woodland little woolly fellow, we may put it this way: the magic of art was in the shadow of the wolf that he deliberately invented, his dream of the wolf; then the story of his tricks made a good story. When he perished at last, the story told about him acquired a good lesson in the dark around the campfire. But he was the little magician. He was the inventor. There are three points of view from which a writer can be considered: he may be considered as a storyteller, as a teacher, and as an enchanter. A major writer combines these threeâ€â€storyteller, teacher, enchanterâ€â€but it is the enchanter in him that predominates and makes him a major writer. To the storyteller we turn for entertainment, for mental excitement of the simplest kind, for emotional participation, for the pleasure of traveling in some remote region in space or time. A slightly different though not necessarily higher mind looks for the teacher in the writer. Propagandist, moralist, prophetâ€â€this is the rising sequence. We may go to the teacher not only for moral education but also for direct knowledge, for simple facts. Alas, I have known people whose purpose in reading the French and Russian novelists was to learn something about life in gay Paree or in sad Russia. Finally, and above all, a great writer is always a great enchanter, and it is here that we come to the really exciting part when we try to grasp the individual magic of his genius and to study the style, the imagery, the pattern of his novels or poems. The three facets of the great writerâ€â€magic, story, lessonâ€â€are prone to blend in one impression of unified and unique radiance, since the magic of art may be present in the very bones of the story, in the very marrow of thought. There are masterpieces of dry, limpid, organized thought which provoke in us an artistic quiver quite as strongly as a novel like Mansfield Park does or as any rich flow of Dickensian sensual imagery. It seems to me that a good formula to test the quality of a novel is, in the long run, a merging of the precision of poetry and the intuition of science. In order to bask in that magic a wise reader reads the book of genius not with his heart, not so much with his brain, but with his spine. It is there that occurs the telltale tingle even though we must keep a little aloof, a little detached when reading. Then with a pleasure which is both sensual and intellectual we shall watch the artist build his castle of cards and watch the castle of cards become a castle of beautiful steel and glass. Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Philosophy of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philosophy of Nursing - Essay Example But then she must first learn to walk, and so when she runs she must run with patience. (Most people dont even try to walk.) But I would also say to all young ladies who are called to any particular vocation, qualify yourself for it as a man does for his work. Dont think you can undertake it otherwise.†(Nightingale,1869) We are all equals, doing our assigned task. But, we must not only do the task, we must do it well. In doing the task well, we must in the words of Madam Florence Nightingale â€Å"qualify yourself.††¦qualify ourselves. Nursing is most truly said to be a high calling, an honourable calling. But what does the honour lie in? In working hard during your training to learn and to do all things perfectly. The honour does not lie in putting on Nursing like your uniform. Honour lies in loving perfection, consistency, and in working hard for it: in being ready to work patiently: ready to say not "How clever I am!" but "I am not yet worthy; and I will live to deserve to be called a Trained Nurse.†(Nightingale, 1873) To qualify ourselves means to be prepared spiritually by determining if you are called to render assistance; mentally for the difficulties of learning, biologically for the rigors of training; emotionally, psychologically and socially to be able to love perfection, consistency and hard work. The paradigm of nursing consists of person, environment, health, and, nursing (Stark State College Nursing, 2001). To be able to determine the role and relationships that are embodied in the concept of nursing from my perspective, it would be best to react or give my input on the other concepts of nursing. Madam Nightingale in using the term â€Å"qualify yourself†meant preparing holistically – mentally, emotionally, biologically, psychologically and socially. All these facets make a person who he is. In order for one to develop
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Chinese Textile Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Chinese Textile Industry - Essay Example It is undeniable that EU maintains restrictions on textile imports through tariffs and quotas. Although such policies are designed to protect local textile producers, several partner counties are complaining. The most logical step that EU made was to forge agreements with different countries and drafted new stipulations on textile trade. Safeguarding its own textile producers is a priority for EU policy makers. On the other hand, EU has to maintain its trading relationships with its partners. These contradictions are hard to reconcile, but such has to be done to ensure that win-win solutions are achieved. Among partner countries, China is one of the most active exporters of textile. China, however, has experienced sudden decline in exported textile products to EU countries. EU has been strict especially with its trading relationship with China. Moreover, the restrictions have been defined to avoid misconceptions by any parties. Furthermore, additional agreements are being forged to ensure that policies are maintained. The research attempts to focus on four key areas. These are important sections that will contribute to the goals of the research. First, the study will provide an overview of the situation. In relation to this statement, the research will provide information that is critical to the research. Second, the study aims to determine the current trends relative to subject. Most of the data associated with the study are usually obtained from past studies and recent developments that are occurring between EU and China. Third, the research will analyse the available information gathered from different sources. The analysis will be in-depth and based on theories that govern the industry. Finally, the research will also tackle various policies that have been outlined and are being implemented in relation to textile trade. These are relevant agreements that will eventually define the relationship of the region and China including future trading. Overall, the study will zone in the actual control being implemented by EU on the China. 1.2. Project Structure The flow of the study will be based on traditional processes being used in other studies. An overview of the project will be provided, which includes various trends and theories. From the bigger perspective, the study will dissect every significant detail and linked with the subject. After the significant data has been presented, analysis will be manifested. The analysis will involve factual observations as referenced by previous studies. In addition, the analysis will point at several relevant perceptions. Aside from the analysis of trends, policies of trade restrictions will be discussed. The discussion will also focus on several agreements made and other understandings. It is critical to present such information to define the current relationship that EU and China. The study will present a recap summarising the different arguments raised and explanations provided. The structure of the study conforms to the method, which seeks for organized flow of discussion. 1.3. Methodology There are a plethora of data sources. Finding quality information is as challenging as analysing the gathered data. The researcher will start through general research, and subsequently will go through the task of identifying and analyzing information that has already been compiled and published in any form.
Creative Process Assignment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Creative Process Assignment - Article Example Ideas sometime needs inspiration forexample a personmay have a dream which gives them an idea. This idea has to be worked on immediately thus this person has to wake up in the middle of the night to right down these ideas lest they forget. Normal situations like taking a shower, watching a film or walking in the streets have a tendency of producing big ideas. In my own perspective everybody is creative if they decide to put their mind to it (Jaffe, 2003). Butif we look at the history of creativity which is the cornerstone of advertisements big ideas, we find out that the minds ability to be creative has been overshadowed(Griffin & Morrison, 2010). Creativity is a tough thing for most people yet it is very important in the contemporary society(Jaffe, 2003). Creativity is a process that seeps into the mind of the people. Everybody has their own creative process since each mind is unique thus ideas are born differently(Griffin & Morrison, 2010). I have my own creative process which I use to deliver my big ideas and I have to know my process just like an artist knows his tools. Novelty is my number one tool that I use before even starting the creative process(Griffin & Morrison, 2010). I do not necessarily have to have the idea at hand but if I have novelty I can always come up with new ideas which bring dynamism to the advertising world. My creative process involves four significant stages with the first stage being preparation(Griffin & Morrison, 2010). The preparation stage is where in my opinion makes the creative process tough. An example is when you see a person walking down the street you don’t look twice or remember him or her a few seconds after they have, passed. Why? Because it is ordinary, it is normal nothing stands out worth remembering(Jaffe, 2003). Now this same concept must be played in creativity in advertising. The preparation part means that I have to find out something new, something
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Learning Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Learning Theory - Essay Example Kolb. However in the recent years the ways of learning given by Kolb have been amended and put into different forms. This essay would further analyze the different ways of learning in the light of the basic tool of Kolb. According to David A. Kolb individuals learn through four different styles. The styles followed by individuals are in accordance to the behavior exhibited by the individual. These four learning techniques not only apply to objective instances but also to practical ones. It helps to decide and take decisions accordingly in businesses and while leading. The learning ways given by Kolb have changed through out to give a better understanding to the learners. These can be divided into Activist, Reflective, Theorist and Pragmatist. People who tend to work out their role through experimentation are included in the group of Activists. Individuals in this group tend to play an active function to attain knowledge and produce effective results in accordance. As experimentation is the basis of this group it makes the individuals change the whole scenario of a certain theme. It can be said to be a disadvantage if used in an environment where theories and structure play a role. The main key to this type of learning is getting influence from others and then taking an action accordingly. Similarly this learning style can be an advantage if used at a place where individuals are more goal oriented. This learning technique can be made stronger if facts are used instead of direct experimentation. One can think properly before carrying out a certain step and this can make this learning style a perfect one. Furthermore this style is only welcomed at places where experimentation is recommended. Team work is usually preferred i n this type of learning technique as it would help the individual to take influence from others and work accordingly. Another learning way as described by Kolb is Reflective. In this type of learning one does not act or implement his thinking in the way it should be. He rather thinks and observes all the things thoughtfully for a long time. Clearing up of ideas and concepts is the basic theme in this type of learning. One is discouraged from carrying on the experimentation stage rather he is diverted towards learning and balancing concepts. In this type of learning one can evaluate a situation from all possible angles and can know better how it should be implemented in practice. However mostly they do not tend to carry out the experiments related to the concepts learned and assessed. These individuals tend to work in groups and are more diverted towards the field of arts.The third way of learning is known to be Theorist which deals with the individuals who tend to gather out facts arrange it and conclude accordingly. These types of individuals do not take into account the emotions and reality but r ather base their conclusions on theories. The practicalities of different situations are not taken into account by this type of learning individuals. These individuals are more diverted to abstract thoughts and do not pay heed to human factor i.e. the emotional factor. Most of the individuals who belong to this category may not do well in instances where the techniques are to be related to the humans or to the feelings of these human beings. Most of the people belonging to this group are more indulged in the field of science. The fourth and the last way of learning i
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Journal about the text, Shame of the Nation, pages 1-37 Essay
Journal about the text, Shame of the Nation, pages 1-37 - Essay Example are major schools with nearly 99 percent of students being black or Hispanic. His claims are based on his visits to sixty different schools across eleven states. The chapter reveals that apart from racial segregation in urban community public schools, there is also a distinct culture of ensuring that non-white population is repeatedly reminded of their inferior status. The schools lack modern amenities and black children are forced to chant, ‘I can.. I have confidence that I can learn’ (34) thereby implying that do not have the abilities and they can only try. The schools subtly promote discrimination as children are not exposed to the whites on a regular basis. The peer pressure therefore often becomes the major element that dissuades them to compete on equal basis. The blacks seem to have no expectations from a society that still looks down on them. thus, Kozol’s distress is genuine when he says that it is the ‘most destructive and long lasting message a nation possibly could give its children’ (37). America is one the greatest democracy of the world which revels in its diversity. But Kozol has shown that racial discrimination is still prevalent and practiced under the guise of legal jargon. Education is the most important platform that facilitates empowerment of the people, It is especially important for people who have been marginalized for centuries and require the support of knowledge to improve not only their social and economic status but also for competing on intellectual basis with the mainstream population. But education would not be able to play its role if it is imparted within an environment of discrimination. Kozol has shown a distressing front of urban public schools who deliberately emphasize that blacks are not equal to white but have to work towards their betterment not equality. It is also very painful revelation that segregation in schools is open and is being practiced under federal
Monday, September 23, 2019
Different Aspects of E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Different Aspects of E-Business - Essay Example An 'e-shop' is merely a shop that uses electronic means of marketing. (Timmers, 2000) In this business potential customers would often ask the agent if they have a website and they sound disappointed when the agent replies in negative. There are some amazing websites developed by some real estate businesses and just looking at the site can convinces a customer of the power of the Internet. A successful e-business organization is the one that understands the requirement and meets the expectations of their customers. (Greengard, 2000) Not only do they have pictures of properties on sale, they also offer immediate quote service, online chat service with a staff member and also make suitable recommendations based on a person's needs. Real estate sector is not comprised of many big players. In most cases, this sector is run by small business owners- who have interest in the field and the resources to conduct marketing and sale of properties. It is precisely due to this that Internet offers greater benefits to the real estate business owners. It provides them with the much-needed exposure and opens marketing avenues for them so they can reach a sizeable population of home seekers. Potential customers find it easier to visit websites and check out various real estate services in the area and call the ones with the kind of properties they are seeking.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hospitality industry Essay Example for Free
Hospitality industry Essay I HAD the good fortune of being able to attend the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Events/Exhibitions Conference, or MICECON 2011, sponsored by the Department of Tourism (DOT) and by many hotels and resorts in The Queen City, Cebu just recently. I just found out that the next one will not be until 2013 since the Philippines is hosting PATA next year. Green and technology were the main themes of the conference which brought international speakers like Hitesh Mehta, a sustainable architect; Noor Ahmad Hamid of the ICCA ;Corbin Ball; Max Hitchins, the Hospitality Doctor; John Peacock of Associations Forum, Australia; Susan Cardenas of Inkaterra fame, among many others who talked about green, sustainability and the use of technology to make for more efficient MICE operations. It was a welcome sign of improvement in our local hospitality industry to see the following changes, albeit for the better: †¢ The conference did not use any Styrofoam. Water was served in reusable glasses; coffee was served in paper cups and you could use a permanent marker to write your name on the cup, so you could reuse it throughout the day. Radisson Blu gave out reusable water bottles in their trademark blue color. †¢ The conference served snacks on banana leaves on â€Å"nito†trays and during one Coffee Break, Bluewater resorts even used a nipa box lined with banana leaves that many speakers took home. †¢ The Shangri-La Mactan gave away Citronella candles in cute woven containers, as their theme was GLAMPING or Glam Camping and citronella candles sure come in handy to ward off insects in camp. †¢ The MICECON organizers led by Stanie Soriano gave away flash disks or usb sticks so you could download the presentations, rather than bringing home tons of paper or handouts. This was appropriate because of being both techie and green. †¢ The governor of Cebu gave away little banig bags with a souvenir â€Å"puso†keychain and a mini ukelele that Cebu is famous for. †¢ The Marco Polo gave away little baskets of dried fruit or mango tarts, rather than Swiss chocolates. †¢ I could feel the locavore fever running through everyone’s minds, when this event was planned. Even the speakers’ send off gifts were local Tablea Chocolates wrapped in a reusable buri box courtesy of ECHOstore (shameless plug). So, it can be done. Show the best of the country and the province, rather than buy something cheap from China or pick the usual corporate or conference giveaways. The presents were tastefully done and the meals well-prepared. The conference was very inspiring, to say the least. It gave me hope that we can plan events with a meager budget but come up with something original, environment-friendly and promote locavorism. As soon as our panel discussion on greening the industry was over, a lady approached me to seek help â€Å"to remove all plastic from her hotel.†I told her we would help find suppliers for her needs. Some attendees approached me to say they were now ready to â€Å"buy local and use local.†Our locavorism will differentiate us from other more modern Asian countries. If we use more local ingredients, use more local food and drink, we surely will stand out because we have our own unique flavors. In architecture, we also can now promote our â€Å"bahay kubo†(nipa hut) than compete with the latest glass and steel structure of Thailand or Singapore. Like the old saying goes: â€Å"If you don’t have the height, maybe you have the speed!†So let us not be disappointed or discouraged when we are compared with our Asian neighbors. Nature is in. Eco-friendly is in demand. Eco lodges are the newest craze in the hospitality industry. Even Bill Gates now stays in a â€Å"natural†resort in China, as mentioned by our speaker Hitesh Mehta. Who knows? Maybe we can claim the unique selling proposition that we have the best eco-friendly lodges and sustainable food and drink. After all, we do have banana leaves in abundance, we have organic rice and other organic foods because we cannot afford fertilizers and growth enhancers. Let us promote our being natural, eco-friendly and sustainable. Just like MICECON 2011 did. Kudos to The Tourism Promotion Board for a job well done. Chit Juan is an owner and co-founder of ECHOstore sustainable lifestyle at the Serendra and Podium malls. She also heads the Women’s Business Council of the Philippines ( and the Philippine Coffee Board Inc. ( She often speaks to the youth and corporate groups on Social Entrepreneurship, Women’s Empowerment through business and Sustainability. You can email her at [emailprotected] or follow her on
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Involvement Of Government In Community Sports Tourism Essay
The Involvement Of Government In Community Sports Tourism Essay Introduction: In this modern society, the development of sports has become one of the most significance aim for nations, especially for developing the professional sports and promoting participation of the mass sport. Governments establish the policies for promoting the development of sports in communities is good for the people health benefits and economic development. Therefore, the intervention of government into the community sports plays a critical role for the success of community sports. Background: Until late 1950s or early 1960s, numbers of countries have the purpose of government intervention in sport is to specific problems such as poor standards of health in urban areas (Houlihan, 1997). Nowadays, the purposes of the government intervention in sports have broadened, which is not just for providing people physical or psychological need, but also for the business purpose. Governments establish the public sport facilities in communities and urban in order to give more opportunities to participate in sports and develop the atmosphere of sports, in addition, the image of communities or urban will be improved apparently like small city Wimbledon as famous as tennis holding , and the international winter competitions in Innsbruck. In terms of economy, it can provide a lot of profits for nation, such as big events Olympic Games and World Cup, in addition to them, community sports can be a potential way to stimulate the development of economy as well, particular in the sport subcult ure, attract more people who come from foreign countries. Arguments for the reasons of government involvement: Having a famous community sport events, which enhance other industries development and such as tourism, hospitality, etc. In addition, the volunteer works play a critical role in the community sports competition, because they can help the operation of organization sports successfully. The development of elite sports can be connected to the community sports because it can cultivate ergastic talents from the community sport , which is good for the development of elite sports. Although communities sports have a promising prospect through the ways of government involvement, the negative aspects should not be ignored such as market fail, negative externalities and Tragedy of the Commons. In the social problems, the rates of crime might be increased. Hence, all of the negative aspects in the development of community sports that the governments have to overcome it. Benefits effects: Social benefits from community sports: People can get benefits from Participating in the community sports, which are the physical activity improving and health care reduction. In Australia, according to the data shows that people doing sports in communities can get health costs reduce $1.49 billion per year; and productivity gains by making the workforce healthier through increased physical activity could be as much as 1% of GDP (or $12 billion) per year. (Frontier Economics report, 2010). It can be seen that doing sports in communities that it is not only can get physical health, but also increasing the GDP. On the other hand, people can socialize with others during the competitions of community sports, in the meanwhile, the voluntary works can be enhanced by the opportunities of sports competition in the communities, which can develop the elite sports significantly. In Australia, government inputs the volunteers as value as almost $4 billion (Frontier Economics report, 2010). This is a worthwhile intervention by the Aus tralian government, because they can enhance the development of the elite sports and also reduce government spending. Therefore, governments play an important role to encourage people to engage in community sports, and increase the volunteer works. Positive externalities With the involvement of governments in community sport events, community sports have been strengthen, the holding of sport events can get benefits for host community, because the community sport is not just for the purposes of recreation and physical health, it has become common tool for local and regional economic development (Brien, 2007). There are several industries could be enhanced such as sport tourism industry, restaurants, hotels, nightspots and transportation facilities (Peter Tarlow, 2010). Sport tourism is most important industry, in Australia sport tourism might represent about 5% of the overall tourism market, equating to tourism expenditure of about $3 billion per annum (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000). government control the community sports development as the sport subculture is very important, because people to participate in the community sports is more likely to know the subculture of sports, and it is more attractive for foreigners. In Australia, sport occupies a central place within culture and identity, based on a long history of achievement across a wide range of sports (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000). Moreover, establish more infrastructures in community will enhance the development of tourism, because it is very important to retain tourists. In Australia, the Prime Minister, the Hon Kevin Rudd MP announced that 220 million funding for the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP) would be made available to build and modernize community facilities, including town halls, libraries, community centres, sports grounds and environmental infrastructure (Australian government, 2010). . Government involves in the community sport events and infrastructures have more changelings for the governments, because it decides other industries whether it develops rapidly or not. Sport policy in the community sports The development of community sports is not only for improving the regional the levels of regional and nation, also there is more meaningful that the relationship between countries can be improved due to the exchange between culture and sports. For example, in the early 1970s, in order to have a good thawing between East and West, USA sent a table-tennis to China, which is the first step to traditional diplomatic relations (Houlihan, 1991). Table-tennis can be a national identity of China, USA used the way of exchange between sport and culture in order to have sport culture exchange and promote the friendship between these two countries. Therefore, government strength the national identity started from the community sports, because they have basic level, and in order to have advancement for the development of nation identity. In Australian, the most representative sports are rugby, cricket and surfing, etc. government has support these sports increasingly in the communities. In Austra lian community sport policy also focus on children participation, which develops the grass roots sport, and encouraging all students to get healthy and physically active, which means it helps students combat obesity and preventable diseases later in life through the Australian Sport Commissions Active After-school Communities (Australia Sport Commission, 2010). Negative effects Negative externalities Government involve in community sports level has achieved a lot of positive outcomes. However, the negative outcomes in the community sport that governments have to overcome its. Having a good community sport will attract a large numbers of people to participate in, but it leads to environmental pollution raised. The governments have to solve this problem, because it can lose interesting among the spectators and participants. In addition, the hooligans and vandalism in community sport facilities are serious problems which result in public property loss, according to the Coffs Harbor City Council report that they started to strengthen measures to reduce vandalism in community sport facilities, and almost spent to the city more than $100,000 each year (Coffs Harbour City Council report, 2004). Hence, governments play an important role to reduce the vandalisms and hooligans. Naturally, increasing numbers of participants will attend because of the safety guarantee. With the development of community sports, increasing numbers of people participate in community sport because there are a lot of public sport facilities and services exist. As a result, the fitness industry will be threatened potentially, because fitness industry is beyond the budget for people who can get low incomes especially for the students, so have a good community sport facilities will give them more opportunities to do sports, even though the fitness industry has more professional guidance and facilities. Therefore, the government intervention in fitness industry is necessarily, and cultivates more talents for encouraging the development of fitness industry. In Canada, Fitness increased concern among physical educators and health lifestyle and the government supported $5million per annum to cultivate these kinds of talent (Houlihan, 1997). Tragedy of the Commons With the development of society, the use of land has become competitive because more and more companies and factories tend to use larger space to develop themselves, and also the land-ownership play an essential role for industry of real estate. It can be seen that increasing numbers of buildings have built for the business companies or government sectors. Therefore, establish more sport venues and sport infrastructures in public are not very easy, because the land area is limited. If establish in the country areas, it will lead to restrict the development of agriculture. Therefore, the development of community sports will be limited, because there is no much more space to do sports for people. Especially in China, the populations were increased rapidly during the last years, so the people who live in the city, the sport facilities in public is not enough due to the increasing of populations, naturally, the sport fields is not enough as well. Hence, the governments have to interventi on in space of community sport areas, which means give rights to broaden the space in sport areas, and more chances for people engaging in sports. Conclusion: Anyway, the governments involved in community sports for couple of reasons which include social benefits, positive and negative externalities, community sport promotion and Tragedy of the Commons for the community sports. So no matter what reasons are, that the governments intervene to the community sports for three main purposes which are people physical healthy, the development of nation economy and the elite sports. Specifically, the governments involvement is for encouraging and assisting the development of community sports. First of all, People doing community sport is not only reducing the health costs, but also having more opportunities to socialize. Secondly, to develop the volunteer works and community level sports are very important for the elite sports, because community sports is being a basic level, and there are many people who are cultivatable and promising for the elite sports. Volunteer works can be a construction of underpin for the elite sport levels. In terms of children health, governments encourage them to participate in community sports in order to reduce the diseases and obesity for them. In addition, Sport policy is good for promoting the nationals relationship such as sport and culture exchange between USA and China. Moreover, enhancing the development other industries take advantage of the opportunities of holding of the community sport events, like tourism and hospitalit y, etc. However, there are a lot of negative aspects in the community sports such as hooligans and vandalisms, environment pollution and Tragedy of the Commons, all of the negative aspects that governments have to cope with it as quickly as possible.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Business Plan for Restaurant in India
Business Plan for Restaurant in India THAKURS HAVELI is the name of my restaurant which is located at sector-34 in Chandigarh. This is a single unit, large size restaurant that serve or provide a healthy contemporary style food. . The location will be on 34 sec just outside the Chandigarh University and very close to a dense population of the target market. Location which is selected is first on rental basis. After that there is agreement of lease. After when the lease is signed there will be the 3 year of free rent for construction and in that particular course of time start up fund must be raised. After that work is complete Havel restaurant can open and then project can begin. Basically, restaurant infrastructure is a four-storey `building. The ground floor is a fast food junction where you will find Chinese, South-Indian, and American fast food, the first floor is for having lunch and dinner where you can seat with your family and enjoy wide variety of food, the second floor is for Beverages where you will find soft drinks, ice-creams and chocolates with the enjoyment of some games for kids and young ones and the third floor is for people who would like to have hard drinks such as whisky, rum, beer etc. Here you will find food of about 65 countries, new games to play and whiskies at it best. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As the name of our business is self explanatory that we are one of the best in the business of restaurant not only in Chandigarh but also in India. We have cook of world class that means we select cook from one of the best institution of hotel management so that our customers do not get upset after coming to our restaurant. Here, we provide food of about 65 nations i.e. nearly 1000 dishes either vegetarian or non-vegetarian and as we said earlier we having a bar at the top floor having all types of whiskies, rums, beer etc. COMPANY OWNERSHIP The owner of the company is Ujjwal Galleria, who will handle day-to-day operations of the plan and will work to ensure that this business venture is a success. He will be started this restaurant in 2011, at that time it consists of only single floor but in only 5years he will be grown his restaurant in such a way that able to compete with Indias one of the best restaurants. OBJECTIVES The primary objective of ours is to satisfy customers by our products and services. Therefore we offer a range of packages and services specifically tailored to the needs of each customer. KEYS TO SUCCESS Service our clients needs promptly and efficiently. Maintain excellent working relationships with our staffs such as Managers, Cook and other staffs. Maintain a professional image at all times. CURRENT SITUATION Now days, people are a bit foodies and want to try new and food of other nations too. This is reason why the restaurants becoming so popular in India. Another reason is that people of especially metropolitan cities have a very busy life especially the bachelors who are living away from their home and doing job on cites prefers to eat in restaurants than in their home. This is because they have very busy schedule and they got exhausted after doing job from morning to evening, thus prefers to eat in the restaurants. This scenario is also very common in families as most the family members are busy in their scheduled work in week days and as they got time they used to go to in restaurants to have dinner for a break. Due to this there were many restaurants are being opened in the cities and as a result of which there is so much competition among the restaurants. But despite all such competitions our Thakur Restaurant is able to lead this market in Chandigarh. The all credit is given to Mr. Ujjwal Guleria who made all this possible. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Several new and innovative technique of cooking is a part of the factor responsible for the growth of restaurants in India. Since the government of India has a policy of liberalization of India today is also a base on the market. According to the survey of the growth of restaurant industry in India is about 5.5%. Many people are also engaged in catering. According to recent survey that was created at the end of 2012, total restaurant in all parts of the world will offer employment to 34.7million people. The fact is the growth of the hospitality industry in India will directly lead to more fast food, because in todays world, young people prefer fast food, not just a fact that the growth of the restaurant is increasing every day. International restaurant opens branches in different parts of the city through the concept of free market and the process of liberization, creating foreign investment. Future of the restaurant is very bright in India. With an increase in the growth in demand from the industry also increased. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Our restaurant is a single unit, medium size and multiple restaurants that serve or provide a healthy contemporary style food. The restaurant will be located at 34 sec in Chandigarh. Our Mission I give my first preference toward to goal of the firm. I tried my best to achieve this goal. Development and Status This restaurant (Ujjwal Restaurant) was incorporated in October 2005. Mr. Ujjwal Galleria is the first responsibility is to the financial well being of the restaurant. The high level of understanding, attitude and self respect between our staff member and to the customer. The location is only 34 seconds outside Chandigarh University and near large populations of the target market. Location was chosen for the first time on rental basis. Then there is a lease. Once, when the lease is signed there will be three years free rent for the building and in particular, that over time you start the fund should be increased. After it is completed, Thakur restaurant can be opened and then the project can begin. Future Plan If my business is successfully meeting its projection with in 2 year .then after that I would like to created or start for a second location and start making a plan for next unit. Our 7 year goal is to have 5 restaurants in different part of India having a profit of between 10000000 to 20000000. OPERATIONAL AND PRODUCTION PLANS The following operational and production strategies that taken in the Thakur Restaurants. They are: Facilities and Offices This type of plan, I would say for equipment and office, where it is located. The restaurant covers 10,000 square meters, which is around in 34sec Punjab University Chandigarh. New equipment was used and the dining room has been decorated to attract customers. Employee Training and Education In this plan I never make any compromises. Training of all employees should be required. Employees are trained not only work, but also whole concept. There is a cook who wanted to give all the detailed information and also informed of the latest information in fording the industry. Food Production Food production is also an important point in production plan. I will make most food on the premises basis. Kitchen will be very clean and totally furnished. High standard equipment would be used. System Control In this a large amount of money spent in research the quality and integrity of our food. A person is hire who do all this type of research related to quality of food. All this food cost and stock are controlled by the management which is totally computerized basis. PRODUCTION PLAN The following are the Production plan of our restaurant. They are: Our restaurant will offer a large variety of food (Indian, Italian, and Spanish). It also includes a medium scale coffee shop inside it and having a bar at the top floor. Restaurant is divided into three parts Want open a fast food for those who want to eat fast food can sit in this section. Want open for meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) those who want to eat this kind of food can sit in this section only. Want open coffee shop and bar or just a room for discussion where people sit and talk with his friend or any one without disturbing other. MARKETING PLAN Our marketing plan is to establish a well-regarded brand name linked to a meaningful positioning. We will have to invest heavily in market to create a distinctive brand image projecting innovation, quality and value. We also measure awareness and response so we can adjust our market efforts if required. Market Need While preparing a market plan we should know the market need. That which type of market we want or need. There are two type of market need that ant to fill. They are: First one is that to make a market that produce good quality food, having cleanliness environment, with a cheap or low rate. Second one it that to take very few time for preparing the order. In modern life we face many problems in the restaurant. The first is that the food is fat and the other is that they take too much time preparing. So keep all this in view I would like a market offering good quality food in less time allows. I would like to add a coffee shop inside the restaurant to open. This is used for all but especially for those who just want coffee after dinner or lunch. Demographics This is used to tell that our business marketing plan focus on the following category: Student = this include the student of schools and different university situated near by age is from 18 to 20. Town worker = this include the worker or person working in a firm. Thus is the largest group. Age is from 35 to 55 Tourist = this is the person who just come with their family for enjoying. This makes good market for us. Age is from 40 to 69. Advertising After that I would like to spend on advertising. As this is only the medium by which we can make our sale or increase sale. If my business running significantly over our sale then it is not require to spent huge amount of fund in advertising. HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN Ujjwal Restaurant is a unique Human Resources Management restaurant that enables the process of acquiring talent, aligning them with organizations goals and leading the transformation, to help your organization take that leap in performance. From automating routine tasks, to generating strategic reports, to giving access to employee related information through self-service, Ujjwal Restaurant does it all. Our key Modules include Performance Management, Training Development, and recruitment, HR Workgroup and Report/Analytics, Payroll, Self-Service. As far human resources plan concerns it is just about how you manages your employees, thus, the management of employees in our business is as follows: In our restaurant, there are nearly 200 employees, including lower to higher level. As we have one Head Manager who manages all the employees in the restaurant so his salary is a bit higher than the any other employee. We have head in each of the branch of the restaurant such as in cooking department, fast food department, and beverage and games department and bar department. We select employees such as cook, managers, bar server etc. who are passed out from good institution and have at least 2 to 3 years of work experience. ASSESSMENT OF RISK The purpose of risk assessment is to identify hazards that could cause harm to the risks that may result from these dangers and take appropriate measures to eliminate or control risks. Significant findings of the risk assessment should be recorded if five or more persons. Risk assessment of cumulative event distribution and can be made when information was received from the contractor, other companies and freelancers working on the site. It will also need to see the site or sites of specific identified risks to visit. The followings are the main risks in the business if the restaurants: There are many competitors in north region such as McDonald, prà ªt fast food, residency, virtual this are the competitor in northern region. McDonald is the one the best competitor for our business. It is having a more than 6 franchisee in the northern region. They spend huge amount on advertising. They take the help of all medium such as radio, television, news paper. They also offering some discount after you make the bill of 400. The reason of risk is fluctuation in the share market. FINANCIAL PLAN Financial planning is a process of formulating objectives, evaluation of assets and resources, assessment of future financial needs and plan to revise the monetary targets. Many elements may be involved in financial planning including investments, asset allocation and risk management. Taxes, insurance and real estate are usually included. There is some important point which I kept in mind while making a financial plan. They are as follows: Growth rate will be moderate, and in smooth running. Sale would like to increase at a flow of 6% per year. 3. Company like to invest in financial plan and not in the. Company (expect it be necessary) Cost of good. Marketing Fees Marketing fees is generally for purchasing the material for production and convert them into finished product. This is also important one we should reserve some amount of fund for purchasing of raw material. Fixed and Variable Expense This fixed and variable expense is also required in our financial plan. As this expense is only determine by when we survey many restaurant after that we taking actual number from this restaurant which we survey. As by this we can know our fixed and variable expense.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Bok-What? Farming Gets a Face-Lift :: Essays Papers
Bok-What? Farming Gets a Face-Lift 1. New Jersey: home of the indelible and intelligent Jersey cow, whose milk is less forthcoming than her sister Holsteins around the country, but richer and creamier, nonetheless. Then there are the fields: acres and acres of Jersey corn stretching up towards the hot summer sun, basking in its glory, waiting patiently for the day when man will enter with his massive harvesting machines, collecting ear upon ear in a dizzying display of mechanized efficiency. And who could forget Farmer Hom, with his tiny plot of bok choy, growing sprightly on his tiny farm alongside small mustard greens and bitter melon (Taipei Times, 17 Nov. 2002)? Wait a minute. That doesn't seem right. What are mustard greens, bitter melon, and bok choy doing in the middle of New Jersey? 2. The answer lies in the current popularity of the vegetable itself: "an attractive vegetable with a mild, meaty heart and tender, darker green leaves . . . bok choy has become the vegetable of the moment" (Fabricant, 22 October 2001). Restaurants combining Asian seasoning to their dishes or employing fusion concepts have created a sudden demand for strange and exotic produce. Regular consumers, too, increasingly interested in more healthful foods, have begun to show interest in this Brassica vegetable's alleged cancer-fighting properties. There are some, like Farmer Hom in New Jersey, who have taken notice. Thus, they are abandoning traditional base commodity crops like corn or soybeans, and focusing, instead, on these newly emerging "niche" markets, growing or creating a specific product for specific people. 3. Niche farming is just one of many trends in agriculture that seeks to add value to a product by catering to the specific needs of the consumer directly -- such as restaurants or individuals, rather than large transnational corporations. It is a concept that is benefiting small farmers directly, those struggling to compete with large, highly capitalized agribusiness because it allows them to produce products the big guys can't: "the most successful farmers have turned away from traditional farming that produces what people need to niche markets based instead on what people want" (Quimby, 17 Nov. 2002). 4. Traditional farming practices follow an industrial model of production -- one based on specialization, mechanization, routinization, and economies of scale or size.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Imperialism Essay -- essays research papers
Imperialism was reborn in the West with the emergence of the modern nation-state and the age of exploration and discovery. It is to this modern type of empire building that the term imperialism is quite often restricted. Colonies were established not only in more or less sparsely inhabited places where there were few or no highly integrated native states (e.g., North America and Africa) but also in lands where ancient civilizations and states existed (e.g., India, Malaya, Indonesia, and the Inca lands of South America). The emigration of European settlers to people the Western Hemisphere and Africa, known as colonization , was marked by the same attitude of assumed superiority on the part of the newcomers toward the native populations that prevailed where the Europeans merely took over control without large-scale settlements. For centuries, numerous European powers have plundered & terrorised the non-European world treating with contempt the people of different skin colour, cultures, philosophies, religions, languages, way of life. The conquered nations had to give up their own culture, their religions, even their languages, and convert to our set of beliefs and values that we defined as â€Å"civilized†. Where they didn’t settle, the imperialists carved out colonies across the globe and plundered their natural resources using cheap native labour. Resource rich or strategically located areas were singled out for special attention. Along with this, strict segregation was enforced between the races by living conditions, wages and public services. No country or remotest island was left to develop to its own accord. The Colonial powers of Europe ruled with an iron fist as they slowly consumed the nations of the world. From the 15th to the 17th century, the Portuguese and the Dutch built â€Å"trading empires†in Africa and the East for the exploitation of the resources and commerce with lands already developed. The Spanish and Portuguese established important colonies in the New World in the 16th and 17th cents., hoping to exploit the mineral wealth of the lands they conquered. The British and French imperialists became the foremost exemplars of colonial settlement in Africa and the East. Acting on mercantilist principles (see mercantilism ), the European nations in the 18th cent. attempted to regulate the trade of their colonies in the interests of the mother count... ...der to lead them to a higher level of civilization and culture. Among the leading critics of imperialism at that time were the Marxists, who saw imperialism as the ultimate stage of capitalism and made much of the connection between imperialist rivalries and war. After World War I, anti-imperialist feeling grew rapidly throughout the world, sparked by the development of movements for national liberation within subject countries. Nevertheless the major colonialist powers, Great Britain, France, and others, held on to their colonies, while Fascist governments in Italy and Germany, as well as militarist opinion in Japan, fostered even more extreme imperialist aims. In the years since World War II, most of the countries once subject to Western control have achieved independence. Much of the contemporary debate centers on the issue of neo-imperialism. Many of the less developed countries contend that their economic development is largely controlled and seriously retarded by the developed countries, both through unfair trading practices and by a lack of controls over international business corporations. So to this day there is still a struggle of power between the strong and the weak.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Body Image in Society
Destiney McCraney Ms. Wills English 100 19 September 2012 Go Against the Grain Remodel your nose, show your chest, and bend over for the camera. This is basically the message society is sending to women today. If you conform to the world’s idea of what a woman should look like then you will be accepted. In the two articles â€Å"The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery†by Camille Paglia and â€Å"The Beauty Myth†by Naomi Wolf, the way women have responded to the message from society is discussed from both perspectives.Wolf is clearly against women's confinement to societal pressures. She reveals that there is a â€Å"secret underlie poisoning our freedom,†referring to the way women focus on appearance and fitting in (Wolf 10). Paglia's argument focuses on the extent of women using plastic surgery to become what they believe society wants them to be. She writes about the way women have made themselves their own â€Å"works of art,†taking plastic surgery t o higher levels in the industry. Wolf emphasizes the way women have changed their values over the years.She makes an emotional appeal by concluding that the â€Å"contemporary ravages†are â€Å"destroying women physically and depleting us psychologically†(Wolf 19). Over time, society has influenced women to confine themselves to what the world believes is beauty instead of embracing the power of being a woman and focusing on their place in the economy. The first image portrays a woman who is perfectly proportioned yet still uncomfortable with her body. The woman in the ad has her hands behind her back as if she’s nervous about people seeing her in the bikini she’s wearing.The light blue color of the background symbolizes renewal instead of the sadness that would be portrayed from a darker blue; losing weight creates a brighter future. The bend in her leg reveals her shyness as she looks towards the weight loss product, feeling like she has to use it in o rder to be confident. The fact that she isn’t comfortable after she has lost 25 pounds and is wearing a black bikini reveals the extremes that our society force us to go to in order to be accepted.If it isn’t one part of the body, it’s another. The phrase â€Å"jealous exes†is used to draw attention to the product giving a perspective on what women feel is important these days. Just by looking at this ad it is implied that most women want to make all their exes jealous, not become a CEO of a company. The ad as a whole, pin points how the world thinks women should want to look. Why 25 pounds and not 5? Why is she still uncomfortable? The pressure from society creates this never ending cycle of conformity to the ideal woman.It seems as though women today have shifted their attention to issues that shouldn’t matter. Many women are concerned with â€Å"physical appearance, bodies, faces, hair, clothes,†bringing attention to the relationship be tween â€Å"female liberation and female beauty. â€Å"(Wolf 9) The pressures of society have influenced women to believe they all need to resemble one another. The media always tends to focus on skinny models, light-skinned women, long-haired women, and tall women when they refer to the word â€Å"beauty. These are the types of women that are scarce in our society because everyone obviously isn’t born that way. Most of our society is filled with women who have curves, like the plus sized models of today, or who have darker skin compared to the famous models with fair complexions. The spotlight on the preferred image of women in society causes them to think they have to be just like that vision in order to be accepted. In the image I have chosen, there are two different women who both won a beauty contest in different areas of the world.One woman is skinny with long, blonde hair in her face, while the other has curves and dark, shorter hair out of her face. The woman with curves is more conservative with her outfit and her make-up. She is wearing a bikini, but covering her bottom with a wrap and her make-up is more natural. The skinny woman on the other hand is showing off her body in a bikini and her make-up is on heavier than the other woman’s. The women in our society today feel like they can’t achieve certain goals in life without being the world’s ideal women, but according to this image, it is possible.The plus sized woman in this image is a great example of an empowering figure for women in our society because she is confident with her body and makes the statement that it is okay to love you the way you were born. Who is to blame for women thinking they constantly need to change themselves to fit in? Why aren’t women comfortable with their bodies? When people like the media are repeatedly beating you up for being yourself you tend to change if you are not confident. The media exploits women through ads, magazines, a nd â€Å"pornography†and the women of today are allowing it to happen (Wolf 10).There are only a hand full of women who aren’t ashamed to go against the grain and be proud of who they are. In the photo of J-woww, the magazine is criticizing her for moving her leg a certain way causing her cellulite to show. She is wearing a pink bikini that shows off her tattoo and tanned skin. The magazine points out that she can’t cover up every flaw with tattoos and tanning oils implying that she is full of imperfections. In the eyes of many other people she has a nice body, but according to the media she needs work done. As long as she is comfortable with her body their opinion doesn’t matter right?Wrong. Many people look at this in a magazine and agree because society has taught us to judge one other the same way they judge us. In the words of Wolf, these obsessions are â€Å"poisoning our freedom,†women in earlier days worked hard and sacrificed for women t oday to have the power and money they have, but the way women today feel about themselves leaves them â€Å"worse off than our unliberated grandmothers†(Wolf 10). Society has conned women into focusing on beauty and acceptance instead of being empowered and useful in the economy.Women are usually projected as sex symbols that should always look a certain way. It is rare to see a woman in a movie or magazine with a professional outfit on that isn’t showing too much skin. A woman wearing a nice skirt with a blazer and a shirt buttoned all the way up is a great icon to other women because it shows how you don’t have to have your chest out and be exploited to be important. The image portraying a professional woman flexing her arms like a man would shows how women can have power without conforming to society’s expectations.The way her mouth is open gives the impression that she is excited to be in the position she is in, and comfortable with herself as a woma n. The workplace has more women in it now than it did years ago, and more women need to start taking advantage of this new opportunity. Over the years women have been influenced to confine themselves to the ideals of society. Women are constantly judged and criticized forcing them to change themselves when there was no need to. There are not many women who will stand up and go against what the world thinks, embrace the power of being as woman, and take heir rightful place in the economy. If there is going to be a change it has to start with the women not the men, the media, friends, or society as a whole. â€Å"If we are to free ourselves from the dead weight that has once been made out of femaleness, it is not ballots or lobbyists or placards that women will need first; it is a new way to see. (Wolf 19). Works Cited Paglia, Camille. â€Å"The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery. †Harper’s Bazaar (May 2005). Print Rpt in Convergences. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 20 09 Print Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. Print
Monday, September 16, 2019
Capitalism and United States Essay
There are many aspects of FDR’s New Deal that must be analyzed in order to determine if this collection of economic programs helped or hurt America’s effort in ending the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused both a decline in national moral and economic productivity unprecedented in United States history. The previously prestigious capitalistic economy was brought to its knees on Black Thursday in October of 1929. Roosevelt had taken office with the intent to quickly relieve a nation from Hoover’s â€Å"do-nothing approach†within his first 100 days as president. He knew he had to act fast in order to fulfill the demands of the people that could be, in part, credited because of their investments in the stock market with unstable funds. There was a rebellion in full swing. As recorded in A People’s History of the United States, â€Å"Desperate people were not waiting for the government to help them; they were helping themselves.†After the stock market crashed, the flaws in the capitalist system were more predominantly brought to surface. The system had been given a bad name among a growing socialist nation in times of desperation. To a socialist critic, the system could be depicted as unsound by nature; neglecting human needs in the pursuit of large corporate benefits. The New Deal was set in place to save capitalism from itself. In order to do this Roosevelt felt that passing a number of social programs would keep the market economy from, once again, self destructing. Through his efforts, Roosevelt had consequently formed class warfare. The faces of business leaders had become the faces of bloodthirsty, evil men which appealed largely to an American public looking for someone, something, or anything to blame for the pain they were going through. Finding that happy-medium between relieving the economic crisis of the American people and not giving the public something they could view as a government fall-back was something that the country had never had to deal with before on this large of a scale. Throughout Roosevelt’s implementation of his social programs concerns surfaced from conservative Americans. Roosevelt did not want welfare to be seen as â€Å"a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.†FDR’s New Deal, under a growingly socialist system, in ways got the country back on its feet and may have been the fix that America was looking for at the time. At the same time; however, it could have been the spark to the gradual lazy, entitled attitude that we experience today in the United States.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Compensation: Methods and Policies
CHAPTER 11- COMPENSATION: Methods and Policies Determination of Individual Pay: Manage must address to two questions in order to determine how employees are paid. First, how one employee is paid relative to another employee within the same company and performing the same job junction. Second, if the pay is different, then on what basis was this distinction determined-experience, skills, performance, seniority, higher performance, merit or some other basis. Organizations apply pay differentials to recognize employees’ different contribution to the organization, to communicate a changed emphasis on important job roles, skills, and knowledge, to emphasize the norms of the organization without having employees change jobs, that is promotion, to avoid violating the internal equity norms and to recognize market changes between jobs (page 328). Methods of Payments: 1)Flat Pay: Unionized firms normally implement the single flat rate of pay method by collective bargaining rather than differential rates of pay. These firms still recognize the differences between employees’ seniority and experience but choose not to recognize these variations when setting wage rates. 2) Payment for Time Worked: This is the most common way employees are paid in the form of wages (nonexempt and hourly paid) or salary (exempt and annually or monthly paid). Pays can be adjusted upward in 4 ways namely; general increase across the board, individual merit increase based on performance, cost of living adjustment (COLA) and seniority. 3) Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation. Based on international and global competitive, American businesses have now increasingly turned to variable pay plans as an attempt to link pay to performance and productivity to be competitive internationally. Pay methods can be flexible and can be built into the variable compensation plan by taking a total compensation approach which include the following three elements namely; base pay (serves as platform for variable pay), variable pay ( gainsharing, winsharing, lumpsum bonuses, individual flexible pay, etc) (page 330). Incentive compensation is a method of paying employees on the basis of their output either individually, to the work group or on an enterprisewide basis. 1) Merit Incentive is pay related to the individual performance. Traditional merit is pay from a higher base salary after the annual performance evaluation. 2) Individual Incentive: This is the oldest form of incentive plan where individuals are paid for units produced. The following forms are included under this method; piecework, production bonus and commission. Piece work can be straight piece work (sawing mill) or standard-hour plan (mechanic shop). Production bonus refers to employee hourly rate plus a bonus when the employee exceeds the standards (page332). Commission is based on the percentage of sales in units or dollars. 3) Team Incentive: This includes the entire groups’ incentive used to build the team culture. 4) Organizational Incentive: Reward based from shared profits generated by the employees’ efforts or money saved from the employees efforts to reduce cost (page 346). 5) Garnishing Incentive: These are â€Å"companywide group incentive plans that unite employees to improve organizational effectiveness through a financial formula for distributing organizationwide gains†(page 356. )
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Labrouste and Ledoux
Henri Labrouste and Claude Ledoux were French architects during the 18th and 19th centuries and are pioneers of modern architecture. Henri Labrouste was born in 1801 and was the product of the renowned Ecole des Beaux Arts School of Architecture. He believed that architecture should reflect society, and his work reflects the rationalism and technical aspects of industrial society. His work also embodies the ideals of writer Victor Hugo, who believed that architecture is a form of communication, like literature, and that in the beginning phases of construction it expressed the generalization of society and social commonalities. Claude Ledoux was born in 1736 and was one of the earliest exponents of neoclassical architecture. He gained architectural relevance after marrying the daughter of someone who worked for the royal court and was offered a job for the courts Water and Forestry Department. He was considered a utopian architect and had some very modern ideas about industrial production, urban planning, and territorial intelligence. Henri Labrouste was one of the first architects to master using iron structure in an aesthetically pleasing way. Iron had already been used in structures like train stations, but never in a formal interior environment, as in a library. One example of his skillful use of iron is in the library, Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve, where he incorporated past masonry construction practices with iron. He kept the huge arches of past churches, but instead of using heavy stones he used iron trusses for support. With this new design, the exterior walls no longer had to hold all of the forces from the arches, and the iron supports could simply rest on top of the walls. The walls were also modified with the use of iron by essentially applying reinforcement bars encased with plaster to make thinner walls, that had just as much strength as previous thicker walls. Since the new iron arches are so strong, Labrouste was able to take pieces out to create a design and pattern out of the support itself. Even the connections between the arch and columns or walls were made to look decorative and light while keeping a strong connection, which he also did in Bibliotheque Imperiale, but with domes rather than barrel vaults. In another one of his libraries, he Bibliotheque Nationale de France, he once again used massive arches and domes of antiquity, but manages to make the dome look very light by inserting oculi and supporting it by thin, reinforced columns. The dome is made from plaster, but has a web of steel to allow for it to be thinner and to support the massive openings that are covered in glass. Unlike Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve, he hides almost all of t he steel structure so that it looks like a feat of engineering and design to have such a large dome that is so thin and supported by such thin columns. Labrouste was on the forefront of integrating new technology with past materials and design concepts. Rather than using new materials like Labrouste, Claude Ledoux used new ideas to establish a new architectural language. He designed many tollhouses around the walls of Paris through his connection to the royal court. Many of them resembled Greek and Roman temples but had new elements that gave them a modern look. He travelled to England in 1769 and became very familiar with Palladio and since then usually used a cubic style with a broken portico that allowed any structure to look important. He built several homes during his time in England, including the King’s mistress, who became a good connection for Ledoux in later years. In his work, Barriere des Bons-Hommes, he simplifies architecture down to its purest form by essentially placing a large cube on stilts, much like later architect Le Corbusier did in his Villa Savoye. One of Ledoux’s most notable works was the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans where he explored the concept of an ideal community. He located the community near a forest, rather than a source of salt water because it would be more efficient to transport water than wood for the furnaces. It was constructed in 1775 and was intended to be a multi-phase project, but after 1778 construction stopped with only the first phase complete. The design still functioned as intended with a central building for the controllers that was between the two furnaces and had a view of all of the housing. All of the buildings would act independent from one another but were still placed in a logical order to allow for maximum efficiency, such as the placement of the blacksmiths near the furnaces. The perfectly circular design was also intended to evoke the harmony of the ideal city. Ledoux was one of the first architects to design such thought out communities and maximize efficiency through the use of architecture and explore the concept of a self-sustaining utopian society. As he put, â€Å"unfortunate is the one who fails to see in reality what he is being made to see, who is unable to imagine,†showing how ahead of his time he was with his concept of designing ideal societies. Claude Ledoux and Henri Labrouste were two of the most important neoclassical architects because of their innovative thoughts and designs. Labrouste successfully experimented with the use of iron to innovate his designs and change the way buildings were built forever. Through the simplification of design and studying of geometries, Ledoux pioneered the concept of utopian communities and maximizing resources and efficiency. Ledoux and Labrouste were at the forefront of modernity and their concept of design are still used and perfected to this day.
Friday, September 13, 2019
NEW YORK STATE CONSTITUTIONAL RATIFICATION CONVENTION DEBATE - Essay Example I also believe that we, as proud citizens, must take pride in our inheritance of forging unity in diversity and ratification of the constitution would facilitate the platform where all American would be treated with equality. The colonial rulers exploited the local people and the local resources for their own and their country’s interests. Oppression and total disregard for the welfare of the locals were the dominant features of the colonial rulers. The freedom from the colonial rulers is therefore, a vital consideration to promote a united front so that no external power can ever exploit our people or its resources. Law, as we know is an important part of social construction and provides its people with the security from within and outside harm of any kind. The ratification of the constitution is therefore essential for the security of our people. I must also assert that the constitution encourages the people’s desire to restore their dignity through creation of channels for development and establishment of a government that would work for the cause of common man. Hence, ratification of the constitution must become the key factor in looking at the welfare of the people at large. The constitution would empower the citizens of America, with the legal rights to live with dignity and ensure every citizen with the security umbrella from the external threat. The ratification of the constitutions would help establish uniform democratic process. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, racial discrimination was rampant and the whites maintained a racial divide within the society through deliberate use of powerful lobby of the whites and financial advantages that they enjoyed over their less privileged counterparts. Slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln when he issued ‘Emancipation Proclamation’ of slaves that
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Relationship between body image and self-esteem among adolescent girls Essay
Relationship between body image and self-esteem among adolescent girls - Essay Example This paper illustrates that lower levels of self-esteem and poor body image are clearly documented in the general literature as the significant cause of the concern among many adolescent girls. The first area of the review outlines the impact and emotional development of body image and self-esteem. The chapter then goes ahead to outline the immediate influence of family followed by an analysis of how the peers and the media impact self-esteem as well as body image. Importance of the article: Having a distorted body image among girls who are at the adolescent age have been linked to the advancement of dysfunctional eating pattern and disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa, Binge eating disorder or even Bulimia Nervosa. The self-esteem is so important factor; based on the research which shows that it is directly related to one’s personal image and how adolescent girls perceive themselves. It is quite clear and very necessary to know that, self-esteem corresponds with the emotional a s well, as the physical development, can directly affect an adolescent girl in either a positive or a negative way. Purpose of the study: The main purpose of the literature review is to determine whether a relationship exists between self-esteem and body image among adolescent girls. The self-esteem should never below for anyone who wishes to accept his or her self-personality, thus the study focuses on al the aspect which is deemed necessary for overcoming the challenge imposed by lack of this self-esteem and image. Procedures and steps: The study was based on the systematic approach, whereby different respondent was interviewed using both orally and written questioners, this facilitated the acquisition of information so efficiently and giving most accurate data that would be relayed upon in assessing the situation on the ground. Once the data was collected, it was critically analyzed to come up with the conclusion as well as the relevant recommendations. Important information is g iven more emphasis and much weight so as to avoid biases in coming up with the conclusion as well as the recommendation which shall be relied upon by the readers of the article. Participants: Considering the research conducted in schools as well as other social places, revealed a clear picture of how these two elements are affecting many teenagers both in their social and ordinary way of life. The study was conducted based on a random sampling to analyze the different perspectives as well as opinions that all these groups of personalities. As the estimate of 60% of the population visited was analyzed to determine the information necessary f r the research. For instance, the survey conducted Association of University Women showed that only 29% of the girls who were served did express self-satisfaction, while more than half of the boys did feel so good about themselves.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Renting Is Better than Buying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Renting Is Better than Buying - Essay Example Renting an apartment remains quite economical as compared to buying one. With the passage of time, renting proves to be cheaper than buying an apartment. It is always advisable to make a cost-benefit analysis while deciding whether to buy or rent a home (Vij). Where renting a house costs an individual as much as $500 on the average, the same house may cost an individual between $1000 and $2000 per month in the form of mortgage that further gets factored to accommodate tax and insurance. Also, in the recent years, â€Å"rents have barely budged while house prices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and elsewhere have doubled, renting has become a surprisingly smart option for many people who never would have considered it before†(Leonhardt). Whenever an individual has enough money to invest, it is advisable to estimate the difference of the mortgage payment and the rent, and invest that sum into the stock market. Benefits of renting: Acquiring the loan for constructing a house is quite a lengthy and tiresome process. An individual is supposed to possess excellent credit and a considerable sum for making down payment. Good interest rate cannot be gained without a good investment sum. Buying a home requires an individual to owe the lender money for many years that follow. Renting the house provides the individual with the leverage to pay as long as he/she lives in it, and later decide as per convenience. When an individual owns a home, he/she essentially becomes responsible for all matters that concern the accommodation’s maintenance and appropriate functionality. ... When the sewer line in house damages, it is the owner’s responsibility to fix it and bear all expenses. The plumber may need to dig up the earth in order to change the existing pipe or lay out a new one. Such activities consume a lot of money, which the owners have to pay. In comparison to that, people living on rent do not have to bear the additional expenses of maintenance and fixation. If something becomes faulty in a rented apartment, the renter makes a call to the owner to get that fixed, without having to pay for the job. Likewise, a person on rent does not have to pay for the maintenance of lawn or other areas of the house. The renter only has to compensate for the damages that have been caused by him/her. Renting a house does not require the renter to have insurance because of lack of ownership. All a renter is required to have at maximum is the â€Å"renter insurance†as it makes it cheaper for the renter. Taking all these factors into consideration, a working class employed person enjoys far more benefits in renting as compared to buying a house. An analysis in light of economic recession: In the contemporary age of economic recession, a lot of owners are selling their homes in order to meet their daily living expenses. The widespread economic recession has caused a lot of business entrepreneurs to downsize their workforce in order to minimize the overhead charges and maximize the profits. Renting proves to be the most convenient and flexible option for such employees, whose jobs are endangered and who can be fired any time by their employers. Such people want the facility to shift anywhere anytime as per the need of the employment. However, it is always advisable to acquire a short term lease in order to escape
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Balancing Stakeholders Interests In Case Of A Conflict Essay - 2
Balancing Stakeholders Interests In Case Of A Conflict - Essay Example The CAW accepted a wage freeze that would last three years approximately. Vacations would have to go for lesser time and employees would have to contribute higher towards their benefit plans. From the abstract what is clear is that the bailout necessitated that employees do most of the heavy lifting. Suffering wage cuts, taking shorter vacations while the owners who happen to also be external stakeholders do not seem to suffer that much. How then can the interest of employees and shareholders be balanced in case a conflict arises? To answer this question I will use Edward Freeman’s stakeholder’s theory to delve in depth into this issue pitting both moral responsibilities and profit maximization objectives of the business unit. Stakeholder hypothesis is a theory of executive management and trade ethics that deals with principles and values in running an organization. In the conventional view of the firm, the investor view, they are the proprietors of the company and the corporation has a compulsory duty to put their needs first, to boost value for them. Stakeholder conjecture fights that there are added parties involved, including workers, clientele, providers, investors, society, legislative bodies, political lobby groups, trade links, and unions. Even rivals are sometimes counted as stakeholders - their position being consequent from their aptitude to affect the company and its stakeholders. The nature of what is a stakeholder is extremely contested The stakeholder view of policy integrates equally a resource and a market-based view and adding up a socio-political stage. This outlook of the corporation is used to describe the precise stakeholders of a firm (the normative presumption (Donaldson) of stakeholder identification) mutually examines the conditions beneath which these parties ought to be treated as stakeholders.
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