Saturday, August 31, 2019
How Is Degradation Effecting South East Asia Environmental Sciences Essay
IntroductionBing a tropical part, bulk of Southeast Asia ‘s member states are rich in biodiversity. Southeast Asia in general is one of the countries in the Earth that holds most of the resources. However, the rich biodiversity of the country did non vouch economic stableness ( although the part experienced economic growing in the recent decennaries ) . Apparently, it is an country which is comprised chiefly by developing states and states with flourishing population. Further, the rate of population growing in the part is comparatively high, and it ranked among the fastest turning topographic point in the universe. Hand in manus with this, is the rapid urbanisation that is taking topographic point in assorted states of the Southeast Asia. Presently the population of Southeast Asia makes the 8.7 per cent of the entire universe population, nevertheless its land district merely comprised of about 3 per cent of the whole land country of the universe. These two variables are distributed at different proportions among the states comprises Southeast Asia, and Indonesia embraces the largest part land district in the part at the same clip it is considered the biggest archipelago in universe. Therefore, it has the largest figure of human species in Southeast Asia, and fundamentally ranked 5th among the states of the universe with the highest figure of population. Furthermore, because of its archipelagic characteristic, Indonesia is bestowed with singular biodiversity both in land and marine countries[ 1 ]. The natural resources have been an of import participant to the economic development of Indonesia. However, the arresting biological wealth of state is invariably confronting sedate menace. Being situated at the Pacific Ring of Fire, it faces assorted black activities related to the motion of the Earth which threaten the being of some species in the country, but aside from this natural menace, a more terrible signifier of menace that is continuously being experienced by the country comes from human activities which led to a great magnitude of devastation natural resources in Indonesia. Too frequently, development plans of the states are made with small respects to the environment and its possible impacts and changes to the ecosystem ( Partha ; 2002 ) .. The mere ballooning of the human population is another challenge to both the economic system and the environment. With the rapid population growing of the state and altering regulations in the resource instabilities occur. And there is no better illustration of the instability that occurs between the economic system and the environment than clime alteration.[ 2 ]This merchandise of environmental debasement due to human activities desire for development resulted to extreme inundations, drouths and typhoons, which straight or indirectly affects the state ‘s economic system ( Tasaka ; 1992 ) and its people. At this point we are all cognizant that Indonesia is the top state in Southeast Asia when it comes to natural resources and biodiversity ; nevertheless it is besides the state that has the highest rate of environmental loss. In this respect this paper will show the initial reply to the undermentioned inquiries: What are the effects of environmental debasement particularly climate alteration in Indonesia? What are top beginnings of environmental debasement in the said country, and to what extent does it impact the socio-economic state of affairs of the people and the state in general? What is the current position of the environmental debasement and clime alteration in Indonesia, and how does the job of environmental impairment being addressed by the province?Different Faces of Environmental DegradationThe high quality in resources of the state, like what is mentioned above, is based on its rich environmental diverseness. However, this profusion is easy stealing off due to the environmental debasement. Therefore, twelvemonth by twelvemonth the gait of environmental debasement becomes faster than the old old ages. Long-run development of assorted resources put excessively much toll on the environment. The end for development normally clashes with the environmental rule, and this is non a state of affairs endemic in Indonesia, about all underdeveloped states is confronting the same quandary. Export Pollution During the earlier decennaries, among the several identified causes of the weakening of natural resources or environment in general is â€Å" Pollution Export †. This pollution export was introduced to the part by Nipponese industries. Two decennaries after the World War II, Nipponese industrialisation took off. This advancement nevertheless is anchored at the Swift development of heavy and chemical industry and most of their physical constructions were built in intensely populated locations. The locations of these construction triggered bitterness from the locals. Huge protest started to put in gesture in order to eliminate the constructions which protestors and civil societies claimed to hold a destructive consequence non merely to the environment but to the nearby population ( Hall, 2002 ) . In the coming of 1970 ‘s, people ‘s consciousness and concerns were heightened. Many of the local groups pressured the authorities to turn to the issue on local pollution being produced by chemical industries by taking into consideration resettlement countries of the mills both domestic and international sites. As a response of the province, industries were transferred to prefectures and some where even moved to other provinces, and Southeast Asiatic states were the 1s seen as promising locale for resettlement ( Lucas ; 1992 ) . The transportation of industries to the developing states had been easy because leaders of these states took the state of affairs as an chance for development without taking into consideration the effects to the environment. Due to this, the fact that these industries were evicted from their original locations because of the anthropogenetic pollution that it created and its negative impact to the environment were overlooked, if non deliberately neglected. With the transportation of these industries, pollution was besides transferred to the new site. One of the industries relocated in Southeast Asia, peculiarly in Malaysia and Indonesia is the International Tree Plantation ( ITP ) . This is a big graduated table plantation is consist of one assortment of works that is in demand for export. ITP vary from oil thenar plantation, pulpwood plantation, timber plantation and others. In the countries of Malaysia and Indonesia, it is either Pulpwood or Palm oil plantation that is present. Although, ITP sometimes is perceived as non destructive as compared to other signifiers of resettled industries, it still has a negative consequence on the environment. All these plantations are monoculture that tries to replace natural ecosystems which can take to negative effects on the environment and the society. Take for case the eucalyptus plantation in Indonesia, wherein it causes the lessening in H2O production and the supplanting of autochthonal people shacking in the country that was cleared for plantation. These industries are merely taking to bring forth and sell ( Lohmann ; 1999 ) . Transboundary Haze Pollution Another major subscriber to the environmental debasement in the part is transboundary pollution and it is known as haze pollution.[ 3 ]This pollution crosses lodgers of different districts. There are two common types of haze pollution, foremost is the pollution that can make topographic points through organic structures of H2O, and the 2nd type are those pollution that is being carried to different topographic points through air ( Hanim, 2002 ) . Among the types of transboundary pollution, it is air pollution that affects most of Southeast Asia. Although, marine pollution is besides a job in the country, when it comes to the consequence and how the part is being affected, it is air pollution brought more incommodiousness. Since transboundary pollution is a traveling pollution, it has the inclination of transporting the pollution off from the emitters and conveying it to the non-emitters doing the one responsible for the pollution acquire off with the effects while those who are guiltless of the dead suffer the majority of its terminal consequences. This scenario has been a perennial experience among Southeasterly Asiatic states, although here both the emitters and non-emitters suffer the consequence of the actions of the anterior entity. Transboundary haze pollution that has been experienced in this part is normally caused by forest fires in Indonesia.[ 4 ]The forest fire is normally the result of glade of the plantation countries that got out of manus and go a full blown forest fire. Although, there has been a policy that summon plantation industries non to utilize combustion in uncluttering the field, still there are still a batch of them that stick to this method because it ‘s more convenient and fast. Furthermore, with the altering clime and increasing temperature in the current clip, happenings of forest fire will be more frequent particularly if the plantation industries will go on to utilize firing a method of uncluttering the field. In connexion to this, governments identified country of Kalimantan and Sumatra as most vulnerable to forest fire because of two grounds. First, because the countries are to a great extent forested hence fire could easy eat the full wood and go forthing an undreamed sum of am endss, and 2nd, is because bulk its constituents are extremely combustible. Prior to the recent 2006 forest fire that occurred in Indonesia, it had a series of destructive forest fires in the yesteryear that made major belittling effects non merely to the people but most particularly to the economic system of the states affected. During the El Nino phenomenon on 1997-1998, the recorded worst forest fire broke off in the land of Indonesia. Total estimated damaged reached US $ 9 billion in all sectors that were affected in the state, nevertheless non included in this figure are the sum of damaged it caused to its adjacent states, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. In 2002, another forest fire occurred in Indonesia, nevertheless as compared to the earlier forest fire in 1998, this one is less aggressive and caused lesser damaged. The most recent wood fire, like what is mentioned above, occurred on October 2006 covering the hot topographic point countries of Kalimantan and Sumatra. This recent episode of forest fire even affected the Pacific Islands. The effects of forest fire as transboundary pollution are countless. The gas emanation from the burning is the ground why Indonesia is among the top ranking green house gas emitters. Each clip a wood or a plantation is cleared, dozenss of anthropogenetic gases are being release in the ambiance. These gases are major ground for planetary heating. Aside from the fatal effects of haze pollution to the environment, it besides places damaging consequence on people ‘s wellness ; moreover it disrupts the economic activities. Climate Change The issue on environmental debasement and clime alteration are inseparable. Whenever the impairment of the environment takes the spotlight, non far buttocks is the fickle shifting of planetary temperature, entangled happenings of drouth and typhoon and so many others. Scientists claim that the adhering tie between the two issues is the opprobrious human activities. Harmonizing to some bookmans, although non all of the lending factors to climate alteration are semisynthetic, comparatively immense part of it was triggered by unstoppable human activities. Take for illustration, the abovementioned wood fire. Some may reason that forest fire are non truly associated to any activities of homo, nevertheless this statement might be true in some occasions like in the times of boom storm. However, if we would analysis it deeper, the figure of boom that hits the forested country is undistinguished as compared to human-induced instances of forest fire. These issues ( environmental debasement and clime alteration ) are non confined in an country or countries entirely. Climate alteration specifically is a planetary concern and it will go on to be one. Sometimes this issue leads to the division of the universe between the South and the North The division between universe states is mark by the separation between the developed and the developing economic systems of Southeast Asia. This limit besides separates the major subscribers to climate alteration, in other words the states that emit most of the green house gases, and the states that have small part in the emanation of green house gasses, yet are most likely to super the most effects. Normally, developing states comprise the South contingent, while developed states comprise the North contingent. With this it is noticeable that developing states as a whole has a comparatively little emanation of GHG which cause clime alteration. On the other manus, developed states about occupied all the top places as provinces with the highest sum of GHG emanations. This tendency is straight relative to the sum of industrialisation that occurs in a peculiar province. In retrospect, since developed states are less industrialised in contrast to the extremely industrialised states of the North, that is why they have history for a lesser GHG emanations unlike in the instance of the ulterior group. In footings of emanation Indonesia ranks among the states with high GHG emanations. Forest fires and deforestations are the beginning of green house gases being emitted by Indonesia to the ambiance. In comparing to non-forestry emanation, forestry emanations are five times larger than emanation generated from non-forestry sector ( industrial and energy sectors ) . In the figure below, Indonesia ranked 3rd among the highest subscribers of C dioxide in the universe ( Houghton ; 2003 ) . Furthermore, deforestation and land transition are the major beginnings of emanations of ghg in Indonesia, while agricultural sector has the lowest part to the ghg and the sum accumulated by this sector is globally undistinguished.[ 5 ]Unlike in developed states wherein their chief beginning of gas emanation is from the energy sector in Indonesia, energy sector emanation is really little, nevertheless it is little yet quickly turning. In the thick of industrialisation that is go oning in the state it is the energy sector that supports the said growing, and with the rapid rate of industrialisation growing, the use of energy goes bigger every bit good ensuing to the increasing emanation of ghg by the sector.Summary of Green House Gas EmissionThis chart shows the ranking of top GHG emitters ‘ states harmonizing to the US EPA. It besides shows the dislocation o f beginnings of GHG emitted by each state.It is noticeable that some of the development states are included among the top emitter states In Indonesia forestry ( deforestation and forest fire ) is the chief beginning of GHG emanation. Figure 1 Beginning: US EPA 2006The Deterioration of the Environment and Its ImpactsEffectss of environmental debasement are extremely apparent in Indonesia. This is farther aggravated by inconsistent clime ( which is besides a merchandise of environmental debasement ) . Because of this, the country is exposed to great losingss. The combined emphasis due to the rapid population growing of its population and its physical features as an archipelagic state with a astonishing coastline put the full state in a really vulnerable terms to the impacts of clime alteration. Among the extremely affected group are the people from below poorness. Most of them shack along the unguarded countries and they besides do n't hold mechanism to accommodate to the altering state of affairs being face by the state. In the recent clip, the state has already experienced drawn-out drouths, stronger typhoons and inundations. All these are rooted to the abuse and maltreatment of the environment. In add-on, the rich biodiversity of the state is besides at hazard which may do drastic consequence on nutrient supply and security of the state. Another at hand menace to nutrient security is the clime alteration ; this might impact the activities of the husbandmans and fishermen taking to production loss. Aside from these, listed below are the other impacts derived from environmental debasement. Agriculture, Economy and Food Security, Agribusiness is a major economic sector in Indonesia. It accounts for bulk of GDP of the state, and so Indonesia relies to a great extent on the part from this sector and most of the economic systems are depending on agribusiness and natural resources. In add-on, this is besides the sector that provides most of the nutrient demands of the state. With the coming of the embracing consequence of environmental debasement, clime alteration is badly pounding agribusiness. Changes in precipitation and temperature curtail the agricultural activities because it lower dirt birthrate, shorten turning season, limits the type of harvest that can be planted, and hence put the husbandmans at the losing terminal. All these interpret to lesser output, lesser production and comparatively low income for the people involved in this economic system. Scholars stressed the high possibility of nutrient deficit because of these alterations in the usual mechanism of the environment ( Amin ; ; 2004 and Fahn ; 2000 ) . With the diminution in agricultural production, nutrient security will automatically be affected. Take for case, the 1997-1998 El Nino Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) phenomena, the event affected the length of moisture and dry seasons in Indonesia.[ 6 ]Prolonged moistures and dry seasons were experienced which caused a crisp diminution in agricultural production and brought about one of the greatest autumn in gross domestic merchandise in the past several old ages ( Lasco et al. ; 2008 ) . Just the mere hold of one month in the oncoming of rainy season during El Nino old ages decreases the production of rice by 6.7 % in west Indonesia and 11 % in East Indonesia ( Naytor et al. ; 2007 ) .The ENSO Map of Indonesia-10 months – 8 months – 6 months – 4 months – 2 months – 0 months Beginning: World Meteorological Organization Based on figure 2, the islands of Java, Bali, Komodo, Flores, Lombok, Sumbawa, Alor, West Timor, part of Sumatra, part of Sulawesi and parts of Irian Jaya experienced the longest drouth which lasted eight months during the El Nino Southern Oscillation. Figure 2. Above is a map demoing the length of dry season experienced throughout Indonesia during the happening of ENSO in 1997-1998. -10 months – 8 months – 6 months – 4 months – 2 months – 0 monthsSummary of Observed Impacts of Climate Change on Forestry Sector Climate alteration Observed impacts Increasing temperature – Increased frequence of forest fires every bit good as country of burnt woods – Increased plague and disease infestation in woods Variability in precipitation ( including El Nino Southern Oscillation ) – Increased forest fire, and pest and disease infestation due to drought – Change in precipitation form, impacting endurance of seedlings and saplings – Increased dirt eroding and debasement of water partings due to intermittent drouth and implosion therapy – Increased population of invasive works species Sea degree rise – Loss of Rhizophora mangle woods due to progressing sea degrees Beginnings: Boer and Dewi ( 2008 ) , Cuong ( 2008 ) , Ho ( 2008 ) , Jesdapipat ( 2008 ) , Perez ( 2008 ) .Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture SectorClimate alteration Observed impacts Increasing temperature – Decreased harvest outputs due to heat emphasis – Increased livestock deceases due to heat emphasis – Increased eruption of insect plagues and diseases Variability in precipitation ( including El Nino Southern Oscillation ) – Increased frequence of drouth, inundations, and tropical cyclones ( associated with strong air currents ) , doing harm to harvests – Change in precipitation form affected current cropping form ; harvest turning season and sowing period changed – Increased overflow and dirt eroding caused diminution in dirt birthrate and accordingly harvest outputs Sea degree rise – Loss of cultivable lands due to progressing sea degree – Salinization of irrigation H2O affected harvest growing and output Beginnings: Boer and Dewi ( 2008 ) , Cuong ( 2008 ) , Ho ( 2008 ) , Jesdapipat ( 2008 ) , Perez ( 2008 ) .Summary of Observed Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal and Marine ResourcesClimate alteration Observed impacts Increasing temperature – Increased coral bleaching and devolution of coral reefs Variability in precipitation ( including El Nino Southern Oscillation ) – Increased loss of land due to eroding and implosion therapy of coastal countries – Increased harm from inundations and ramp rush including harm to aquaculture industry Sea degree rise – Accelerated salt H2O invasion inland Beginnings: Boer and Dewi ( 2008 ) , Cuong ( 2008 ) , Ho ( 2008 ) , Jesdapipat ( 2008 ) , Perez ( 2008 ) . Beginning: Taken from Asian Development Bank Indonesia gets hotter than of all time Annual temperature in Indonesia has been increasing as observed by scientists. During 1990 ‘s until the first twosome of old ages of 2000, temperature in the state has a hiting up tendency by 0.3 grades Celsius. This form of addition has been consistent throughout the decennary, although there were times that the addition is a small spot below or above that the expected temperature. However, the greatest divergence of expected heating of temperature happened during the 1998 which coincide with ENSO. The addition in temperature about reached 1 grade Celsius which was manner higher than any addition in temperature in the span of three decennaries ( 1961-1990 ) . That was the hottest twelvemonth in Indonesia in a century ( Climatic Research unit-WWF ; 2006 ) . For the following decennary, Indonesia is anticipating a greater addition in temperature throughout the state because of extra consequence of clime alteration. From 0.3oC annual addition in the old decennaries, in 2020 Indonesia ‘s temperature will increase at the rate of 0.36 grades Celsius up to 0.47 grades Celsius. In the projection done by Susandi ( 2007 ) below, the southeasterly portion of the Moluccas Island and the island of Kalimantan will see the highest temperatures. Beginning: Taken from World Bank and Department for International Development Report Figure 3. Projected Average Temperature by Year 2020 The addition in temperature has direct and indirect effects on agribusiness, forestry and marine sectors. The forestry sector has experienced greater episodes of forest fire due to the rise of temperature. This was proven by the important addition of countries burned during the El Nino. During the series of El Nino phenomenon dated 1982-1983, 1994 and 1997-1998 a sum of 13.5 million hour angle of wood had been burned Murdiyarso and Adiningsih ; 2006 ) . Forest fire triggered by lifting temperature ( climate alteration ) and/or by human activities is damaging to human. Health jobs arise from this event and aside from which, it besides affects the economic system. In Marine sector, the most prevailing consequence of warming of temperature in Indonesia is coral bleaching.[ 7 ]Presently, in the survey conducted on coral reefs a really little part, 6 % , of the state reefs remain at an first-class status while the largest ball, 70 % , of the coral population are classified under carnival to hapless status and 24 % are in good status ( Johns Hopkins University 2003 ) . Majority of coral population under the class of just to hapless were bleached. This state of affairs decreases the marine biodiversity and marine resources. Sea Level Rise
Friday, August 30, 2019
Maternal Health Child Mini
1) Do you believe there is a need for public health influence in the area of family planning? What would be the role? I believe public health has many benefits for every individual especially women. One of the benefits is that family planning services allows individuals to aimly achieved their own family size, and contributes to improved health outcomes for infants, children, women as well as families (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999, pg. 1075). Some these benefits services include educating about preventing sexually transmitted infection such as HIV, herpes, syphilis etc. Besides from education, they also counsel patients especially women who are taking contraceptives and/or IUD devices. Counseling is critical part in health care because it helped women and men to be aware of the risks that they are taking when it comes to having another child and know all the unexpected and expected outcomes when it comes to prenatal and postnatal care. Effective methods such as Breast, pelvic examinations, breast and cervical screenings are found the first step for women who are at risk for breast or cervical cancer. Without these services, there is a high chance of more unintended pregnancies in America as well as premature babies and mortality. Recent article, Guttmacher Institute (2012) stated â€Å"Each year, publicly funded family planning services prevent 1. 94 million unintended pregnancies, including 400,000 teen pregnancies (Guttmacher institute, 2012, pg. 3). With that being said, family planning services have been effective for women who decided not to get pregnant. It also helped Medicaid, a federal USA health program for low income adults and children, by Medicaid saving a lot of expenditures from pregnancy-related care ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999, pg. 1074). With the help of Family planning program, this helped save a lot of families from psychological problems to financial problems. Unfortunately, Guttmacher (2012) listed most women who are in a poverty line, have low education level or are single parents are less likely to have access of family planning services (pg. 5). Some of the obstacles for these women who are not on the family planning services are because of lack of awareness about family planning services, limited access to publicly funded services and access to insurance coverage. These obstacles challenges because many americans are still left out of insurance. With the help of Obama administration which is trying to get every single american to have affordable insurance. This will help bridge the gap even more close for more additional women to take the step into getting family planning services. Elements of preconception care should be integrated into every primary care visit for women of reproductive age. 23 Preconception care must not be limited to a single visit to a health care provider, but rather be a process of care designed to meet the needs of an individual. 25 As part of comprehensive preconception care, providers should encourage patients to develop a reproductive life plan. A reproductive life plan is a set of goals and action steps based on personal values and resources about whether and when to become pregnant and have (or not have) children. 3 Providers also must educate patients about how their reproductive life plan impacts contraceptive and medical decision-making. Increased awareness of the importance of preconception care can be achieved through public outreach and improved collaboration between health care providers. Currently, only 30. 3 percent of women report receiving pre-pregnancy health counseling. 13 Future efforts should promote research to furth er define the evidence-based standards of preconception care, determine its cost-effectiveness, and improve tracking of the proportion of women obtaining these services. Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Achievements in public health, 1900–1999: Family planning. MMWR Weekly. 1999 Dec 3;48(47):1073-1080. Available from: Guttmacher Institute. In brief: Facts on publicly funded contraceptive services in the United States. Washington; Guttmacher Institute; 2010 April. Available from: [PDF – 375 KB]
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Discuss the effect of tourism on Portsmouth's Economy Essay
Discuss the effect of tourism on Portsmouth's Economy - Essay Example The large shopping areas in Portsmouth include the Ocean Retail Park on the North-Eastern side of Portsmouth. There are large shopping areas which incorporate tourists in large sections and also provide attractive facilities to the tourists. Effect of tourism on Portsmouth’s Economy The city of Portsmouth witnessed a high number of 638000 staying trips made by the tourists in 2010. This shows the huge volume of tourism in the city of Portsmouth out of which 547000 trips were made by the domestic tourists of Portsmouth and 91000 staying trips were by the overseas tourists. The increasing number of tourists in the city of Portsmouth could be attributed to the major attractions of the city in welcoming tourists to visit the place. The tourists visit Portsmouth in order to enjoy the naval history of the place. The increase in tourism resulted in the rise of inflow of tourists for visiting the D-Day Museum, the Royal Naval Museum, etc. The increasing number of tourists visiting Por tsmouth has impacted the economy of Portsmouth in several ways in the positive direction which has been explained as follows. Due to the increase in the number of tourists in Portsmouth, the level of spending in the economy increased. The tourists brought in huge funds for spending in Portsmouth. These funds were spent for meeting the expenses of tourism, day trips, night trips, accommodation in Portsmouth, food and shopping, etc. The visitors staying in Portsmouth have spent a total of 130.6 million pound sterling during their trips in 2010. This is an increase of the funds spent through tourism activities by 4.1% as compared to 2008. The day trips made to the Gunwharf Quay increased by 5.5% in 2010 as compared to the footfall in 2008. This generated an additional expenditure of 8% in 2010 as compared to the figures of 2008 amounting to 269.9 million pound sterling. The increasing expenditure by the tourists was due to the increasing demand from the tourists in consuming essential and luxury products during their trips to Portsmouth. The high amount of funds spent by the visitors led to the injection of additional liquidity in the economy of Portsmouth. The increase in the liquidity led to the rise in the income level of population as compared to the earlier years. The people of Portsmouth experienced a rise in their purchasing power and the potential to invest more in the economic and commercial activities. This led to the changes in the style of livelihood and the people began to open up in terms of their spending limits by accepting the forces of change. The activities of tourism result in the exchange of culture between the city of Portsmouth and the other cities as well as the overseas culture. The habits of the domestic people also started to undergo changes due to the flourishing industry of tourism. Overall, there was a trend of development in the livelihood of the people of Portsmouth due to the economic advancements on account of the increasing acti vities of tourism over the last decade. The developments of tourism industry in Portsmouth and the rise in the income level of the local population of due to the development of tourism in the economy resulted in the increase of purchasing power of the people. The increasing dema
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philosophy - Assignment Example He gets emotional because his son thinks he is a good dad but the society in general doesn’t believe that homosexuals can be good parents. Shaw tries to cheer up the mood. Brady reveals that his marriage is a fraud but he will continue to play along because it is the right thing to do. His wife is expecting another baby. Their conversation ends on a dilemma that if Brady reveals his sexual orientation he might lose his family but if he doesn’t he will abandon a part of himself. The conversation ends and they both depart. The essay is written in the narrative rhetoric, filled with dialogues and history about the characters. Giving insight to an adult homosexual male probably could not have been done with other rhetorical modes. It is more emotional than critical or argument-driven. As the famous philosopher says that one needs three things to convince someone; credibility, logic and emotional appeal. In this case the emotional appeal dominates the rest. It creates empathy in the readers for Brady. Shaw has not touched the philosophical debate on homosexuality as either right or wrong. She has only given an insight to the life a homosexual man who apparently has a wonderful family but his homosexual nature is restless. There are many instances where Shaw gives the narrative. For instance she brings in the comparison between Brady and David. David is mentioned to strengthen the narrative that he is a confident gay male while Brady is shy. Shaw calls him â€Å"very gay†(paragraph 8). Just like a fictional story, the use of dialogues to describe personality has been used extensively. For instance Brady’s own words are quoted to describe what sort of a person he is. On not telling his wife about his homosexuality he says; Had Shaw used any other mode like exposition, argumentation or description it would have either created a debate or it would have lacked the emotional appeal.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Influence and role of trade unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Influence and role of trade unions - Essay Example Many organizations long ago realized that it is more efficient to hire purposeful, responsible, and interested in their job people. Accordingly people, who get a job today, automatically receive all those privileges labour unions for had struggled for. As a matter of fact trade unions cannot find their place in the new system of labour relationship. In the course of time fundamental economic changes had happened in the country. The traditional heavy industry, a stronghold of trade unions, gradually becomes the thing of the past. According to Turner, "if unions can not hold their own and adapt to changing circumstances in the core industrial work force, the traditional bastion of labour strength, it is difficult to imagine that national prospects for unions elsewhere can be promising1". Labour unions also have not been taken in the extremely developing industry of high technologies, and have not been widely accepted in the services sphere. So we can agree with the statement of Robert Baldwin, who claims that one of the factors that contribute to weakling of trade unions is "unskilled labour-displacing nature of new technology, including outsourcing2". Notwithstanding it is wrong to say, that trade unions are doomed. One can hardly find an example of a democratic society, which does not have trade unions in its structure. British trade unions now are trying to take their own place in the new national economy.The role of state in labour market The role of the state in regulation of relations on a labour market increased in the post-war history of the Great Britain. Leading political forces send to the consent that the chronic unemployment in the country in 1930th years, intensity between the labour and the capital, and the general social instability should be eliminated by means of mixed economy and the Welfare state. As a result of such turn in consciousness of British establishment the labour governments and later conservative governments began to pursue a policy of Keynesianism and social-democratic etatism. There has come a new phase in relations between authority and working-class movement when the last one has been recognized, on a par with business, the necessary participant of formation of social and economic policy of the British state. Influence and role of trade unionsTrade unions have turned to one of the most active public organizations rendering great influence on actions of parties in power. Having got such legitimacy in regulation of relations on a labour market, the British working-class movement became an integral part of the post-war device of the state. The ruling class has recognized it as the necessary partner in business of maintenance of social stability. The organized labour has appeared both object, and the subject in mutual relations with the state. As an object it is the inseparable part of a society necessary for the sanction of conflicts arising in it. As a subject it is the defender of interests of working class, which quite often conflicted to aspirations of capitalism.In 1950-1960 years, when the country experienced the economic boom, trade unions have played a visible constructive role in processes of regulation of social development, socialization of citizens of the country, adjustment of manufacture-consumption cycle, and the society's
Monday, August 26, 2019
Resourcing Talent - R-PartB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resourcing Talent - R-PartB - Assignment Example Diversity in an organization enables the organization to have the base of its employees made up of different people bringing together divergent views and ideas. The divergent workforce includes various generations of workforce including generation X, Generation Y and Baby Boomers. Generation X is attracted into the organization through creating a conducive environment that enables them to develop more on their skills and also learn. They are also lured by job positions that provide for independence, proper communication ad for individual potential improvement. Generation Y gives much weight to the benefits of the job as opposed to the salary and can be attracted via by upgrading the organizations offices with the modern and ergo-friendly furniture which would make the generation feel to be working in a healthy environment. Increases creativity as the employees come with a variety of remedies to help the organization soar to greater heights. The more the diverse ideas in an organization the higher the chances of solving a problem in the best way as everyone will be brainstorming to produce his/her best. Divergent language skills. An organization with employees from the different backgrounds enjoys a wider market due to the competency in communication using the various languages. This increases the geographical market coverage of the organization to as far as being a global market. Increases productivity as the employees will offer technical advice to the employer on how to best serve the clients using the newly introduced ideas .Diversity increases the employee’s morale boosting their efficiency. Diversity helps in building on the image of the organization as it indicates that the organization is not discriminatory in offering job opportunities enabling such firms to attract more employees with new talents as they retain the already existing ones. To achieve diversity in the attraction of senior managers, high potential
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How oil exploitation in Alberta affect local enviorment Essay
How oil exploitation in Alberta affect local enviorment - Essay Example Despite the benefits associated with the exploitation, the process has numerously adverse effects on the environment. To begin with, oil sand exploitation in the area affects the availability of water in the area. The whole process requires large volumes of water for the separation of sand and oil. Therefore, the whole process of extraction brings about a deficiency in water content in Alberta (Alvarez, 2013). The process of exploitation of oil in Alberta is associated with the introduction of harmful gases, as well as metals into the earth’s surface and atmosphere. Naturally occurring carbon dioxide and other harmful emission are exposed to the atmosphere during the exploitation. In addition, the exploitation process leads to the concentration of heavy metals such as nickel, mercury, copper and zinc, among many others in the area (Dusseault, 2002). Admittedly, the exploitation process is associated with deforestation. Normally, trees in the area are cleared before exploitation starts. In addition, the overburden top soil is removed from the area of exploitation so as to increase the accessibility of the oil sand. This whole process has a general effect of soil erosion in the area. The exploitation of oil in Alberta also affects aquatic life. Research revealed that there exist a relationship between deformity of fish embryos and their exposure to oil sands. Therefore, as much as the exploitation process takes root, the aquatic life in the area is exposed to the oil sands, thus affected (Dusseault, 2002). A research done in 2007 showed that wildlife and human beings had generally been affected by the exposure to the oil sands. For example, research done on moose revealed that the organisms had as much as 454 times the acceptable levels of arsenic in their body systems due to the exploitation process. Moreover, there have been great concerns about
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Finance Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance Paper - Essay Example Bahamas for example has 301 licensed banks whereas the British Virgin Island only has 7. Offshore banking has a countless number of rewards, ranging from low to no taxation, to greater privacy and anonymous accounts, as well as protection against financial instability. With that being said, I would like to emphasize what these banks also offer. Offshore banking has aided terrorist by laundering their financial resources, allowing them to fund terrorist activities that are partially impossible to detect. It also highlighted in the collapse of the company Enron, where the company used offshore banks to avoid paying millions of dollars in US Tax. Offshore financial centers have very significant reasons for their existence. These financial resources provide financial services; these financial services can be divided into three broad groups: (i) Private investments, (ii) Asset protection, (iii) Estate planning (Higgins, 2000). Private investments are the significant part of the offshore f inancial centers. In the private investments, investments are handled and managed with an intention of reducing the potential tax liabilities. Additionally, private investments are done to increase the protection which is granted or provided under the legal confidentiality provisions. Asset protection comes with the use of international jurisdiction. In this category, with the help of international jurisdiction, the residence of client is separated; and asset protection helps protecting the income and assets from political, legal and fiscal risks. Estate planning is about assets and their administration. In estate planning, mostly assets, all types of assets, are properly administrated with the help of legal and fiscal jurisdictions (Higgins, 2000). With the help of financial institutions; like, international business corporations (IBCs), insurance companies, mutual funds, offshore corporations, and some of the recent gaming companies, a large and huge amount of funds are deposited in OFCs. With these available funds, different types of investment are made to generate some economic and financial contributions in the economy. Little work has been done to understand and determine the role and contribution of offshore banking in the creation and generation of employment and employment opportunities. It is the creation and availability of employment opportunities by the OFCs that provide the importance and significance of offshore banks as far as their role for the development of economy is concerned. Any sector is valued and measured in the economy on the basis of its contribution to the economy. Mostly, there are two ways in which this contribution is measured and analyzed: One, the money contribution of offshore banking. This means the amount of tax paid by the offshore banks in the economy determines and measures its value for the economy. There is another contribution given and provided by the offshore banks. That is of economic nature- creation and generatio n of employment opportunities. Various examples are available that clearly indicate and highlight that offshore banks are licensed. After getting license, they have established various branches in different parts of the world. A large amount of investment has been made to make offshore banking functional and useful.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Economic and Political Fallout of World War I Term Paper
Economic and Political Fallout of World War I - Term Paper Example The world got ‘shaped’ both geographically and historically by two global conflicts that happened in the twentieth century. It included the First World War and the Second World War, with the First World War starting in 1914 and ending in 1918 with the signing of Treaty of Versailles. Although the First World War ended officially in 1918, its aftereffects simmered for many years, leading to the political and the economic fallouts in various regions of the World, particularly in Europe as well as United States, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Europe In Europe, the political and economic fallout of First World War was mainly visible in Germany and Italy. Defeated in the First World War and with fellow European countries from Britain to Spain dominating the world scene during that period, through their imperialist policies, Germany and Italy along with Japan thought of exhibiting their imperialistic leanings. They thought of capturing many colonies, which will enable them to regain their lost glory. Germany for instance at the end of the First World War I lost some of its most economically rich territories like eastern portion of Upper Silesia, Saarland and Rhineland to its fellow European neighbors, France, Poland, etc. The loss of these territories apart from depriving Germans of economic wealth also resulted in population relocation and thereby problems with neighboring territories. These problems fueled the German ambition to regain its lost territories. Importantly by restoring the ‘rightful’ boundaries to pre-First World War Germany, its leader, Adolph Hitler wanted to form a Greater Germany. Through Greater Germany, he wanted to encapsulate all the territories where Germans lived into a Great Nation. Italy on the other hand, frustrated by the minimal territorial gains at the end of First World War indulged in expansionism. At Versailles, even though Italy was promised larger part of Austrian territory, it got only renting-Alto Adige /Sudtirol, and this resentment fueled Italy’s expansion plans. â€Å"†¦uncompromising message was that Italy and had not received from its allies the gains to which its gallant war had entitled it†(Henig, 2005, p.10). This reason coupled with domestic crisis lead to the rise of Benito Mussolini, and he with popular support launched the desire to capture as many colonies as possible. â€Å"Mounting resentment over what was increasingly referred to by nationalists as the 'mutilated victory', and a series of post-war social and industrial convulsions, destabilized the weak post-war Italian government†(Henig, 2005, p.10). Mussolini desired to create a New Roman Empire, basing it on the Mediterranean area. As a first step, he invaded Albania and then Greece in the early part of 1939. There were also economic reasons behind the desire of Germany, Italy, and Japan to conquer many territories. That is, these three countries were not as rich as Britain and France and also they did not have enough colonial possessions to serve as the source of raw material or markets for their finished goods. Germany was particularly affected by the Great Depression of 1929 which started first in the U.S.A and then spread to other countries, and which indirectly caused the war. That is, U.S.A had been lending capital to European countries, but to protect her own industries, America raised a Tariff wall.
Realism cannot challenge the received wisdom of the public, since Essay
Realism cannot challenge the received wisdom of the public, since spectators see nothing but their own flickering ideologies in - Essay Example In everyday life, people tend to interpret the images they see as per their own understanding of them, that may or may not be rational. Irrespective of whatever the reality is, people see nothing more than their individualistic beliefs and ideologies in all what is displayed on the screen as rightly depicted by Robert Stam. This paper aims at analyzing this conception. Ideology influenced interpretation of images: Images are all around us. They include both images that are made by us and reflect our perception and others, which are made by others and are displayed commercially as art for us to perceive. Image, as the name indicates, is a representation of some other entity. Thus, images stand for other things so as to reflect their intrinsic traits, without them having to appear before the public. This is same as the concept of symbolization, which forms a fundamental part of intercommunication between two or more individuals. Symbols let us communicate with one another in our daily lives. Thus, we can exchange concepts and the idea of an individual protrudes in the minds of all members of the society, though its acknowledgement varies from individual to individual. Symbols or images represent humanistic ideologies in the virtual world and act like delegates. In daily language, the word â€Å"I†is used to symbolize the self of all the individuals that communicate with one another. Likewise, one individual’s body-image in a picture symbolizes that individual not only for others but also for his/her own self. Ideology lays basis for the way people understand the world in which they live and their perception of the ideal life in the world (Christensen). Ideology surfaces as a result of its link with the communicative processes. â€Å"Ideology involves the reproduction of the existing relations of production (those activities by which a society guarantees its own survival)†(Ideology And The Image). Ideology serves as a restriction that tends to control people and limit them to specific places within the exchange and communicative processes. Ideology gains its definition from the way the collection of social relations is exchanged among the individuals. A society portrays its impression upon the whole world through the ideologies. Societies get acknowledged in the world through their images that are influenced by the underlying ideologies. The way ideologies represent us in the social circle limit our actions and behaviors. People’s actions have to necessarily comply with their ideologies so that there remains a consistency of views and impressions, and they are dealt with by the society accordingly. Ideologies limit the movement of people within certain limits both physically and mentally. Our social actions are depicted by the limited spaces that are defined by our ideologies to move in. Ideology allows people to form the basis of their beliefs and perceptions on them. We visualize images and interpret them as p er our own perception. The interconnection of image and ideology also lays basis for the relationship of consciousness and social existence. In the society that we live, every individual holds his/her own opinion that is significantly unique and different from the opinions of other people. This is evident from the large volume of debates on every subject that we happen to hear in our daily life. Every matter is so debatable that people do not easily approve legislation
Thursday, August 22, 2019
One Direction vs 5 Seconds Of Summer Essay Example for Free
One Direction vs 5 Seconds Of Summer Essay One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer are both popular boy bands that are known across the world. 5 Seconds Of Summer is a rock / pop band , which consists of 4 Australian boys , Calum T. Hood , Luke R. Hemmings , Ashton F. Irwin , and Michael G. Clifford . One Direction is a pop band , which consists of 4 British boys and 1 Irish boy , Niall J. Horan , Zayn J. Malik , Harry E. Styles , Louis W. Tomlinson , and Liam J. Payne. One Direction was formed in 2010. While they were all competing as solo artists. At the British X-Factor judges Nicole Sherzinger and Simon Cowell decided to put the five boys into a group. One Direction then signed with Simon Cowells record label Syco Records after being formed and finishing third in the seventh series of the show. Even though One Direction didn’t make it to the 1st Place in the group category in X-Factor , Simon signed them to a ? 2 million record contract at Syco Records . They recorded their first hit single ‘ What Makes You Beautiful ‘ which broke several records, and topped the charts of most major markets online and in stores. Sooner their album ‘ Up All Night ‘ was released in 2011 2012 including some of their hit singles like , One Thing , Gotta Be You , and What Makes You Beautiful. Then , their album ‘ Take Me Home ‘ was released in 2012 2013 and included songs like Live While We’re Young , Kiss You , and Little Things. And recently in 2013 their 3rd album ‘ Midnight Memories ‘ was released and included songs like Best Song Ever , Story Of My Life , and Diana. 5 Seconds Of Summer ( 5SOS ) was formed in Sydney in 2011. Their fan base increased once again on Youtube , when Louis Tomlinson from One Direction posted the link to their YouTube video of their song Gotta Get Out , stating that hed been a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer for a while. The band was once again the subject of interest for One Direction following the release of their first single, Out Of My Limit, on November 19 , 2012, with Niall Horan tweeting the link to the video clip for it. On February 14 , 2013 , it was announced that 5 Seconds of Summer will be supporting One Direction on their worldwide Take Me Home tour. The tour kicked off at the O2 Arena in London on February 23 , 2013, and 5 Seconds of Summer joined One Direction for shows in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand, including 7 shows at Allphones Arena in 5 Seconds of Summers home town Sydney. While on a break from the Take Me Home Tour, 5 Seconds of Summer returned home to Australia where they played a National headlining tour, with all dates selling out within minutes. On November 21, 2013, the band announced that they had signed to Capitol Records. Seconds of Summer are currently working on their debut album. To my opinion I like the band One Direction more because they are my inspiration. I found out about them before I knew about 5 Seconds Of Summer. I even got my family to get me their tickets to their up all night tour at Madison Square Garden. I also watched their X-Factor videos in 2011. So although these two bands have a connection with each other even when they have a whole different background they will forever be in my heart. Both of these two bands have inspired me in many ways you cannot imagine.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Importance of and Benefits of Good Customer Service
Importance of and Benefits of Good Customer Service Chapter 1 Introduction: Providing Quality customers service is one of the practical jobs that cannot be learned without experience, so it is very much important to deliver the best possible quality service to all the customers. When studied and analysed carefully about the importance of customers to organisation , the researcher found out that the cost difference between getting a new customer compared to retaining a current customer is that it costs 7 times as much as bringing in a new customer, than to keep an existing one. Eddy. B.W (1983); Therefore we must ensure loyalty with our customers through utilizing all the back to basics of customer service. The customers change the organisation or leave because of a lack of attention that is given to them When customers go to any of the organisation, there grows an opportunity to improve or worsen the relationship with the customers. Hopefully each and every organization wants to improve the relationship with the customers. Saunders, J A. (2004) Thus utilizing this opportunity as one of the precious one, a good impression can be created by satisfying each and every need and wants of the customer from the organisation. It is in fact tough and hard to do so, but it is not impossible. 1.1 Aim: To make a review on the need of quality Customer service in the Brassiere Restaurant Hilton Hotel As we know, each and every individual in this world is a customer to each other which are linked like a world wide websites. Providing the quality customer service is the need of the Hilton Hotel from every department because customers are their building blocks, and if the blocks are not sufficient the probability of declining and closing down the business rises. The Brassiere is a Samplecontinental cuisineat this celebrated Paddington restaurant. The Brassiere brings asumptuous menuserving breakfast, lunch and dinner for up to 160 guests. Patrons of the Hilton London Paddington enjoy a comfortable atmosphere for relaxed dining Customers want proper attention and timely service as they pay for each and every activity. A very frequently uprising question in every manager or the executive bodies of the Hilton Hotel Restaurant is the importance of customer service. Thus the main endeavour of this examination is to find the need of quality customer service in the Brassiere of Hilton Paddington Which is empathetic, supportive and accessible. The system utilized by Hilton Paddington to measure the guest satisfaction level is widely known as SALT, which means Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Survey. This is a system designed by Hilton and is updated daily. Different Department has different scores which at the end is the overall score. This determines the areas and the department that needs to improve and take the score high. (Hilton Hotel Paddington, 23rd March 2009). 1.2 Objectives: It is often said and extensively accepted that, eminence customer service is the keystone to all service-oriented business. Yet the words and concept are often not fully comprehended by many within the service providing department (Brassiere of Hilton Hotel). The objectives of this research is to, Study the importance of quality customer service in the Brassiere To understand the benefits of Good customer service to Brassiere. To find the factors affecting Good customer service in the Restaurant, To study the techniques used by Hilton employees to satisfy Guests. Find proper way to satisfy guest and increase the revenue of the Hotel. Criticism and appreciation on the customer service level of Hilton Brassiere. It is very difficult to track down the factors that affect the delivery of customer service, but the techniques and comments can lead us to determine it. There is no mystery to solve it but a simple understanding is enough. Every hotel gives service but something small and extra-ordinary from Hilton Brassiere will raise the satisfaction level. So the above objectives have to be met in order to keep the business in good level. 1.3 Rationale The underlying principle for the research on the Need of quality customer service in Brassiere Restaurant of Hilton Hotel is to clearly understand and manipulate the standard and rectify its standard. To meet the need and wants of the customers by deploying some basic principles of Quality Customer Service in each and every step while dealing with the customers as a professional. This helps to bring the improvement in Hiltons Brassiere SALT score as the level of customer service is standardized. SALT scores can be increased by considering the following given points: Standard Service, Diversity and Equality, Physical access, Timeliness and Civility, Handling Complaints, making appeals, installing variations and choices and official language equality in both external and internal customers. 1.5 Summary: Customer servicelevel of Brassiere, Hilton is a series of conducts designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the guests expectation. To understand the importance of Quality customer service in Brassiere, and to deliver it accordingly is one of the major task of the Hospitality staffs. Quality customer service plays a vital role in creating a good and positive impact to each and every one who comes and goes in Hilton Paddington Hotel. To survive in todays highly-competitive global marketplace of business and customer service, Hilton has improved and is on the way to reach excellence in their quality products and service. So Quality customer service in current market matters a lot and is the key route towards growth and success of the Hiltons Brassiere and the Hotel itself. Chapter 2 Literature Review: Introduction: Defining quality customer service and its components is a form that is actionable in the workplace is an important endeavour that an organisation should not take lightly. The quality of service must be kept always in a high standard either the organisation is medium or large sized business. Customers are so critical that they always look for value for money oriented products and services. So to attract more customers towards the particular business the level of service standard must me raised and carried consistently in each and every step while dealing with the customers. Without a clear and unambiguous definition of service quality, employees will be left with vague instructions and technique on improving and delivering service quality within the workplace. The result will be that each employee will be left to form and act upon his or her own definition of quality customer service which, more often than not, may be incomplete or inaccurate. This paper will review and analyse the literature on need of quality customers service, particularly those that delineate its components as well as those that provide links to behavioural intentions. Various thoughts are put into to understand the need of quality customer service in the hospitality industry as well as in other sectors. As per PZB (Parasuraman, Zeithaml Berr) RATER method, we can see and find the level of quality customer service delivered in every aspect and in every organization. R: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to Inspire trust and confidence. Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and Communication materials. Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers. Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt Service. Quality Service: PZ (Parasuraman, Zeithaml ) defines quality customer service as the degree and direction of discrepancy between customers service perceptions and expectations (2006). Thus if the perception is higher than expectation, then the service is said to be of high quality. Likewise, when expectation is higher than perception, the service is said to be of low quality. Realising that there was not enough literature to produce a rigorous understanding of service quality and its determinants, PZB (1985) conducted an exploratory investigation to formally delineate service quality. Their investigation was composed of interviews with executives from four types of service businesses (i.e. retail banking, credit card, securities brokerage, and production repair and maintenance) as well as a number of focus groups composed of individuals who have recently received services from those businesses. Quality Service Process: One of the results of this investigation was the identification of ten determinants of service process quality. PZB (1985) listed them as follows: Reliability: Involves consistency of performance and dependability. Responsiveness: Concerns the willingness or readiness of employees to provide service. Competence: Means possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service. Access: Involves approachability and ease of contact. Courtesy: Involves politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact personnel (including receptionists, telephone operators, etc.). Communication: Means keeping customers informed in language they can understand and listening to them. It may mean that the company has to adjust its language for different consumers-increasing the level of sophistication with a well-educated customer and speaking simply and plainly with a novice. Credibility: Involves trustworthiness, believability, honesty. It involves having the customers best interests at heart. Security: Is the freedom from danger, risk, or doubt. Understanding/ Knowing the Customers: Involves making the effort to understand the customers needs. Tangible: Include the physical evidence of the service. The SERVQUAL instrument has been the predominant method used to measure consumers perceptions of service quality. It has five generic dimensions or factors and is stated as follows (van Iwaarden et al., 2003): (2) Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. (3) Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. (4) Assurance: (including competence, courtesy, credibility and security). Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. (1) Tangibles: Physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel. (5) Empathy : (including access, communication, understanding the customer). Caring and individualized attention that the firm provides to its customers. (Gronroos, 1982; Lewis and Booms, 1983; Parasuraman et al. 1985). Customer Satisfaction: The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty can be divided into three categories. The first is extracted from the management of service literature. This study accommodates service and customer satisfaction as an antecedent of customer loyalty towards the company, which in turn influences the profitability, (Anderson et al, 1994). The second focuses on the individual level and contains mainly studied customer retention by customer purchase intention. This constitutes important shortcoming retention by the customer purchase intention. (Chandon et al, 2005). The third group focuses on the satisfaction loyalty link on the basis of individual level with the real purchase data. This group has tendered to reveal a weak or insignificant relationship between satisfactions and repurchase behaviours.(Bolton, 1998; Mittal and Kamakara, 2001). Customer Perception: One of the obvious difficulties in meeting customers expectations is that Perception is Reality. The way that customers perceive the staff is the only reality that matters to them. Therefore everything done for customers affects the customers perception of the organisation, and different customers can perceive the same service level differently. (Stuart Emmitt, 2000). Chapter 3: Introduction to Methodology 3.1 Introduction: Adissertation methodologyon the above topic on Quality customer service in Brassiere of Hilton Hotel Paddington is truly divided into two definite parts. These are the process of data gathering and then the process of data analysis on the concerned topic. Both of the parameters are important aspects in researching because these helped the researcher to gather the most in a good time. These items induced the credibility level of the results and findings. Data gathering methods utilized according to the preference of the researcher are listed below: 3.2 Research approach: To accumulate the required information, two specific research approaches has been used, which are as follows, a) Primary Research: This research approach involves the collection of data that does not already exist; this is done through numerous forms, including questionnaires to the manager, staffs and to the selected customers. This information has been collected from things like questionnaires, magazines and Interviews. Interviewing: The researcher in order to gather the data took an appointment with the manager of the Brassiere Hilton Hotel for an interview, where most of the questions were answered on the basis of the topic. The interview with the manager gave the researcher the points focused by the management of Brassiere on delivering the quality customer service and explained how they maintain their SALT score each and every day in their operation. The brand standard is followed very carefully so as to meet the guests expectation on their whole duration of stay. There are various service standards that are shown and taught to the staffs as they are on the operation. Data Mining: Data miningis the process used for extracting hidden patterns from data. Data mining became an increasingly important tool to transform the collected data into information to deeply understand and know the guest satisfaction strategy used in the Brassiere. The data mining step was a very crucial stage where the researcher faced a lot of difficulties in gathering the information. Various serious questions were delivered to the manager on how they gathered the SALT score and the comments from the guest that was posted or replied online. Magazines: The monthly issue of magazines that is found in the library and hotel are used to find and travel deep into the research. The magazines have some information that states the importance of good and quality customer service in the organisation. Questionnaires: Three questionnaires were designed in order to find the need of quality customer service in the outlet Brassiere of Hilton Hotel. The second questionnaires were delivered to the manager of the Restaurant and five staffs of the Brassiere, which has two supervisors. The third questionnaires were delivered to ten guests through the permission of the manager, as it is the non-business part of survey conducted within the Restaurant outlet of Hiltons Brands. b) Secondary Research: A) Printed Source: Printed resources like books, magazines and some Hiltons customers satisfaction comments were taken into consideration in order to accomplish this research. Various libraries were visited to get the information regarding the need of quality customer service in an organization, which were related, compared and placed in this project. B) Online Source: Many websites were visited in order to obtain the main factors that are needed for the organisation to maintain quality customer service at all time of their operations. The structure of a website address (URL) indicates the sites origin and status, for example, .ac or .edu indicate an academic or educational institution, .gov a government body, .org a non-profit organisation, .co or .com a commercial organisation. The visited dates are also indicated which all are listed in the bibliography of this project. C) Other Media: Some of the media were also referred in order to get the complete idea and knowledge of maintaining the quality customer service and its need in Hiltons outlet Brassiere. The medias like the video of the Hilton hotel that was provide to us in our induction day, and the videos from were referred in order to accomplish the research. Research Strategy: The following steps outline a simple and effective strategy for finding information for a research paper and documenting the sources found. This research strategy on Need of Quality Customer Service in Brassiere will aim to help secure lasting improvements to the business of Brassiere in Hilton Hotel Paddington, London and improve the quality of service and cost-effectiveness customer services and customer care. In order to achieve these ambitious aims, the Researcher will support quality research in priority areas of relevance customer service and care and; a) Work with the staffs to identify topics which are important to the Brassiere and Service improvement, and amenable to research; b) Revise the importance of quality customer service in the Brassiere c) To understand the benefits of Good customer service to Brassiere. d) To find the factors affecting Good customer service in the Restaurant, e) To study the techniques used by Hilton employees to satisfy Guests. The strategy used to complete this research is interview and action research strategy. Other strategies are also carried but in few aspects only. In his strategy the questionnaires will be used during the interview that is designed in an easy format to answer. Qualitative Research: There are a wide variety of methods that are common in qualitative measurement. In fact, the methods are largely limited by the imagination of the researcher. Here the researcher discusses a few of the more common methods of collecting data in order to whole the project. a) Focus groups The researcher brought together a small number of subjects to discuss the topic on Need of Quality Customer Service in the outlet of Hilton, Brassiere. The group size was kept deliberately small, so that the members do not feel intimidated but can express opinions freely. A topic guide to aid discussion was usually prepared beforehand and the researcher usually chaired the group, to ensure that a range of aspects of the topic are explored. The discussion was written down and analysed. This focused groups provided a good amount of information and data to sum up the research. b) Direct observation In this type of study the researcher aimed to become immersed in or become part of the population being studied, so that the researcher can develop a detailed understanding of the values and beliefs held by members of the population. The researcher used observations to gather evidence about how value judgements made by staff and customers can impact on decision making. In this study, the researcher participated in the operation of the Brassiere observing situations where other staffs were faced with difficult moral choices. Observations were recorded as field notes and analysed for content. In-depth interviews The researcher was able to obtain few detailed information for the subject. The researcher used unstructured interviewing to explore the Brassieres functioning and customer relationships through the perception. The reason for choosing this method is due to lack of adequate theory and definitions in the field to produce a deep knowledge and facts in quality customer service delivery. Data Collection: The data collection on the desired topic is a time consuming process and also requires quite a long time. It is very complicated and enforces high pressure with work load. However in completing this research, two methods of data collection is employed, which are an interview and the questionnaires. Interview was with the manager of the Brassiere Restaurant of Hilton Hotel and the questionnaire was specifically designed to know the importance of quality customer service. Pilot testing was supposed to be conducted in the college but it is not done due to lack of time and busy schedule of the people who were targeted to run a pilot test. The researcher could not conduct the pilot test as some information is not complete due to this conduct. Questionnaires that were designed were given to the working staffs of Brassiere to fill in the staff questionnaire, the manager was given the questionnaire at the time of the interview and the questionnaire designed for the customers were given to 5 customers of brassiere as permission was taken before conducting this act from the manager. Case Study: Interview and Questionnaire The researcher is an employee of the organization Hilton, working there for about 4 months. The researchers overall goal is to study and formulate the need of quality customer service in the Brassiere. The researcher mentioned numerous challenges that he faced in gathering the data from the organization, some of which needed specific, technical information to address. The reason for choosing the interview and questionnaire method of collection data from the Manager of the Restaurant (Brassiere) and from the selected customers and staffs is basically to get the actual answers and the facts that is expected. This method is very practical and correct data will be extracted. The interview method was chosen but the manager of Brassiere postponed the date and time twice due to his busy schedule and work load within the department. The interview method is very straight forward method to gather facts and practical information that is going through in daily operation of the Brassiere. However the questionnaire method is the best technique to gather data, because it is very specific and straight to the point. This method gathers more and deep information in simple words that can be evaluated according to the operation method. Thus this technique extracted more and expected data based on the topic. Sample Size: To produce the project, the research approach taken by researcher is primary and secondary. The sample size for this research was not complicated and tough but was time consuming. The development of the sample of the population in the carried research was well designed and not much complicated, because the researcher carried out this research in the organisation where he works and has been continuing the work since last four months. The designed sample size of this research is small and choosy as it is based only on one department of food and beverage operation in the Hotel- Brassiere Restaurant. The sample population comprises of The Manager of the Restaurant, Staff of the Department Brassiere, and some of the chosen guests of hotel who were sampled with the recommendation of the manager of Brassiere. The total number of people sampled comes to a total of 12 plus some of the staffs who helped as well. These populations are involved in the customer satisfaction and care line on daily basis. They all enthusiastically agreed to provide good level of information. Totally 25 different questions were of which few were received back and the filled copies are attached. (Please find the attached sheet at the back). Thus all of the staffs and the management were very helpful in achieving this task. Reliability and Validity: The research strategy carried here is significantly contributively and increased the positive response towards the research. The interview and questionnaire that was delivered was regarding the customer satisfaction and quality service in Brassiere. The questionnaires that were asked have obviously accomplished the grade of reliability and validity. Findings and Results: The section of the research will produce the summation of the data accumulated with various methods and techniques. Mainly the data extracted from the questionnaire and the interview will be focused along with other results of methods. The response is well and good from the provided questionnaires and is received back completed from the population selected. The employees capability of setting up problems is about developing human supply with essential skills to carry successful service in the near future.(H and Huang H.C (2008). Thus the hotel aim and major priorities in providing quality customer service is based on the responses accumulated from the interview and the questionnaire which are as follows; 1. Delivering High standard service. 2. Proper Knowledge of operation and relationship. 3. Quality customer service 4. Guest Relationship of Manager and the Supervisors 5. Customer service skills. 6. Overall performance and quality of Brassiere Team. 7. SALT Score of Brassiere. 8. Good customer service and customer care 9. Staff training for development and further knowledge. 10. Handling Complaints 11. Methods of operation 12. Summary of quality customer service in Brassiere. Delivering High standard service: The outlet Brassiere aims to deliver high standard service at all time of their operation and always moves forward to perform the best. The standard in this will require a management support with skilled and knowledgeable staff. The staffs of Brassiere are aspiring to achieve the quality in the product and the service by focusing on customers and the business. Proper Knowledge of operation and relationship: The team members of Brassiere are guided and trained in each and every step while moving forward in the operation of the outlet. They are given training on the operation system and functioning of the business in various steps with gaps. A systematic job chat is done with the staff by the supervisor and the manager to identify the problems faced by the staff and the improvement made till date. The relationship is maintained and unity in diversity is basically followed and the working environment is very flexible and professional. Quality customer service: Quality customer service is a complicated and a broad term to use but, major aspects of it are achieved by the team of Brassiere. The service standard if Brassiere has better quality as compared to other similar kind of outlet or business. Professionalism is maintained and carried in each and every operational process. The guests expectation level is always met and exceeded as per the questionnaire sums up. Guest Relationship of Manager and the Supervisors: The guest relationship of the manager and the supervisor of Brassiere are superb. The manager during the operation of the restaurant goes to the guests of the hotel during the dinner, breakfast and lunch to extract the value and quality they are experiencing in the outlet. 13. Customer service skills. Chapter 5, Discussion: Introduction: Customers are the most important part of the Brassieres business. Quite simply, without customers there would be no business! So it is vitally important that customers are looked after well and given the highest standards of service, so that they come back again and also tell their friends about the good time they had staying and eating in Hilton Hotel London. Need of Quality Customer Service in Brassiere: These days customer service is not just about meeting customers needs, but it is about exceeding them. It is also important to stress giving excellent and not just good customer service. The staffs at Brassiere of Hilton Hotel Paddington are fully trained in all aspects of excellent customer service. The companys customer service aim is to give our guest a truly short break holiday and business experience which far exceeds their expectations. But, In Brassiere of Hilton Hotel customer service is much more than just being nice to the customers. It is about all staff in the Restaurant working towards a positive approach to customers which involves, a) Identifying Customers Needs: Knowing what the guests wants is fundamental to the success of Brassiere business and reputation. However knowing the guests need is often relatively easy, what can be more difficult is putting into practice the actions that are recommended. b) Developing the right products and Services: Having found out what its customers wants, Brassiere can begin to develop products and services that matches the various requirements to make sure that they are offered at the right price, in the right place and, in the case of profit. c) Measuring Customers Satisfaction: Customer service is a constant process to strive to be as successful as possible in satisfying customer needs. The product and services will need careful monitoring and adjustment to meet any changes that the customers are demanding. SALT scores (Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Survey) must me maintained as they use this technique to measure customers satisfaction level. d) Developing Internal System: Hilton Hotel need to give attention to the needs of the internal customers i,e the staffs working for the Brassiere Restaurant. Mechanism to improve internal communications, including regular meetings, social events and staff newsletters, are all part of improving the overall level of service to the customers. e) Staff Training: Training in excellent customer service skills is vital for all staffs in Brassiere Restaurant, not just those whose work brings them into daily contact with customers. Staffs working behind the scenes, like Back area, main kitchen, and the stewarding etc need to appreciate that they too have an important role to play in keeping the customers happy and satisfied. Benefits of Excellent Customer Service to Hiltons Brassiere Restaurant: Excellent customer service not only brings benefits to the customers, but also to the Restaurant and of course to the hotel. Staffs working in the Brassiere Restaurant will also reap rewards, recognition, with increased job satisfaction and star points ( a system of rewarding followed in Hilton when a Guest comments good about an individual). The main benefit to the Brassiere Restaurant Department on delivering quality customer service is shown in the figure below; Reason for Poor Customer Service: Providing excellent and quality customer service is highly a skilled task requiring motivation, effort and commitment from the staff involved in the operation of Brassiere and support from the supervisors and the manager. However even the most experienced staff can have bad days! There are various reasons why the performance level of the staff deployed in the operation of Brassiere falls down. Four of the most common are as follows; Lack of commitment: Insufficient Knowledge about the product and the service. Poor communication level. Lack of proper training. What can management do to demolish these factors? a) Discover any underlying problems that are causing the lack of commitment. b) Arrange staff training session to help deal with the problems. c) Provide a supportive environment in which the staff can flourish. d) Involve all staff in customer service improvement. Quality Customer Service: There have been quantum changes in the attitudes towards quality customer service in Hiltons outlet Brassiere in the recent years. An organisation that delivers consistent good and quality service is usually seen as being Quality Company. Indeed, quality has many parallels with the customer service, a
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Client Directed Outcome Informed Therapy (CDOI) Analysis
Client Directed Outcome Informed Therapy (CDOI) Analysis Taryn Slaughter Throughout the years, therapies have transitioned through different theories of change, model development and extensive research. For decades evidence based models of therapy were argued to be the best treatment for clients. Whilst therapy programs continued and expanded the rates of success did not. Slowly the perception of traditional models and treatments began to change and therapists began looking for alternatives to best suit the needs of their clients. Gradually the roles of therapist and client have changed and the client now has more involved in their treatment process. The client is no longer just a recipient of treatment; they are a partner in the planning, implementing and the outcomes. This essay will describe client directed outcome informed therapy and how it benefits clients with consistent positive treatment outcomes. The concept of Client Directed Outcome Informed therapy (CDOI) was developed through collaboration between Scott Miller and Barry Duncan (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). After reviewing years of outcomes research, CDOI therapy was created in an attempt to meet the needs of individuals who had not responded to traditional models of therapy (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004; Duncan Moynihan, 1994). Through further studies and collaborations other forms of outcome and client directed models emerged. These other forms of therapy have been called Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT) and Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) (Miller, Duncan, Sorrell Brown, 2004). All three forms of therapy focus on the same principle of providing treatment for clients that is best suited to their individual needs. CDOI therapy has no fixed treatment, model, practice or intervention. The client directed aspect of CDOI therapy ensures that the differences between individuals are understood (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). Practitioners performing CDOI therapy with clients acknowledge that each individual is different by structuring treatments to meet the needs of each client (Duncan Moynihan, 1994). The process of structuring treatment for each individual requires an understanding of the client’s strengths weaknesses and resources to obtain the best possible outcome (Norcross Wampold, 2010). Once these are understood, the client and therapist are then able to outline the desired goals of the client and implement treatments best suited to the client. The relationship between client and therapist enables the process of establishing goals and treatment options in any therapy. The relationship (or alliance) is built early in the initially stages of therapy (Barber, Connolly, Crits-Christoph, Gladis, Siqueland, 2000). The strength of the alliance is determined on the ability of the client and therapist to work together in a mutually respective, trusting and supportive environment (Klee, Abeles Muller, 1990). A therapist must be able to overcome any early resistance to therapy or formation of alliance to ensure the treatments being provided will meet the needs of the client. Research has shown that the strength of the alliance is a significant indicator to the outcomes of treatment. A meta-analytical review conducted by Martin, Garske and Davis (2000) examined a number of studies which observed alliance and outcomes of treatment. It was found that the alliance formed between therapist and client was the most significant indicator of outcome. These findings are consistent with the other alliance focused research (Klee, Abeles Muller, 1990; Krupnick et al., 1996; Meier, Barrowclough Donmall, 2005) which shows that a strongly built alliance results in more positive outcomes then those client/therapist relationships with inconsistent or weakly formed alliances. The outcome informed aspect of CDOI therapy involves the process of compiling feedback throughout treatment. This process provides indicators on whether the selected treatment is affective for the client and meeting their needs (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). A number of studies have shown the effectiveness of ongoing feedback between counsellor and client and positive outcomes of treatment (Claiborn, Goodyear Horner, 2001; Lambert Shimokawa, 2011). Therapists can use the information gathered through feedback to either continue with current treatments or make adjustments where required to continue to work towards treatment goals (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). The most important aspect of this process is that the client is the one expressing how the treatment is working for them, maintaining to the principle of CDOI therapy. There are many different terms used in professional practise when collecting feedback. There are also a number of different methods used when compiling information transmitted between therapist and client. In CDOI and other client and outcome focused therapies many therapists use the Outcome Ratings Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS) (Miller, Duncan, Sorrell Brown, 2004). Both scales allow the therapist to gain an understanding on the level of alliance formed and the success of the treatment being utilised. Consistent feedback from the client ensures that the alliance is still strong and the treatment is being effective in reaching the clients goals (Shaw, 2014). Other models of treatment and therapies such as Counselling and Medical models have more specific structures and guidelines. These models of therapy use the process of diagnosing a problem and then utilising a specific therapy to treat that problem (Mozdzierz, Peluso Lisieki, 2011). Through evidence based practise, problems and therapies are linked together from previous studies and research in the areas where there have been previous successful outcomes. Therapies such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) are linked with previous results in treating diagnosed disorders such as anxiety and depression (Butler, Chapman, Forman Beck, 2006; Tolin, 2010). These therapies are classified under the medical model of treatment and would be used by therapists after diagnoses of anxiety or depression has been made. The difference between these models and the CDOI therapy model is that there is no distinct diagnoses and treatment structure. Each client is evaluated on their own strengths, weaknesses and ideas about treatment. Goals and treatment options are set by both the client and the therapist to ensure all needs of the client are being met, not just the symptoms of a disorder that may be present resulting in a diagnoses (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). Other models of therapy are more restricted in the types of treatments provided and do not allow for individual characteristics of each client. When adopting the CDOI method there is no need to completely discard other models such as the Counselling Model of treatment. CDOI therapy can draw from these different models and modify the structure to suit the client, instead of following the guidelines that may not be appropriate in every case (Duncan Moynihan, 1994). There have been many cases of successful outcomes for clients using evidence based therapies in the past (Butler, Chapman, Forman Beck, 2006; Tolin, 2010). However CDOI therapy is an alternative to these therapies that can be structured to meet the needs of any client by minimising the risk of negative outcomes. There are a number of strategies that can be used by a professional counsellor to improve their outcomes when using CDOI therapy. The importance of alliance between client and therapist has been proven to be a significant indicator of outcome. To build an alliance a professional needs to build a strong, safe and trusting relationship with the client (Norcross Wampold, 2010). A professional counsellor needs to understand the processes involved to build and maintain a strong alliance throughout treatment. Building strong interpersonal skills is one way a professional can achieve a strong alliance. To assess interpersonal skills, a professional can use the Social Skills Inventory (SSI) and the Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) Performance task questionnaires (Anderson, Ogles, Patterson, Lambert Vermeersch, 2009). These questionnaires measure social and emotional aspects of individual’s interpersonal skills. These aspects are important in building a successful alliance between professional and client which has shown to be a strong indicator of positive outcome. Building on interpersonal skills can be achieved through continuing regular training and education. By continuing education, a professional counsellor can remain current with ongoing research, therapies and treatments and build on existing skills (Norcross Wampold, 2011). By utilising further education a professional can use new ideas to improve outcomes in future cases. One other strategy relates to the feedback process between therapist and client. A successful indicator of outcome, the feedback process is important (Claiborn, Goodyear Horner, 2001). A professional counsellor needs to use a simple and quick system of collecting feedback so that the process doesn’t become overwhelming for the client (Lambert Shimokawa, 2011). This process can only lead to positive outcomes for the professional and client. Conclusion- No one model has proven superiority over another References Anderson, T., Ogles, B M., Patterson, C. L., Lambert, M. J., Vermeersch, D. A. (2009). Therapist Effects: Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Predictor of Therapist Success. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(7), 755-768. Barber, J. P., Connolly, M. B., Crits-Christoph, P., Gladis, L., Siqueland, L. (2000). Alliance Predicts Patients’ Outcome Beyond In-Treatment Change in Symptoms. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(6), 1027-1032. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.68.6.1027. Butler, A. C., Chapman, J. E., Forman, E. M., Beck, A. T. (2006). The empirical status of cognitive-behavioural therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Clinical Psychology Review, 26(1), 17-31. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2005.07.003. Claiborn, C. D., Goodyear, R. K., Horner, P. A. (2001). Feedback. Psychotherapy:Theroy, Research. Practise, Training, 38(4), 401-405. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.38.4.401. Duncan, B. L., Miller, S. D., Sparks, J. A. (2004). The Heroic Client. A revolutionary way to improve effectiveness through client-directed, outcome informed therapy. Sanfrancisco, California: John Wiley Sons. Duncan, B. L., Moynihan, D. W. (1994). Applying Outcome Research: Intentional Utilization Of The Clients Frame Of Reference. Psychotherapy, 31(2), 294-301. doi: 10.1037/h0090215. Johnson, L., Brown, J., Anker, M. Becoming Outcome Informed. In Duncan, B. L., Miller, S. D., Sparks, J. A. (2004). The Heroic Client. A revolutionary way to improve effectiveness through client-directed, outcome informed therapy (pp. 81-118). Sanfrancisco, California: John Wiley Sons. Klee, M. R., Abeles, N., Muller, R. T. (1990). Therapeutic Alliance: Early Indicators, Course and Outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practise, Training, 27(2), 166-174. doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.27.2.166. Krupnick, J. L., Sotcky, S. M., Simmens, S., Moyer, J., Elkin, I., Watkins, J., Pilkonis, P. A. (1996). The role of the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy outcome: Findings in the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology,64(3), 532-539. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.64.3.532. Lambert, M. J., Shimokawa, K. (2011). Collecting client feedback. Psychotherapy, 48(1), 72-79. doi:10.1037/a0022238. Martin, D. J., Garske, J. P., Davis, M. (2000). Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(3), 438-450. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.68.3.438. Meier, P. S., Barrowclough, C., Donmall, M. C. (2005). The role of the therapeutic alliance in the treatment of substance misuse: a critical review of the literature. Addiction, 100(3), 304-316. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00935.x Miller, S. D., Duncan, B. L., Sorrell, R., Brown, G. S. (2004). The Partners for Change Outcome Management System. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(2), 199-208. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20111. Mozdzierz, G. J., Peluso, P. R., Lisieki, J. (2011). Evidence-Based Psychological Practices and Therapist Training: At the Crossroads. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 51(4), 439-464. doi:10.1177/0022167810386959. Norcross, J. C., Wampold, B. E. (2010). What Works for Whom: Tailoring Psychotherapy to the Person. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(2), 127-132. doi. 10.1002/jclp.20764. Norcross, J. C., Wampold, B. E. (2011). Evidence based therapy relationships: Research conclusions and clinical practices. Psychotherapy, 48(1), 98-102. doi: 1037/a0022161. Shaw, S. W. (2014). Monitoring Alliance and Outcome with Client Feedback Measures. Journal of Mental Health Counselling,36(1), 43-57. Tollin, D. F. (2010). Is cognitive-behavioural therapy more effective than other therapies? A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(6), 710-720. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2010.05.003.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved - How We Define Ourselves
How We Define Ourselves in Beloved    The idea of how we define ourselves is a topic that has much force in the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison. Two of the characters in the novel have strongly opposite ideas of defining their own â€Å"selves†. Baby Suggs displays a very healthy sense of self, completely based on only who she is as a person, and not relying on any other person to assist her in her definition. She is an independent person and loves her own â€Å"self†greatly. Sethe, on the other hand, has an unhealthy sense of self because who she is is strongly dependent on her interactions and relationships with her children. The above is excerpt is provided to indicate the focus of the essay. The complete essay begins below: The journey towards finding one’s â€Å"self†is a long and arduous one, twisting and turning in every direction. The destination is a personal identity -- a definition of who one is, independent of anyone else. Some people find a straight path that leads them directly to the discovery of their â€Å"selves†. Other people take the road that has many switch-backs and obstacles to overcome, but eventually these people make it to the destination of â€Å"self†as well. There are still others who get lost along the way.     The process of finding one’s â€Å"self†is strongly reliant upon our interactions with other people. From the beginning, as infants, to when we are still small children, we have no idea who we are or what our relationship to the world is. Our perceptions of the world are through the eyes of our parents or guardians and other adults who try to teach us and show us the world. They instill in us their own ideas of right and wrong, good and bad. As we grow, our peers have much influence over h... ...t our own sense of "self". We never stop learning and experiencing new things, so our definitions of "self" are constantly being challenged and sometimes altered. However, when we begin to rely solely upon other people to know who we are, our "self" is no longer our own. A true sense of "self" is responsive to one's interactions and relationships with people, but defined only by one's own mind and heart, independent of others. The road towards personal identity is long. Several people may help us out along the way, hydrating us as needed; carrying us as needed. But, in the end, we hopefully cross the finish line on our own. Works Cited 1. Kubitcheck, M.D. Toni Morrison: A Critical Companion. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. 2. Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Plume, 1987. 3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. 4. Secrets and Lies.  Â
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