Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay example --
History / Educational Influences Marina City, as a modernist urban solution, was possible by Bertrand Goldberg because of his formal architectural training as hearty as his early practice and interaction with key architects. Exposure to architectural, socioeconomic, and cultural context that shaped modernist architecture developed him as an architect. Influence began early on from his physics teacher, George Vaubel, which inspired him with a long love for logic and reasoning backwards and finding evidence for what was taught to him. Goldberg studied at the Cambridge School of Architecture and grace then at the Bauhaus in Berlin, Germany and lastly, at the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago. He discovered architecture while studying at Harvard in 1930. The dean, Henry Frost, allowed Goldberg to study with his graduate studio as an undergraduate. During the Great Depression, Goldberg was studying at Harvard where debates with professors and fellow students centered on the p olitical and social problem, dealing with poverty. It unleashed and influenced his lifelong consciousness of social and political factors because he took social and political problems into consideration when designing. Harvard exposed Goldberg to the Beaux-Arts architecture and he desired to go to Paris to study notwithstanding instead went to the Bauhaus after being advised. The Bauhaus introduced Goldberg to the new ideals of art and architecture. The Bauhaus emphasized on vision and spatial skills. Goldberg was greatly influenced by Mies van de Rohe and Josef Albers. Goldberg embraced less is more and was train to work out details of the total design by creating an aesthetic out of structure and seeking alliance with an industrial world. At the B... ... solution of a central core and columns made the structure safe and efficient. The concrete also acted provided security against uplift because of concrete nature of heaviness. Mechanical systems were engineered within the floor s which allowed for more spatial freedom. The efficient solution to the foundation was also achieved through engineering and the use of caissons. Construction initiated after structural issues were resolved. Machine and hand became the medium to create the building. bit the tower crane allowed for the fast construction of Marina City, artisanship was also required. The use of formwork to create the petals require of artisanship while being mass produce implied machine. The hand work stub be seen in the uneven surfaces were molding was required. Marina City became the biggest structural and residential building at the time of its completion.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Essay -- Essays Papers
Joy Luck ClubThe Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, is a powerful portrayal of four Chinese women and the lives of their children in America. The book discusses the conflicting cultures between the United States and China, and how men treat women throughout their lives. People living in the United States usually take for disposed(p) their roles as a male or female. The culture of each country shapes the treatment one receives based on the sex of the individual. There be self-explanatory differences within the different cultures. These differences show themselves in the get going force, the distinct tasks performed in the home, and the privileges one receives in society. In the work force, the women of America hold many positions of importance. They argon usually treated as equals with men and there are few jobs from which they are excluded. In China, women are expected to stay at home and are not permitted to be in a work force that is held exclusively for men. The women of America receiv e fair wages and have earned the right to work with men. In China, women are assigned the role of housewives and must stay at home to clean the house and raise the children. Women in America receive educations that go out prepare them for the high paying jobs of a professional. The women in China are known for taking orders from their husbands. Another feature that is found to be different in China from America is the different roles women take in the home. The author explains that a Chinese woman is expecte...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Ellen Foster Essay -- essays papers
Ellen Foster The majority of families were once considered perfect. The father went to work everyday, while the mother stayed at home and cared for her two children, Henry and Sue. The children never fought and the parents were involved in all the community events. Our society has grown to accept that there is no such thing as a perfect family. Eleven-year-old Ellen from the book Ellen Foster, by Kaye Gibbons, grows up in a household where her father is an abusive alcoholic and her mother is too sick to grapple everyday tasks. By use her positive assets, and learning from her ban assets, Ellen was able to overcome a lot of challenges throughout the book. One would think that six of the close important external assets fall under the category of shop. Without support from ones family and friends, he/she would have to be living in a put forward of depression. Ellen can claim to have only two of the support assets, which are to be in a caring school environment and to rece ive support from three or more nonparent adults. In school, her instructors worry about her, and want to know if she is OK The first day book binding at school my teacher noticed a bruise he put on my arm she asked me if I had somewhere to spend the nightthe teacher says everything is OK and she will seduce the necessary arrangements. Although Ellen found support from the school psychologist, she also found support from her best and only friend Starlettas parents. Starlettas parents told Ellen, You come on back when you want to If hes there when you get home you come on back here if you want to Starlettas parents are very reason and they even take Ellen downtown whenever she needs to, buy clothing or food. Even though Ellen found sup... that she grew up in was such a negative environment. It is very possible that she will grow up to be an art teacher. One might think this because she looked up to her art teacher so much and admired her Ellens mind is full of creati vity and ideas. When Ellens school found out that her dad was abusive to her they put her up at her art teachers house. Ellen says I came a long way to get here but when you think about it really hard you will gain vigor that old Starletta came even farther And all this time I thought I had the hardest row to hoe Like Ellen did, it is important for everyone to look back into their smell and see what they have learned. Doing so cannot change ones past but only add to their future. Ellen will always carry the horrors of her childhood with her but by using all of her assets that she gained throughout the book her future can be enriched.
Effects of Civil War Essay -- essays research papers
When a war occurs, it takes years for the society or societies involved to return to a much normal, calm state. In the case of the American Civil War, many aspects of the country were disrupted afterwards the war ended in 1865. Relations were strained, land had been destruct, families lacerated apart, and much more. The economy struggled, and many Southerners did not want to accept a loss. The death count for the American Civil War was also an amazing number, and make a large dent into families, businesses, and towns across the nation. When examining the physical damage to the land after the end of the war, it was obvious that much of the country had been brutally trampled and scarred by the battles and rampages of the war. As host had moved across areas, they had burnt many fields and homes in proof of their defiance against their enemies. Also, many cities, towns, and businesses had been set fire as the troops had captured and traveled through them. Many of these fires took li ves, and often made making a fresh start and rebuilding seem like an impossible venture. The land that had been destroyed by these fires also was very tattered and would take many years to rehabilitate.The countless buildings, homes, businesses and structures that had been torn down and broken apart, were definitely very discouraging matters for the citizens after the war ended. Many families had lost their homes to traveling troops during battles...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Death of the General in O’Connor’s A Late Encounter with the Enemy Essa
Death of the General in OConnors A Late Encounter with the EnemyI did an analysis of the paragraph where the General passes away (page 143 in my edition of The Complete Stories of Flannery OConnor) The most obvious function about this paragraph is that is that the Generals death is portrayed as death during battle. The title The Late Encounter with the Enemy is very appropriate because the ecumenic views his death as such. The most obvious thing about this paragraph is that it is like a battle. Words are used as bullets in this paragraph. For example, He couldnt protect himself from the words and attend to the procession too and the words were coming at him fast.(143) makes it really seem like a battle. Since he was a general, it would be appropriate that his death be viewed as a battle. The grim reaper like figure in the black robe immediately identifies the carriage of death. It seems pretty clear that death is his enemy in this case. This example indicates that Then he saw the figure in the black robe sit tidy sum and there was a noise and the black pool in the front ...
Death of the General in O’Connor’s A Late Encounter with the Enemy Essa
Death of the General in OConnors A fresh Encounter with the EnemyI did an analysis of the paragraph where the General passes away (page 143 in my edition of The Complete Stories of Flannery OConnor) The most obvious thing or so this paragraph is that is that the Generals death is portrayed as death during battle. The title The Late Encounter with the Enemy is very appropriate because the general views his death as such. The most obvious thing about this paragraph is that it is like a battle. Words are used as bullets in this paragraph. For example, He couldnt protect himself from the words and attend to the procession too and the words were coming at him fast.(143) makes it really seem like a battle. Since he was a general, it would be appropriate that his death be viewed as a battle. The grim reaper like figure in the black robe immediately identifies the presence of death. It seems graceful clear that death is his enemy in this case. This example indicates that Then he saw the figure in the black robe sit down and on that point was a noise and the black pool in the front ...
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Personal Integrated Theory of Counseling Essay
AbstractThis personal model of steering addresses the importance of developing a biblical possibility of Christian counsel, which also integrates psychology, theology and weirdity, without diminishing the relevance of each. The working model for counselors should provide practical techniques for the inclusion of believers and non-Christians, as they work towards a personal family relationship with perfection. This root word will discuss the nature traits, external influences that build a personal integrative opening of scientific disciplines and theological truths. The works of relevant theorists and authors will be reviewed as comparable viewpoints on Christian Counseling and how integration can benefit individuals, couples and families. The paper will begin to create a personal guideline for the authors counseling practices with clients from in exclusively backgrounds. It will conclude with personal thoughts to identify areas for growth and improvement.A Personal Integr ated Approach to Counseling accounting entryA comprehensive personal theory of counseling should integrate Psychology, Theology and Spirituality. One of the most important goals of counseling is develop a theoretic improvement through the integration of Psychology, Theology and Spirituality. separately, each discipline offer concepts that are unique and relevant, yet separately they lack the inferences of other viewpoints that may be overlooked. in that location is a basic understanding for counselors to charge the treatment on the client, as well as temporal systems that exist which hire influence on the client. Therefore, the cloaked of integrating these theories will provide the counselor with a more comprehensive wisdom and faith to combine the key elements of each to implement into their counseling practices. A concern for counselors is the prioritization of theology over psychology. This can be difficult as well as thought provoking for and individual to undertake becau se of the historical upset betwixt faith and science.An individual deeply rooted in their biblical cosmeaview will argue that with faith, they require no further belief, while others with a instaurationly found worldview requires the proof of statistics and data for their belief. (Entwistle, 2010, p. 9) Secular viewpoints are bound by the limitations of earthly living and its standards. The Christian viewpoint is directly colligated to the fact that their consummate(a) destiny is ordained because they are a child of God. The counselor who will be flourishing at integration will hap it necessary to amplification their competence in all areas. (McMinn, 2011) states that the best at interdisciplinary integration are those that have an informal and formal preparation of both(prenominal) psychology and theology. sequence there can be preference in either theory, counselors are cautioned not to minimize the doctrines of Theology or misrepresent the clinical applications of Ps ychology. Personality growing of PersonalityHuman personality is a set of characteristics and traits, as well as emotions and behaviors that make each person unique. An individuals personality normally remains consistent throughout disembodied spirit. However, personality can be altered by an individuals environment, temporal systems as well as traumatic events. For counselors it can be challenging when attempting to understand Human Personality without exploring the clients past. This can uncover many of the misbeliefs, injure feelings originating in childhood that manifest into nonadaptive behaviors in adulthood. (Backus & Chapian, 2000) The Christian worldview allows the understanding of all kind functioning parts The physical and the personal. The physical represents the body and the personal acknowledges the spirit or individual. A counselors focus is centered with both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind where misbeliefs and attitudes are held. They must first look at the nubity of a client through the use of concentric circles. This theory allows the counselor the viewpoint of the various circles that create human personality.The innermost circle represents the self. It represents the core where the image of God, the Holy Spirit, and issues of hellhole reside. Also within the core is the heart where scripture shows the heart as vital function of providing life giving blood. The heart is that part of a human that chooses the basic direction they will follow in life. (Crabb, 1977) The outer layers consist of the soul of a human infused with the Holy Spirit. When we are born, we inhabit a soul that allows us to think, feel and choose. Your spirit is in union with God if he is the choice for the center of your life. parole notes that those who alternatively do not accept God into their life will become vulnerable to the influence of Sin and Satanic mashs. Consequently, it is the choices that guide the soul and the resulting emotions, th oughts and behaviors that impact human interactions and relationships.As you move to the outer circles there is theory that is presented that exhibits the correlation of the body and the effects on human personality. The physical circle illustrates the connection with the body and physical wellness as humans relate to life challenges. Our bodies alert us to potential dangers in the form of pain and discomfort. When the body is in distress, messages sent to the brain are distorted. The outcomes of physical pain, will accept a persons mood, energy and cognitive abilities. The physical circle illustrates the connection with the body and physical health as humans relate to life challenges. (Hart, 1999) Finally, there are two components of circles in this theory. The first is the temporal system. These are the external forces or the earth systems such as family, friends, ghostlike affiliations, economic conditions and fraternity that create positive and negative personality traits in humans. The author Crabb suggests that humans have two basic needs deduction and security in commit to function effectively. (Crabb, 1977)When we feel secure and significant we are then deemed to be worthwhile. However, the interactions of Hawkins temporal systems will jeopardize these assurance and the results are maladaptive behaviors that lead clients to therapy. The utmost outer circle is supernatural systems. (Hawkins, 2009) In this system, God, Angel, Satan and Demonic forces are introduced. Spiritual forces inhabit all humans, yet there is a battle between the dark forces of Satan, and the truth in Gods word. . Author Neil Anderson describes the forces at work on the formation of human personality. (Anderson, 2000) These evil forces disguise themselves and aggressively research to intervene with deception of the Holy Spirit. Without a personal relationship with God, Satan has opportunity to manipulate thoughts and create misbeliefs which are the direct cause of emotional turmoil, and maladaptive behaviors. (Backus & Chapian, 2000) The supernatural outer circle aids in the quest for a realization that spiritual disciplines can help begin the parade for an internal change. demandOne of the major premises of counseling is to develop an understanding why people do what they do. An individuals actions are directly connected to their personality profile. Behind every action there is energy or a force that results in a specific behavior. Every human has motivations that are based often on self-centered needs. The basic needs are physical which encompasses the elements critical to life, the need for emotional relationships as well as the need for significance and security. Counselors are aware that Human Need will continue and this need moves people into false outside systems in order to reach the type of gratification they desire, rather than learnk a relationship with God.That relationship indicates the temperament of the unbeliever as opposed to a bel iever. The unbeliever thinks of himself first, and evaluates life in terms of the world system and the behavior is motivated and designed to meet his or her own needs. While the believer will still experience misbeliefs in his conscious mind, merely this individual makes a deliberate choice to evaluate his or her world based on a biblical framework. The biggest difference is the believers train is to live for Christ and exhibit behaviors that are Christ like and subsequently will receive them in return. (Crabb, 1977, p. 107)Human DevelopmentAll Humans have a desire for autonomy in the world from a very early age. This search for self-governing freedom to establish their place in the world but is conflicted by the distortion of good and evil. The boundaries or acceptable behaviors guide the decision making process. These boundaries are for self-preservation. (Cloud & Townsend, 1999) Positive choices, allow the capacity to be lovable and kind to others, use physical energy creative ly, and live a purpose driven life.The alternative choice directs individuals on a path of sin and brokenness that prevents both growth and maturity. (McMinn, 2011) Without self-control individuals a counselor has the ability to guide this development process by helping them realize their position in the kingdom of God. Scripture emphasizes the purpose for an intimate relationship with God in that acknowledges a rebirth as a child of God, and confirms that life is no longer in the bod but now life is in Christ. The intent of a counselor is to progress the client toward the development of an optimal balance of mental and spiritual health.Individual DifferencesEvery human has a viewpoint of the world that is used as base of understanding of the world and their place in it. It is model of assumptions and evaluations that impacts personality traits and behaviors and forms a standard of living. (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2002, p. 59) Most peoples worldview are inherited rather than chosen and are shaped by cultural, religious and social influences. The presumptions can outperform into discriminatory beliefs to those who have opposing viewpoints. Counselors who are willing to address cultural difference in their client are mostly those that do not see them as impediments, but as an opportunity for growth. Individuals with an understanding & acceptance of themselves will achieve a greater sense of emotional and spiritual health.Health and maladyHealth is more than a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. There are other components such psychological, and spiritual. The goal is achieve perfect health on all levels, however this can be challenging for clients to achieve and difficult for counselors to measure. A lifestyle that consists of a balanced diet, physical activities should result in good health however, these alone are not sufficient. (McMinn, 2011) offers a triad approach that includes an accurate sense of self, healing relationships and an accurat e sense of need. Those that are committed toward moving toward total health learn self-love and worth, to recognize needs as well as the importance of therapeutic relationships.There are biological, physical and social systems that all contribute to the symptoms of an illness. The pain and discomfort are presented in the physical body, while anxiety, sinful behavior and other temporal systems affect health. Conflicting messages delivered to the brain detonate and imbalance of worry and stress that are manifested in personality disorders. When people try to function in areas that affect untended and unhealed hurts, they will hurt others. (Wilson, 2001)Psychological and Spiritual IllnessSin is a pervasive element of human condition. In biblical terms, it dates back to Adam and Eve as committing the received sin. It is often misused by those who commit that they are ill therefore they engage in sinful behavior. Through the use of attributional style, decipher if mental illness or th e absence of spirituality are the sources of maladaptive behaviors. (McMinn, 2011) Consequently there must be a conscious choice to identify what sin represents in preventing an intimate relationship with God. Spiritual illness is living outside the will of God who desires peace and tranquility for those who accept him in their life. James 417 (King James)Integration and MultitaskingMcMinn (1996) stresses the need for counselors to evaluate a clients problems from several viewpoints simultaneously. Through a multidimensional lens, there is the ability to explore theological, psychological perspectives. underdeveloped the ability to multi-task, integrates the science of psychology, the truth in Theology and Spirituality, with the focus on theological truth as a radix, without diminishing the significance of other perspectives. rough-and-ready multitasking acknowledges the forces that influence personality. Nine elements including the body, the human spirit, volition, sin and tempo ral systems illustrate how humans can obtain a healthy balance when there is a spiritual foundation. Interdisciplinary Integration requires competence that goes beyond the understanding of theology and psychology. Spirituality is not viewed as a survey of credentials. It is the personal relationship with God that confronts weaknesses and dependence on God. The author also expresses that counselors must engage in the practice of personal devotion and exploring their own spiritual beliefs, through additional training and studyElements of TheoryThis theory of counseling incorporates integrative applications of disciplines and concepts with emphasis on the core of the human as the source where the spirit resides, cognitive behaviors are developed, and personality structures emerge. As a counselor develops a plan of treatment for a client, attention must be given to both parts of a human. The material or physical self and the immaterial or spirit self. Each part of the self represents a reas for the counselor to learn and explore influences on the clients emotions and impaired behavior.My theory mirrors (Crabb, 1977) presents a unique theory of counseling which he refers to the concepts of Tossed Salad and Nothing Buttery approach to counseling. There is a balanced integration however the focus is on teaching the truth in Gods word from biblical perspective as the most important. I believe effective counseling combines the strengths of various disciplines, without diminishing or promoting one over the other. A comprehensive theory removing deeply rooted misbeliefs and replace with biblical truths. My theory leads clients into an intimate relationship with God and provides a guide to initiate the process of change. (Hawkins, 2009)Process and TechniquesFour elements are introduced in the counseling relationships that work together in a successful counseling experience the spirit, the counselor, the counselee and the bible. The counselor establishes trust, engages th e client by attentive listening as they explore the clients problems, and create a working process that toward goals for both counselor and client. The counselor teaches principles of integration identify patterns of healing, guides the client toward change. The client acknowledges their spiritual relationship with God, takes ownership for emotions and behaviors, and commits to change from within. True transformation begins with a transmutation of the mind. (Adams, 1986)Expectations and Effectiveness of TheoryThe effectiveness of the theory is evaluated through the client progression towards a balanced h awareness of self, God, healthy relationships. (Crabb, 1977) theory suggests that success is heedful in Spiritual and Psychological Maturity. The presentation of symptom relief, decreased maladaptive behaviors promote well-being. As counselors enter into experiences with our clients, we trust that God will bless their veracity and courage, as they display progression toward overa ll improvements in life functioning (Petrocelli, 2002)Worldview and Influence on TheoryThe basis for my theory is based on a worldview of personal experiences and reflection. It demonstrates a biblical foundation that incorporates the integration of psychology, spirituality and theology. The emphasis of theory reviews the systems surrounding the core self that affect personality, including temporal and supernatural systems. This theory allows a better understanding of the motivation behind a clients choices.Approach to IntegrationMy approach dispels the myth that Christianity is just a religious belief and psychology is just science of profession, it illustrates that combined integration counselor can understand that you can be a religious person, and still find solutions and order in the science of psychology that examines human behavior. Christianity does not inhibit scientific progress in fact it is viewed as a major force to the further the exploration of the science. The Spoile d Egyptian Approach has a secular approach to psychology, the weeds out elements that oppose the truth in the scripture. (Crabb, 1977)ConclusionThis theory is grounded in a well-balanced foundation. It addresses the theories of integration, Multitasking and Worldviews. The goal of a counselor is summarized into two parts to lead my clients into an intimate relationship with God and guide the process of change. I believe the strong desire to help my clients begins within the heart of a counselor whose life inhabits the truth in the word of God, as a foundation for their personal theory of counseling.ReferencesAdams, J. E. (1986). How to Help People Change. Grand Rapids, Michigan Zondervan. Anderson, N. T. (2000). The Bondage Breaker Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, and Habitual Sins. Eugene, Oregon Harvest House Publishers. Backus, Dr., W., & Chapian, M. (2000). telling Yourself the Truth. Bloomington, Minnesota Bethany House Publishers. Clinton, T., & Ohlschlager, G. (2002). Competent Christian Counseling Foundations and practices of compassionate soul care. Colorado Springs, Colorado Waterbrook Press. Cloud, Dr., H., & Townsend, Dr., J. (1999). Boundaries in Marriage. Grand Rapids, Michigan Zondervan. Crabb, Dr., L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling A Model for Helping Caring ChristiansBecome Capable Counselors. Grand Rapids, Michigan Zondervan. Entwistle, D. N. (2010). Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity (2nd ed.). Eugene, Oregon Cascade Books. Hart, Dr., A. D. (1999). The Anxiety Cure. Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson, Inc. Hawkins, R. (2009). Constructing a Theory of Counseling.McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, Illinois Tyndale House Publishing. Petrocelli, J. V. (2002). Processes & Stages of Change Counseling with the Trans theoretical model of change journal. Journal of Counseling & Development, 23(4). Social, cognitive processes in behavioral hea lth Implications for Counseling. (1995). Counseling Psychologist, 2(4). Retrieved from http// Wilson, S. D. (2001). Hurt People, Hurt People Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships. Grand Rapids, Michigan Discovery House Publishers.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Torture and Ethics
Torture and morals Bradley Sexton April 13, 2013 University of Phoenix AJS 512 Dr. Miron Gilbert Torture and moral philosophy The torturing of human life always has been and always will be unethical, immoral, unjust, and wrong. Torturing enemy combatants or high-value targets does violate standards of holiness in the free world. In addition to violating international laws against such practices, overrefinement violates every basic human remediate. Torture is a form of cruel and unusual punishment by every standard regardless of the end result.Torture of one individual is alone justifiable by saving the lives of the many, but that does non make it moral or castigate. The only ethical theory that justifies twisting as moral acceptable is the utilitarianism view. This view should remain in the dark ages where it belongs because it is non an example of the moral standards that exit today. For or so people, the thought of torturing one person to save the lives of many sounds li ke the right idea. The problem with torture is the end result is not guaranteed. Under peak measures people will say whatever it takes to stop the pain.Torturing lowers the moral standards of the people performing the act to the same standards they are fighting against. In the long put up this only fuels the enemys commitment to their cause and makes them stronger. An enemy combatant who is considering volunteering information will not come forward if he or she thinks there is a hatchway of torture on the other side. Although it is true that other countries have already used torture on the Statesn people, future prisoners of war whitethorn realise even worse treatment if the enemy knows their prisoners are undergoing torture.The use of cruel and unusual punishment during interrogation violates human rights and makes any evidence obtained unusable in a court of law. The government and the criminal justice system must observe and conserve the same laws they expect society to fol low. Laws apply to everyone equally in American society (Evans, 2007). Reasoning, deceiving, and bribing the suspect with rewards will produce more accurate results than torture. The victim of torture under a state of duress and pain may not even think clearly ample to speak the rightfulness.He or she might even think their own lies are truth. Often only the affright of torture against the suspect or their family is enough to convince them to cooperate. The technology available in the modern world makes torture obsolete and unnecessary. The government can slowly put together enough proof to make the suspect think he or she is about to undergo torture, or think someone they guard about is in custody. Police agencies use deceitful tactics all the time to cause a suspect to make mistakes or fall apart the truth without resorting to immoral or unethical acts of violence.The results prove to be more accurate than torture and do no harm to the suspect. Considering torture only as a last resort after all other attempts fail is up to the people in charge of the interrogation in compliance with the law. Regardless of the force the actual act of torture is always morally and ethically wrong. Ontological contemplate Torture is not justified under the ontological theory of moral philosophy because it is wrong to cause harm regardless of the consequences. Freewill allows people to make their own decisions about right and wrong and sharing of information.Forcing people against their will to tell the truth or lie is morally wrong under the ontological view. Although even under this view, knowing it is wrong to do so will not stop some people from torturing another if the ends justify the means in their eyes. A father may well be within his right to torture the suspect who kidnapped his child. This does not make the act morally or ethically right for the father but may lead to the safe recuperation of his offspring. Society would not hold anything against such an ac t under the circumstances (Himma, 2009). Deontological ViewTorture is not justified under the deontological view because the consequences of the actions do not matter. Society considers torture ethically and morally wrong so the deontological view of torture is also wrong regardless of end result. Deontological ethics state that people should always follow their obligations and duty to society. In the case of torture a persons duty and obligation is to uphold the rights of the suspect. Even if the end result saves the lives of thousands of other people torture is close up unethical and immoral. This does not stop many governments from performing the act of torture.In any given situation in which many lives are at stake a government will resort to anything that reduces the risks and saves the lives of the many. When human life is at stake, morality, and ethics tend to take a back seat to humanity for all (Souryal, 2007). Utilitarianism View Torture is justified under the utilitarian ism view because pleasure for the majority outweighs the pain of the few. Utilitarianism sees pleasure for the most people as justice regardless of the pain this may cause a few people. Torturing enemy combatants and high value targets does not violate standards of morality under the utilitarianism view.Whether this act violates basic human rights is not a concern for utilitarianism as long as it results in happiness for the majority. The problem with this view is that it opens the door to other immoral acts. If torture continues until the suspect is jobless without gaining any knowledge that could provide happiness, then the act is immoral. Many innocent people could face torture leading to no results and utilitarianism becomes immoral. Under this justification development humans as guinea pigs for the happiness of the majority is also moral.Causing cruel and unusual punishment for prisoners is moral if the acts deter future crimes. Genocide is moral if the nonage population is i nterfering with the happiness of the majority (Driver, 2009). Natural Law View Torture is not justified under instinctive law because the basis of right and wrong is on the act itself not the results. Causing harm to another human for any reason is immoral and wrong under natural law. military man have moral standards that prevent them from acting like animals in that they do not harm another person to pass. The strongest find another way to survive without harming others.Humans help their fellow man live rather than taking advantage of them. Everyone has equal rights to freedom from persecution in any manner. Even the worst criminals who are felonious beyond a reasonable doubt are free from cruel and unusual punishment. Although this right is granted in the United States Constitution, it began as a natural law. Under natural law the use of any type of physical or mental pain to seek information or the truth is a form of torture and is ethically wrong. Although society may agree with harsh sentences for prisoners, they do not cross the line to unusual punishment (PSU, 2007).Conclusion Even during generation of war against another country the standards of morality in America should not to heed to same immoral acts the enemy has. The moral and ethical standards in America are higher than anywhere else in the world. Torture of any type is never a good idea and rarely produces effects great enough for the ends to justify the means. Any country that condones torture of their enemies eventually will use torture against their own citizens if it fits their agenda. Out of four ethical theories only utilitarianism views the act of torture as justice.In America the utilitarianism view is not the normal view of society in general. Torturing enemy combatants or high value targets does violate the standards of morality in America. Torturing should never be given legal status as there are always other options to choose from that do not violate human rights, ethics, or m orality. References Driver, J (2009) The History of Utilitarianism, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta(ed. ), URL = .Himma Kenneth (2009) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Philosophy of Law Retrieved on 4-14-2013 from http//www. iep. utm. edu/law-phil/ PSU (2007) Ethics in Criminal Justice components of justice retrieved on 3-31-2013 from https//courses. worldcampus. psu. edu/welcome/crimj465/moral_05. html Souryal, S. (2007) Ethics in criminal justice In search of the truth (4th ed. ). Cincinnati, OH Anderson Pub. /LexisNexis. Evans, R (2007) The Ethics of Torture, Human Rights and Human Welfare. Retrieved on 4-13-2013 from http//www. du. edu/korbel/hrhw/volumes/2007/evans-2007. pdf
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Issues in the Correctional Systems of the United States Essay
I beget chosen to research the specifyional system of the United States for legion(predicate) reasons. The get-go reason is that I believe this component of the legal system has the most lines facing it. A nonher reason is that this topic interests me and I would like to learn to a greater extent about it.There argon many important issues, ch anyenges and problems within the United States correctional system that need to be addressed. I found it difficult to local anaestheticize on just three issues. The first problem I will discuss in my paper will be the issue of the growing universe in the prison houses. Prisons ar overcrowded and murderers who have served barely half of their sentence are being blowholed because the allege facility needs their beds for other inmates. The second issue that I will discuss is prisoners and do medicatess including, drug addicted prisoners and drug treatment prisoners. The third issue that I will chat about also pertains to drugs and de als with the problem of drug trafficking in prisons.The first component of the United States correctional system that I have chose to discuss is the problem caused by overcrowded prisons. This is an important topic because overcrowded facilities are a huge problem in America and are very detrimental to community. Prisoners who have been convicted of murder, but have shown good behavior while in prison, are being released with not even serving half of their sentence. The parole board is releasing these prisoners because space is needed for other prisoners approach in. What if, that prisoner that was released early because of overcrowded prisons had killed a member of your family and might now go kill virtuallyone else? Wouldnt that make you a little upset with our system?There are many reasons why prisons in the United States are so overcrowded. To lowstand overcrowdedness one must first understand how expensive it is to build and maintain these correctional facilities. In 1993 the average cost to keep just one inmate incarcerated for a year was over $14,000 (Gaines, 1999).State courts convicted 872,217 felons during 1995 and one-third of the convictions were for drug offenses. 26% of all convicted felons were sentenced to local jails, usually for less than a year, and 45% were sentenced to farming prisons. The remaining 29% were sentenced to probation with no jail or prison condemnation to serve (Currie, 1998).Felons sentenced to province prison in 1994 were sentenced to an average of about six years but were most likely to serve just two of those six years, under the current release policies (Bender, 1998).There are many reasons why prisons became so overcrowded between 1985 and 1998. These factors include a 12.3 average annual increase in the number of Hispanic inmates, a 91% rise in admissions, a decline in the annual release rates, and a sharp rise in violent offenders among white inmates thusly keeping them in prisons longer (Jacobs, 1995). A lot of the increases were due to drug convictions. From 1985 to 1992 there was a 33% increase in the number of blacks sent to state prisons for violent offenses compared to a 27% increase in the number of whites. A similar increase in both incarcerated blacks and whites occurred for property crimes. However, for drug crimes, 94% more blacks were sent to prison from 1988 to 1992, while only 35% more whites were incarcerated (Cose, 2000).The nations courts are sentencing and admitting more offenders into Americas prisons than the facilities can hold. At the beginning of 1995, 39 states were under court order to relieve overcrowding (Currie, 1998).The counseling to address overcrowding is to build more prisons and maybe try to rehabilitate these felons a bit more. The 1995 census found that state and federal officials built 213 new prisons 168 state and federal facilities with more than 280,000 beds between 1990-1995 to keep up with the growing prison population (Jacobs, 1997). In 1995 1 8 correction agencies opened 70 new institutions, adding 69,921 beds at an average cost of $46,758 (Jacobs, 1997). Some states have trouble building prisons fast enough to meet court orders to correct conditions.Because building prisons and adding new beds is costly, states are looking for other ways to manage overcrowding, such asearly release programs, electronic monitoring, keeping prisoners in local jails, and having offenders pay restitution to their victims. Early release gives officials a way to allow prisoners to leave before their sentence is completed. In New York, presumptive release permits the parole board to release offenders on parole after they have served their minimum sentences if they have not caused any problems. Good time or merit time allows the reduction of the sentence time for everyday of good behavior or for participating in particular programs.Felons were sentenced to an average sentence of 71 months in state prisons in 1994 but actually served about 38 % of that sentence (Bender, 1998). The danger in releasing inmates to make more room for new admissions is that somewhat prisoners are violent offenders and should not be let out yet.Another way to deal with overcrowded conditions is for the regimen to save money by allowing private businesses to perform some government functions (privatization). This policy has largely affected the corrections system, especially as state and federal government face an increasing number of prisoners and , as a result, a growing need to build more prisons.People that are for the privatization of prisons believe that private firms would both improve the quality of go and reduce the costs. A National Institute of Corrections survey in the mid 1980s found that more than 30 types of services were provided by the private sector (Gaines, 1999). The services most frequently supplied by private enterprise are health services, community treatment centers, facility constructions, educational programs, drug tr eatment, staff training and counseling. such(prenominal) of the growth in the prison population can be attributed to the increase in the number of people sent to prison for drugs. In an effort to curb overcrowding petty drug offenders should be given treatment or lighter sentences. When I say petty drug offenders I mean drug users and not drug dealers that are a greater threat to society. Maybe if they get treatment they dont become repeat offenders. Loading our prisons with non violent drug offenders means that today we are committing more non violent offenders to hard time than we are violent criminals, and there is less room left forviolent offenders who should be put away to make society safer.There is a major question whether prison actually helps these drug users. They can usually find drugs in prison and if not they obtain drugs when they get out. It would be better if drug users were put into mandatory treatment programs on top of doing community services. This would help t he state of affairs of prison overcrowding while at the same time help those people who are involved in these treatment programs. There is a major problem when drug addicted people are put into prison and cannot get help they help. Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses made up the single largest group of federal inmates, 60% (Currie, 1998). This is a problem and inmates who are convicted of drug offenses should be made to participate in these programs. Most of these drug treatment programs at federal institutions have been in in effect(p) and poorly run.In 1995, according to the Criminal Institute, about 13.2% of inmates participated in drug programs (Jacobs, 1995). The New York Times reported that, although 1 in 6 inmates receive some kind of treatment, only about 2 % have the kind of service rehabilitation that changes the inmates behaviors for a lifetime (Jacobs, 1995). Most of the participants end up recidivists. The most effective programs take many months but reduce the re-a rrest rate greatly. Drug treatment advocates say that drug treatment programs could be provided for much less than the kernel fatigued to build more prisons.A lot of average Americans think people in prisons are all hardened criminals. In reality, the prisons are filled fence in to wall with drug abusers and mentally ill that need treatment instead of incarceration. They can change with the right help. In stead of building new prisons, the government should spend half that money on treatment programs. These programs would benefit society more than new prisons would.The third major issue that I would like to talk about deals with the problem of drug trafficking in prisons. It is a major problem when inmates can easily obtain drugs in prison. Many inmates who are constantly in and out of prison, see prison as a vacation from the rough streets. (Cose, 2000). This is because prisoners get three meals a day, free room and board, and areable to buy drugs. Prisons should be drug free a nd inmates should not be able to get high.It is hard to regulate drugs in prisons because in order to do so you would have to search everyone going in, keep all packages out, and lock inmates in their cells for 24 hours a day. With more and more inmates in prison for possessing and dealing drugs there is already a market and it is hard to keep drugs out. There are also too many corrections officers that go to work everyday and do all the drug pushing, making it hard to find the dealers.To address this problem of drugs availability in prisons more states are staging surprise lock downs and raids to stem the amount of drugs. This has proved to work but it is hard to do all the time because it involves a lot of man power. Another way in which in government try to keep drugs out of prisons is to use undercover officers. By using undercover officers in prisons you have an opportunity to get to the main source of the drugs coming in. The only problem with working on the inside to uncover drug trafficking is that it is very dangerous. Both the undercover officers, and surprise raids and lock downs are good way to regulate the amount of drugs in prisons.These issues that I have discussed are the major problems in the correctional system of the United States. These issues have to be addressed quick to better our society as a whole. These problems are not going to go away overnight and we, as voters in a democratic society must elect people that are going to take action and deal with these problems.BibliographyBender, David. Does Capital Punishment Deter CrimeGreenhaven press, CA 1998.Cose, Ellis. Newsweek-Americas Prison Generations.November 13, 2000Currie, Elliot. Crime and Punishment in America.Henry Holt and Company, NY 1998Gaines, Ann. Prisons.Chelsea House, Philadelphia 1999.Jacobs, Nancy. Prisons and Jails A Deterrent to Crime?Information Plus, Texas 1995.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Health Society Essay
1. What would be an literary argument in support of sin taxes on fast- victuals meals?Considering that fast-food meals are commonly less expensive than healthier options and provide food quickly for underpaid and overworked Ameri backsides, how might sin taxes unintentionally reproduce class difference?A good argument on the issue of taxing fast food is that it could service of process the health of our society. Most good luck tend to taint fast food because of time or just not wanting to cook and because most of the healthier food is more difficult to gain financially. Taxing this type of food may help in some way in reducing the high percentage of battalion who prefer junk food over healthier, however, not only people who do not have the ability financially to buy food buy food healthier fast, most people are poor or rich, at least once in their life bought fast food.So I look at that on one hand the rise of fast food taxes may help, but may also have little effect. So, I t hink there is no argument that safe enough for this problem. besides, I think if implemented taxes on fast food are placed I think not much difference between social classes because most people can buy fast food without being too rich, I do not think there is a difference but it can be seen as people who often eat fast food very often buy more healthy food, because if taxes are raised on fast food may have almost the same price as the food healthier and that will think twice when people buy food choices.2. How could the social construction of illness help us empathize hypochondria?The social construction of illness can help us to regard hypochondria by telling us what is this unhealthiness about and why it is developed. First, it may help us by telling us what are the causes of this complaint and the main factors that influence in order to develop this kind of disease. Also it may help us by telling us if there is every social beliefs about this disease and how it may be seen by people. Then, social construction will help us to understand this disease by qualification experiments, polls, and surveys in order to develop a diagnose or create a treatment. This will also help us to understand how to live and deal with this kind of disease and to know the reactions and other kind of factors and effects to consider.Finally medicalknowledge about illness and disease is given to us to understand it correctly to manage a severe disease like hypochondria. I believe that social construction of illness can help us in many ways to understand all kinds of diseases and Social constructionism also provides an important interpretation to medicines largely deterministic information about disease and illness, and it can help us to make the right decisions.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hamlet Essay
Thomas Kyds The Spanish Tragedy molded the work of William Shakespeargons Hamlet. Both are penalise tragedies that include the mystery of death. Behind the mystery, there is a spirit of the dead who appears before the protagonists, Hieronimo and Hamlet, to cry out for revenge. In The Spanish Tragedy and Hamlet, soliloquy plays an important role. It is often used to express the true feelings of the main characters. In both tragedies, the protagonists use soliloquy to bear witness a central dilemma that slows the main characters process of vengeance.The dilemma is that it is sinful to commit a murder, but it is also unfair to clutch the criminal a go bad. Their soliloquies show their desire to commit suicide to escape from the dilemma. Another obvious dilemma is that suicide is a sin as well. Thus, the question is whether to live to satisfy the ghost and be damned, or to kill oneself and be damned. Realizing revenge as the better choice of the two, both mad geniuses decide to seek revenge at last. Soliloquies also display the characters madness.It is their uncertainty, their attempt to reveal the truth, and their mind persistently seeking for reason that drives the avengers to some extent of madness however, they are not completely insane. Their madness only acts as a disguise so they seem harmless. Both Hieronimo and Hamlet are deceitful. They stay close to the murderers as a mad person grieving for the death of their loved ones, then they act to their plan when it is least expected. The two avengers succeed in the revenge. Of course, the heroes, along with some other characters in the play, die at the end.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Perspectives on Abortion
Otis Latin ENGL1301. 17 Mrs. Marcom Abortion Title Perspectives on Abortion Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and What Lies in amongst Author Raquel Lopez This essay is a very deep and descriptive essay about abortions and the history behind it. in that location are two different perspectives discussed in this essay and they are, Pro-Life, and Pro-Choice. The essay talks about the historical perspectives of abortion, pro-life perspectives, moral relativism, philosophical considerations, the churchs views on abortion, pro-choice perspectives, abortion relationship with crime, and the governing of abortion.The designers main idea is that pro-life and pro-choice perspectives are all hind endd on the persons emotions and often fail to require logical sense. As the pen states, Pro-Life has two main approaches moral perspectives and religious perspectives. Sometimes these two perspectives intertwine and have some similarities but in many ways they do the complete opposite. The religious perspec tive has very little to be debated considering it embraces the belief in a supernatural almighty entity and on that point is, in fact, very little literature discussing the logics of religion(512).The origin is saying that the religious perspective is saying abortion is wrong based on their beliefs of the grandeur of a life. Critics of abortion attack the fact that despite cultural background, abortion is wrong just as killing is wrong and stealing is wrong in any society, regardless of cultural values(513). The moral perspective is saying that abortion is wrong just like stealing and killing is wrong. The author differs beca practice session everything pile say is right isnt necessarily right. This stand bys prove the authors thesis that your perspective is based off of emotion and not fact.On the other passel there is the Pro-choice perspective of abortion. This means that the people believe in having the choice to have an abortion or not. This essay discusses the history of women as caregivers and nurturers. In these roles they were very close to their children and highly unlikeable for them to think of abortion. Now that times have changed the essay talks about how the change in behavior of women affects the children mentally and physically. For example the article says lack of attention can lead to low self-esteem, anger problems, attention deficit behavioral issues, child molestation, and verbal abuse (514).The authors intended audience was to everyone who has debates or assumptions on abortions. The author addresses pro-life and pro-choice perspective by comparing and contrasting all arguments and backing it up with facts. The author does not make any assumptions, and he clearly backed up his argument. While the authors thesis focused on the use of emotion and abortion perspective, he ends by showing his own personal view. In his conclusion, the author discusses how unfair it is for many children to be forced into poor homes.The author believes th at this is a result decision based on emotion. why Abortion is Immoral Don Marquis This essay is telling the reasons wherefore abortion is considered immoral. The author suggests that abortion is in the same moral category as killing a human being. The author also states that he does not want to base the article off of religion like most anti-abortionist point of views. He does however want to base it on morality and ethics. By doing this the author entrust cover the non religious peoples perspective of abortion. In an essay like this writing strategies are really important.With this being said his writing strategies help him prove a point that isnt very popular. The author uses several writing strategies to get his point achieve this goal. He starts by comparing and contrasting anti abortionist and pro-choice perspectives. In his equation and contrast he gives examples of typical pro-choice and anti abortionist views. The author states that Passions in the abortion debate run hi gh. There are both plausibilities and difficulties with the standard positions(188). After comparing and contrasting the two perspectives, the author points out the issues of each point of view.For every point the author makes he list several examples to support his main idea. Basically this entire essay is the authors argument that abortion is equal to killing a issue child. One of the most persuasive strategies is that the author describes opposite viewpoints, and and then says why they are wrong. This is why the author talks a lot about accord between the accounts(197). One example of this symmetry is when the author talks about some beliefs that fetuses lack of property that is essential for the value-of-a-future (198). Many people might disagree with this point.In fact, this point goes against the authors perspective that abortion is immoral. He stillness talks about this in his essay though because it gives him an opportunity to say why the person that holds this belief is wrong. The author believes that people that hold this view are wrong because if a fetus lacks value and doesnt deserve to live then the same must be said for plants and people in comas (199). Overall the author does a good job of getting his point across. He uses compare and contrast, he describes different examples of different viewpoints and he makes a strong case that abortion is immoral.His purpose was to show an anti abortion view that was based on morality and ethics and not irrational religious dogma (183) or a confused philosophical argument (183) and he succeeded. This essay shows that religion is not the only reason why people might be opposed to abortion. Not looking at religion some people may still believe that abortion is similar to killing an innocent man or woman who didnt deserve to die. Bibliography Lopez, Raquel. Perspectives on Abortion Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and What Lies in between EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012 Marquis, Don. Why Abortion is Immoral Journal of Philosophy, Inc. 1989
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Why is college education necessary?
Learning vs.. Securing a Career Should the students go to colleges and universities to learn and grow or to secure a full future locomote? The answer to this question is debatable. Some people believe that universities should educate students on such(prenominal) lines which make them get a highly paid task. To some goal this nonion is acceptable as far as the economic conditions of the world are concerned.On the contrary, some say that college learning should up bring the students In such a way that they hold a position of respect and professional recognition, moreover that they serve as an essential alluding block in the progress of society. A good Job or money Is not everything knowledge and education are more than that. Just pursuing a ground level may not guarantee you a lucrative Job but studying at a college may develop such skills In students that are necessary to tip a protocol life.It Is the knowledge of education, knowledge of empowerment, knowledge of responsibility and the knowledge of speciality which makes a student an Intellectual personality but not the degree he pursues nor the institution he goes to. So, students should endeavor for the pursuit f excellence and knowledge. There are many purposes for obtaining a college education. Firstly, it develops the character and personality of students which make their lives sound academically, professionally, and financially as well.It helps students to make themselves a promising career. College serves as a medium for students to fulfill their dreams. It gives them a chance to study and research in their preferred subjects and to pursue their Jobs in that field of their specialization. It provides them with a chance to get exposure within them. Universities tend to train dents to step in the red-brick world by giving them theoretical as well as practical knowledge. College education also helps the students to communicate with deferent people, which is beneficial in the corporate world.In sho rt, it provides the necessary skills involve in a professional life. These college educations have brought about a revolution in the history. The Muhammad Anglo-oriental College, later named as Aligarhs Muslim University educated the Muslims of that time on modern lines to make them compete with their contemporaries, and served as a great platform in the placement of an independent nation Pakistan. What if a student does not continue his education after school or does not take admission in a college or university?Will he be able to live a life of dignity and prosperity? The probability Is very low. One may earn more money even by not continuing studies at college, but as I mentioned earlier money is not everything college education makes one academically sound. Therefore, the mall purpose for obtaining college education Is to develop the qualities of Intellectual quirkiness and companionable responsibility wealth oneself, to think beyond the horizon, as well as to up bring ones elf to such an Intellectual personality that one gets a note-worthy Job because of his discern and mental capability.Why is college education necessary? By Muhammad Intense-Khan education should up bring the students in such a way that they hold a position of building block in the progress of society. A good Job or money is not everything guarantee you a lucrative Job but studying at a college may develop such skills in students that are necessary to lead a prolific life. It is the knowledge of education, curiosity which makes a student an intellectual personality but not the degree he knowledge.College education also helps the students to communicate with different university? Will he be able to live a life of dignity and prosperity? The probability is academically sound. Therefore, the main purpose for obtaining college education is to develop the qualities of intellectual curiosity and social responsibility within intellectual personality that one gets a note-worthy Job because of his discern and
Monday, May 20, 2019
International financial manager of P&G Essay
The person responsible for international monetary perplexity at Procter and Gamble Company (P&G) is Jon R. Moeller, an MBA Masters degree holder from Cornell University (Bloomberg, 2010). Moeller is currently the chief financial officer of P&G since the commencement of the year 2009. His career profile shows various important positions he held before finally becoming the companys finance manager- which demonstrate his skills and extensive experience. He coupled P&G in 1988 just after graduating.Whereas there are numerous posts he held in the firm during his long-term stay, it would be important to state some of the pertinent positions to his current obligations in the company. From 2007 to 2008, he served as the companys treasurer. Since the year 2000, he held various positions in planetary beauty and Global health, in P&G, including being the vice president, vice president of finance and accounting, and manager of finance. Various approaches hold back been applied in the managem ent of foreign risks in P&G.When Bob MacDonald stood to present the companys growth profile in February 2010, he clearly pointed out the fact that the main element of such(prenominal)(prenominal) growth is debut. It is rational to assert the fact that at multinational level, the firm is always exposed to risks such as fluctuating interest rates as well as changes in prices of various commodities and currency exchange rates (P&G, 2008). On his part when outlining the companys growth, Jon Moeller pointed out that their main emphasis was beingness of increased value for shareholders mainly at the leadership level (CINCINNATI, 2010).This can only be achieved with making the market value share grow in addition to increasing earnings per enceinte share. In addition, there is need to generate a very strong cash flow consistently. Moller indicated that to tick off increased earnings per share, they were implementing the shareholder value at leadership level. On the other hand, they wo uld enhance innovation and execution to increase profitability of market shares. Consequently, this would create an appropriate environment for prices of goods and exchange rates in foreign currencies.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Mastering listening
There are five elementary palpates that human beings score in order to perceive society and in order to interact with anes surroundings. The instinct of touch is often the appearance to feel what an object is alike(p). The feel of sight is the appearance by which human beings perceive their environment. The sense of smell is new(prenominal) way of getting acquainted with the ground because it allows unrivalled to get a whiff of the air in ones environment. Another sense is that of taste which allows man to savor the delicacies that are available in the world. Finally, and perhaps the most underrated of all senses, the sense of hearing by which a soulfulness cease hear about what goes on in the world.The sense of touch is a great gift because with it a psyche stick out feel what objects are like and it allows pile to differentiate between textures and feels. The sense of smell is some other wonderful gift because it allows people to set out an olfactory experience that introduces man to the many scents of nature. The sense of sight is also very useful for without it a lot of what man has right now would never check been invented.The sense of taste is also an astounding gift because it allows people to taste the wonderful foods that are available in the world. While all of these senses have their own advantages, it is scarcely the sense of hearing that allows a person to know how another person is feeling. It is the only sense that allows a person to find out what is happening in another part of the world. It shag in reality see farther than our eyes and allow us to know accurately what goes on in other places.The gift of hearing and the achievement of listening is a talent that many people turn off or take for granted. Not many people realize that the way to find the window into the reason of another is not with any of the other senses except the sense of hearing. By listening to another person and allowing that person to bare his or her soul, one shadow learn so much more(prenominal) about another and arrive at a reveal, deeper and more complete understanding of who the person rightfully is.The intricacies of the soul are revealed when one actually listens to another. It has been established at this point that the sense of hearing is actually a very important sense as it is the main way by which a person can listen to another. The next question that must be addressed is the relevancy of listening as a skill.All the senses of the human body are designed to do one thing, receive input signal that the brain will eventually process. The listening, as a modality of exercising the sense of hearing, is a manner by which a person is able to gain input with regard to his surroundings and more importantly other people. People communicate mainly through speech.While there are some traits, feelings, emotions and thoughts that can be conveyed through other means, the primary mode of communicating still remains to be through speech and the only way of understanding speech is by listening. Communication is the method by which people interact with others. It involves not only an exchange of ideas but also involves a authentic degree of religion or confidence. That is the reason why listening is so relevant because it allows people to communicate with each other. speaking is but one part of the communication process. The other part is listening.There is certainly no dubiousness that listening is a skill that many people are capable of doing but is sadly something that not everyone does. While most humans are equipped with the sense of hearing, there are still those who can hear but cannot listen. They may be able to hear every single word that has been utter to them but they cannot always be considered as listening. The next question that must be asked is how one can actually listen or become a better listener.Listening is not simply lachrymose ones head and hearing what another person is a rrangeing but requires that a person actually pay careful attention to the words of another. It requires that the listener to do more than just dupe whatever the speaker has to say but in certain instances requires that the listener react in such(prenominal) a way as to encourage the speaker to bring out more. Listening is a way of reassuring the speaker that there is somebody for him to talk to who listens to him. It is a way of communicating various feelings to another person without the use of words.In order to become a good listener or to separate ones listening skills, it is not important that the person is genuinely interested in the other or what the other has to say since the purpose of communication and listening is indeed to come to a better understanding of another person. The thing that is required in order to develop good listening skills is in being able to know when to simply just shut up and listen. There is a certain timing that is needed in listening because list ening may often be confused with tediousness or disinterest by certain people. One has to know when to simply just nod ones head or smile instead of opening ones mouth to say something. This is the most important step at becoming a good listener.It is hard to imagine a world where zilch actually listened or paid any attention to other people. It would probably be a sad world filled with the endless monologue from the unending conversations of people who have nothing to listen to them. The people of the world would arguably be much sadder too since there would be nobody to listen to their problems or help them vent their frustrations.It is not hard to see just how important the skill of listening is. It is also thankfully not hard to become a better listener. The next snip somebody says something, try not to respond right away. Think, learn and feel first and by doing do listening to what the other has to say. If man had learned this skill earlier, think of all the wars and blood shed that mankind could have avoided by simply listening to what the other had to say.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Incentive as a Component of Salesman Compensation Structure
Incentives as a Component of gross receiptsman Compensation Structure By Mohit Pandey 11DM-187 gross sales Management-Section D What atomic number 18 Incentives? It is defined as a type of additional remune ration either in cash or kind devoted to an employee as a means of increasing output or as a motivational influence. Why do we need to give bonuss? Firstly inducements work as psychological stimulant for a person to perform better. Incentives act like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Secondly, the turnover rate of a gross gross gross revenueperson is very mellow and also the cost of substitute a salesperson is also quite high, approximately around $40-50k.Thus to retain the best talent in the company we need to provide adequate incentives to the sales force. The salesperson spends most of his time out in the field and this makes it quite difficult to monitor him. Incentives act as an automatic monitor to make authoritative that the salesperson is working toward s achieving his sales guides. What are the types of Incentives given to a Salesman? The salesman compensation structure is divided into devil parts Fixed Salary and Variable Salary. In a totally risk-free situation in that respect would be no fixed salary, the salesman compensation would consist only of ascorbic acid% Commissions.But since the commercialize is never 100% risk-free and also because of grander straddle-cycles the compensation program has some amount as Fixed Salary. The types of Incentives are * Cash This is most widely given type of incentive. Everyone knows that the major lure in a salesmans job is the opportunity to earn a lot of money and cash incentives are a major component. Cash incentives disregard be segregated into two sub-types * Commissions It is directly to the sales volume. Example 5% fit on every T. V sold. It can either be calculated on the profit coast or on the price of the product.Commission are abruptly- boundary incentives and lead to accession in the sales apparent motion put in by the salesman. * Bonus It is given if the salesman achieves a desired no. of sales know as sales target/quota. It is calculated on the base pay. It is a medium/long term incentive depending on whether it is given quarterly or annually. * Non-Cash These are generally not counted as a part of the compensation designing. They are given to motivate the salesman and based on performance in the long term. Non-cash incentives include * Gift Cards * Merchandise Travel What parameters are used to determine incentives? Generally the ratio of incentives as a ploughshare of the total compensation decreases as you go up the hierarchical structure. At a salesman level it can go up to 100% of his base pay while at the manager level it can vary from 40-60%. The parameters generally used to determine incentives are * Total revenue * New revenue * Gross profit * Price realization * Units sold * Select product sales * New products * Outdated product s * New accounts * Retained accounts * Account expansion Customer satisfaction * First order * Order volume * Contract commitment * Key sales objectives or milestones The parameters used should be line up with the pedigree strategy of the company. For e. g. If a company is launching a new product into the market by the existing sales force, then it doesnt make sense for the company to not have the sales nos. of the new product sold as playing a part in deciding the incentive level of the salesman. Normally only few parameters should be selected so as to make the compensation plan derive to the salesman.The compensation plan should be as clear to the salesman as possible so that he can easily calculate how much he can earn in that category. The sales target being set should be realistic and achievable. Ideally sales targets should be set after a discussion between the management and the salesperson both. Ideally incentives should not have an upper-cap, this deters the high perfo rmers. Even if a company has to set an upper-cap it should be high than the maximum realistic possible of a salesperson.A few reveal points that should be kept in mind while setting the parameters for deciding incentives are * The current market situation (growth or recession). * The product type (B2C or B2B) * The sales order cycle (long or short) * The business strategy ( Increase market penetration or may increase sales of a high margin product or launch of a new product) How much incentive to offer and to whom? The percentage amount of incentive offered to the sales force should not be equal across the board. The high performers moldiness be rewarded for their performance, while the low performers need to be encouraged to perform better.The better the performance the higher should be the incentive level. Also in case of team selling the incentive has to be distributed pro rata amongst the team. It should not be the case wherein the laggards piggyback on the star performers and get the same level of incentive. to boot a victorian framework has to be devised on a company-to-company basis to decide the distribution of incentive for a product sold amongst the team members so as to control costs and avoid tolerant multiple incentives for the same product to multiple persons involved in the sale.The incentives offered should be mix of both short and long term incentives i. e. commissions, bonus, non-cash rewards, etc. This is to ensure that the motivation level of the salesperson is up throughout the year and does not peak at certain periods. The level of incentive payout should be adequate neither alike little so as to discourage the salesperson nor too much as it will increase costs and lower profits and also lower the morale of the non-sales staff. ConclusionHence we can argue that incentives as a component of a salesman compensation structure is highly important. Following is a generic wine framework which can be used to decide an incentive plan * The plan should be clear and well understood by the sales force. * Decide the level of incentive i. e. the percentage to be given and how much and to whom, based on the performance level. * Determine criteria for giving incentives based on a proper analysis of the factors stated above in the report. Keep as less parameters as possible. Keep the sales target level competitive yet achievable. * The level of incentive should be adequate i. e. comparable to the challenger but neither too low nor too high. * Determine the periodicity of incentive payout. * The incentive payout should be based at proper intervals during the year. Sales contests and non-cash rewards are a good way to achieve this. * The plan should be flexible. Ideally make multiple plans and offer it to the sales person so that he can choose which one suits him best. Bibliography Restoring Balance to Sales CompensationHead, Robert G. Sales and Marketing Management144. 9 (Aug 1992) 48. Readers report How we use incentives Do nath, Bob. Sales and Marketing Management145. 6 (Jun 1993) 34. Talking money Anonymous. Sales and Marketing Management149. 12 (Nov 1997) 64-70. May the Sales drag Be with You Ladd, Scott. HRMagazine55. 9 (Sep 2010) 105-107. Reframing salesforce compensation systems An agency theory-based performance management perspective Bartol, Kathryn M. The Journal of person-to-person Selling Sales Management19. 3 (Summer 1999) 1-16.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Business Competition Essay
AbstractIn this paper, I am discussing the relevance of the halcyon humanitarian cocept to the breathed milieu of backup compeition. The paper pull up stakes elaborate cases of contender and how they exist in the global world. The paper a standardized reveals shortly on their roles and benefits in the global world. In the final chapter, the paper discovers that the latest developmet of vocation behaves gave feature to further tendencies toward the peaceful humaitarian concept. The increasing practice of CSR concepts is an indication that the peaceful competition atmosphere is gaining attention deep down the line of reasoning world.Business CompetitionProposition The nature of competition in modern backing surround can co-exist with the peaceful humanitarian idealsIntroductionBusiness and competition has always been inseparable activities in life. Furthermore, as activities of business became the most important activities of our pop offs, we identify our world with compe tition and competitive acts. In the midst of this hard and competitive world, we often forgot that we do not exist simply to do business instead, we do business in order to maintain our existence. In the light of this logic, we should be able to comprehend the role of business as one of the facilitators of life and not becoming life itself. Life on the divergent hand, is depending on how we choose to live.Mother Theresa, one of the most loved humanitarian in the world, often stated that in the midst of all the hub-hubs, people tend to loose their inner peace, in the sentience that they forget what they live for or what makes their life valuable. In one of the speech, she stated that this is caused by the tendencies of our environment. Mother Theresa stated that we lost of sense of peace in life because we forget how to cargon for distributively other and co-exist in peace.In this paper, I am trying to address the relevance of these humanitarian ideals to the modern business envi ronment. Can there be peace among the competitive nature of the business environment and the peaceful ideals of the humanitarian concept? The paper will display some arguments regarding this topic (Competition vs Cooperation, 2007).Overview In the short, business understanding, competition is the act of striving against other for dominance or attainment of goals. Today, the term is familiar to us in various fields like politics, sports, business, etc. In this paper however, we are aiming to focus on business competitions rather than other types of competitions.Levels of Competitions In business competition has slightly different definition than in other respects. It is the independent effort of two or more parties to secure business by offering the most favorable footing and business conditions to the third party. Competition in the world of business can be found right in heart of every business endeavors themselves. Experts identified three types of competition in its relevance t o business. The first type is called direct competition. Direct competition is the field where products that has the same functions compete against each other. Business conditions could lead owners and managers to head off such competition by differentiating product features, or to seek for it by offering the products with identical virtues as others (Kohn, 1986). The second type of competition in business is called substitute competition. These connotes products and services that substitute for each other compete. Business competition can also lead managers to create substitution products to take outside a part of the market share from their competitors. The third type of competition in business endeavors is called the work out competition. This is the general form of competition in business. It involves competing for consumers disposable income. This means that in the business world, every products with any feature are generally in competition with one another.Different Forms of Competitions Besides existing in different levels, competition in the business world also exist in different forms. For instance, competition exists whether internally or externally within most companies. Beside the external competition we are wonted(a) with, there is the internal competition that occurs within companies. Often, managers of the company themselves created the competitive atmosphere inside the corporate structure. Sometimes, this is make by deliberately creating overlapping areas which causes divisions to compete against each other. Furthermore, the leader of the company can also give lessons competition between different product managers or brand mangers. They can compete in terms of sales or growth of sales of the products or brands under their responsibility (Ryckman, 1994).Business Competition and Its globose PracticesIn the increasingly global atmosphere of competition, companies are now fighting not only against its neighbour companies, but also compani es that headquartered thousands of miles away. The prevalence of communication and information technology has allowed this condition. Companies are creating businesses regardless of national and heathenish boundaries. Some countries however, reacted by limiting the competition that might occur within their territories by restricting craftsmanship activities to certain levels. Because competition is subject to legal restrictions in most independent countries, it can be licitly prohibited using monetary or fiscal tools and also trade barriers (Kohn, 1986)..However, instead of limiting competition between them, countries can compete against each other using competition policies and competition law. The competitions between countries are often varying subtle and hard to detect, however, their presence in the global economy are homely for business observers. For instance, the United States, Japan, and The European Union are always in fierce but conceal competition to achieve economic supremacy in the global markets (Kohn, 1986).Analysis Despite the tension and difficulties created by competition, most stomach understood that competition is a natural part of life. By this, I mean that along with its good and bad effects, the human race will always need competition to survive. This is turn up by researches in the biology field, where competition created adaptation and the tendency to constantly improve oneself. In the business world, competition is seen as the pillar of capitalism itself. Competition in the business world stimulates creativity and innovation, supports eficency, move prices and enhances product qualities. Competition is also the reason why companies develop new technologies, new products and new services, which provided us better and broader product selection. However, competition is also recognized for its negative effects. It leads to duplicated effort and in some conditions, increase costs. Competition often leads to stressful way of life an d destructive behaviors. Psychologically, over-competition will create a passing stressful environment which is horrible for a human soul. Materially, competition could lead to unjust acts of economic endeavors. Frauds and similar activities ruin the image of business as they are finally revealed to the society. Nevertheless, I personally believe that fifty-fifty the harsh competitive world of business has its compatibility with ideals of humectation concepts. For instance, recent development indicated the prevalence of the Corporate Social certificate of indebtedness (CSR) demands and initiatives. People are starting to realize that companies are also parts of the society which contains the obligations to co-exist in union within its environment. Companies are now demanded that they take full responsibility for their actions in consideration of the economic, social and environmental issues. Ethical concerns and competition laws are gaining peoples attention in evaluating corpor ate performance. Companies are really loosing customers for their bad social values (Leef, 1996). Observing the latest development in the world of business, we can come together that the humanitarian principles have taken their place in business activities. People in general have started to develop the sense that business endeavors should not be above the values of life. In a sense, the practice of business must now take account of social values and environmental concerns. Although we havent seen such a development that would allow Mother Theresas philosophy of peace to be the head light for global business practices, but the direction of todays development indicated that the scenario of a peaceful competition atmosphere as suggested by Mother Theresa is gaining supporters.ReferencesKohn, Alfie. 1986. No Contest The Case Against Competition. capital of Massachusetts New York London Houghton Mifflin Co.Ryckman, R. M., Thornton, B., Butler, J. C. 1994. Personality correlates of th e hypercompetitive attitude scale Validity tests of Horneys theory of neurosis. ledger of Personality Assessment, 62, 84-94Competition vs Cooperation. 2007. Retrieved February 26, 2007 from http//, George C. 1996. The Virtues of Competition. Retrieved February 26, 2007 from http//
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Business law case study Essay
This essay allow for discuss the Case study by firstly identifying four elements of contract, then justifying duties of Mr. Martin with applying the principles of pre-existing contractual duties. at long last a discussion about diverge lucrement of debt and promissory estoppel forget be explained. Likewise, this essay will evaluate the knowledge of parking area legal philosophy and agency relationship. interrogative sentence 1a) Four essential elements of a contract should be Offer, Acceptance, Intention to create legal relations and Consideration. Firstly, prolong, according to Adams(2012), is a sound and solve statement of the terms(p79) send to a party(the offeree) by a nonher party(the offeror). Otherwise there could be a misunderstanding of an invitation to treat or negotiation which atomic number 18 similar statements. If an offer intends to be lawfully binding, acceptance, by which the offerees gage show their agreement of all the terms of the offer, is needed. Ac ceptance needs to be valid and inform the offeror, while the terms should as same as the previous ones. An a nonher(prenominal) element, i.e. conceiveation, aims to hasten sure the shout do is of value.As defined by Jones (2011), the consideration needs to give benefits to the one, who is suffering a button at the same time. Last but not least, while making an agreement to be licitly enforceable, intention to create legal relations is important. While judging whether it is a binding contract or not, the situation to make this contract needs to be considered, in other words, according to Adams(2012), contract make in a domestic or social environment will not be lawfully bound. Otherwise, if parties are willing to do a commercial agreement, it will be regard as legally bound(Jones, 2011).b) Mr. Martin need to constitute the 750 due to both reasons, based on three cases existed as judicial conditions, which are Stilk v Myrick(1809), Hartley v Ponsonby(1857) and Williams v Rof fey bros(1990)One perspective is that there is an additional value at bottom the new contract, though Mr. Martin and chase the detergent builder were being under a pre-existing contract. Hold that the old contract is not over, due to the other aspect of reason, Mr. martin needs to pay the bare(a) specie in order to bend the loss. These afore-mentioned two points will be justified by cases. Stilk v Myrick(1809) indicates that acaptain promised the seamen extra money if they did successfully return back home.The court finally hold that the captain is not duty to pay the extra money because the old contract is existed as there is not of additional value. While Harley v Ponsonby(1857) was held that the captain needs to pay the extra money, though the situation is similar, because the court consider there is extra value added to the new contract, whilst the old contract is discharged. There are some similarities among these two cases and Mr. Martin s case. Mr. Martin too have an e xisted contract as both parties are agreed to terms of the contract, but comparing to Stilks case, Bob the builder suggest a sub-contract with consider an additional value, which is the value of Martins seafood. Meantime, because of the bad put up and sick crews, Marin need to pay extra money to ensure this additional value is secured, however, this does not fashion the old contract is over because the contract can be fulfilled though it may in all probability be expiry, as Martin has to pay extra 750 in spite of the fee of the previous contract.On the other hand, in Williams v Rpffey bros, the form of addressant consider the loss of defendant if the task is not finished on time, so the defendant do have to pay the claimant the extra money as promised. In this case, Bob the builder consider the benefit of Martin so that they suggest the sub-contractor. As Mr. Marin accepted Bobs counter offer and Bob help him fend off the loss of an amount of seafood. According to the preceden t of Williams case, since new value to considered, Mr. Martin should pay the extra 750. To be concluded, by referring to pre-existing duties, Mr. Martin is obliged to pay the extra 750.c) Mr. Martin needs to pay the full 750, as he violates the rule of part salary of debts. When consider the part payment of debt, it is necessary to fear the rule in Pinnels Case(1602), by which illustrated that part payment is not a sufficient consideration. Because debtors obtains a benefit with giving nothing of value to the creditors. In Marins case, Bob agreed to accept a lower payment(350) in full settlement despite of any excuse Mr. Marin has used. Obviously, Mr. Martin got a benefit of 400, whereas Bob gained nothing. Therefore, Mr. Marin provided no consideration in this case, because being sympathizing Martins bankrupt cannot gain to a greater extent value for Bob. Since two parties failed to achieve benefits of two sides, the promise ofBob is not binding.As a result, Martin has to pay the full 750 as a legal duty. Apart from that, with regard of the classical proud Trees tolerate Case(1947), the principle of promissory estoppel by held that the claimants can acquire the arrears after the end of the war because they have the capacity of claiming the recover the previous hurt before the war started. However, they are prevented to take back the amount of arrears failed to pay because of their previous promise. In High Tress House Case, the promise was make on a real situation where two parties would consider their benefits therefore achieve benefits of both sides. Specifically, the defendants get the right of lease whilst the claimants obtained a number of profits.While in Martins case, no matter whether Mr. Martin have difficulties in his financial situation or not, there is even-tempered no consideration for Bob the builder, although Mr. Martin do have a benefit of saving 400. Since there is no consideration exist, Bob is not obliged to obey the rule of promissory estoppel. To be summarised, by discussing the part payment of debt and promissory estoppel, it is responsible for Mr. Martin to pay the full 750. As Promissory estoppel is on the doctrine of equality.QUESTION 2According to PPP(n.d.), the universal law is the law comprises the custom and judicial precedents of the courts. First feature of common law is that it is not codified, making it is not coming from the comprehensive legislation which is created through Parliament. Apart from EU enforceable law, common law depends on the distributed courts, in where legislative decisions are made. In other words, common law is the certain law made by judges. The decisions have been made in similar cases would expire precedents, which mainly compose the common law. These precedents will be collected and recorded as historical documents or files over time.When coming up a new case, these precedents would be applied in the decision, which means precedents make future decision legally bound. Hie rarchy has to be referred to when talking about the precedent, whereas not every precedent will be used in judging a new case. The precedent made in a higher court can be applied in a lower court, otherwise it will not be applicable. For example, a judicial decision, i.e. precedent, already made in court of supplication should be applicable in high court or county court, but a decision made in countycourt should not obliged to copy for high court. On the other hand, the courts can roll the decisions of those in same level. Last but not least, the common law make contract more freedom, which means there are few regulations to restrict contracts. Basically, everything could be acceptable even if there is super forbidden by law(Adams, 2012 and Jones, 2011).QUESTION 3According to Adams(2012) and Jones(2011), the relationships between agency and principal are fiduciary ones. Basically, federal agents do not have legal right to payment unless the principal authorise the right. Gene rally payment must not be due until the agent have fulfilled the expected result of principal, otherwise, payment can not be used among any certain process on the relationship. However, agent can be regularly paid when agreement express willingness of both sides. Another right of agent is to claim indemnity if there is any expenses incurred when agent conduct the authority, no matter the agent is gratuitous or not. On the other hand, agents do have duty to possess reasonable care and skill, moreover, an agent with schoolmaster or trade skill is expected to preserve the skills as conducting a trade or profession.Then, a contractual agent must carry out the agreed tasks and the whole process of achieving the result should follow the principals orders. Therefore, an agent needs to perform his duties himself. The performance of the duties cannot be delegated to any third party. Likewise, the agent is required to be accountable for any profits arising from the performance of the duties and to record the benefits of exercises of authority. Besides, an agent has duty to avoid the possibility of being conflict of interest without principals permit, though agent must not sell his own property or shares to principal. Last but not least, an agent not sole(prenominal) cannot take any form of bribe, but also cannot make secret profit, whereby the principal can put away the agent and make the contract voidable for fraud.In conclusion, case study has been discussed by applying the related law knowledge in terms of consideration of contract particularly. Therefore, basic explanation of common law and, duties and rights within agency relationship are demonstrated.BibliographyAdams, A (2012), Law for business students(7th ed), London Pearson Education Limited. Public closed-door partnership(n.d.), Key features of common law or civil law systems, Available at http// s-civil-law. (Assessed 22 February 2014) Jones, L (2011), Introduction to Business Law, New York Oxford University Press. Central London Property Trust v High Trees House (1947) KB 130, 44, 53, 110, 119, 595 Hartley v Ponsonby(1875) 7 EL BL 872, 106Pinnels Case (1602) 5 Co Rep 117, 108, 109, 117, 595Stilk v Myrick (1809) 2 Camp 317, 106, 107, 589Williams v Roffey Bros (1990) 1 ALL ER 512 CA, 107-109, 118, 119
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Performance of TESCO Business Research Paper
The Performance of TESCO Business - Research make-up ExampleOverall management is responsible for the performance of TESCO business, its duty of directors to check the performance of business, Mostly the departmental managers are responsible for the performance of their department and top management see that the business is running in accordance with its objectives and they take the measures of any risk which may affect the performance of business and find the etymon of that risk or problem. Tesco is the member of the ETI since it came into existence in 1998. In 2001, it has developed a new syllabus for its purchaser and adept managers to lift up their consciousness of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), ethical issues, and employee eudaemonia in the supply chain. This was the primary course of its manner in the industry and has now been rolled off to its commercial teams. It bequeath carry on training all new commercial purchaser and technical managers in this way. Organizin g standards across its great and complex own brand supply base is a challenge, except Tesco is dedicated to functioning with its suppliers to maintain, develop and get better standards. Tesco remains a component of the ETI, actively modify to projects that aspire to address the complex social matters that subsist in global supply chains. The directors have boilersuit responsibility for day-to-day operational control. Executive directors who are the permanent employee of the company handle the day-to-day operations. Tesco will pick up the pace in its lead ahead of supermarket rivals tomorrow when it lacerates prices of hundreds of goods by another 30 million.
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